Did you ever think that relaxation would take practice? When we were young it was easy to relax: We simply rested our bodies and minds when we were tired. How did our adult minds get so busy and filled with thoughts that make taking those important breaks so hard to do? This relaxation practice can help.
As we enter spring and see signs of the earth blooming, we should think about ways we wish to grow and bloom in our lives. Spring is a great time to bring to life our vision and to set goals for our health and well-being. Taking time to pause allows us to consider the ways.
At the start of a new year, we often think [...]
When we sit in one position for a while, whether at your computer or elsewhere, we may start to feel tight or achy. A gentle twist can be a nice change in your position and perspective.
Practicing self-massage is not only safe, it is a good way to release tension that can cause headaches and contribute to grumpy moods.
As 2020 comes to an end and we prepare for the new year, it is a great time to reflect on the past year and focus on intention setting for the year ahead.
2020 was a year of shifting patterns, routines and norms. We have been stuck in the house so long that it may feel like you will not remember what it is like to get back to living life to the fullest when we finally throw open our doors.
changing your breathing—slowing it down, taking deeper breaths, controlling your exhale—releases endorphins (“feel-good hormones”), removes toxins from your body, slows your heart rate, and provides oxygenated blood that makes every system work more efficiently. Just this one simple action makes everything else better.
Acupressure may not be your first thought during the holiday season, as this time of year should be spent filled with family, friends, food, and memories. But this year everything will look different, and these couple of months could be stressful. Even if you love the holiday season, the expectations and extra work can be overwhelming. When you notice yourself feeling edgy, it's a perfect reminder that self-care is essential during the holidays, and every day.
Stress plays an important part in our day to day life. Left unchecked, it can affect our ability to feel balanced, both mentally and physically. Allowing yourself space and time to recognize and release those feelings of excess stress is an important part of self-care.
The poem, The Guest House, by the 13th century poet, Rumi, is used often in mindfulness practice. In this 5-minute 25-second recording, everyday moments and even annoyances are transformed into something special.