Dr. Christie Thomas, a nephrologist at the University of Iowa and the Iowa City VA Healthcare System, discusses his favorite organ, the kidney.
In this episode Vince and David, a father and son pair, talk two days before their kidney transplant surgery for Vince, an Air Force Veteran.
In this and the following two episodes, Veterans and their caregivers talk about their experiences with chronic kidney disease and transplants through VA.
Researchers from VA and the artificial intelligence company DeepMind have achieved a promising medical breakthrough, developing a technology that has the potential to predict a life-threatening kidney condition up to two days before it happens.
The random plasma glucose test predicts who is at risk of developing diabetes within five years, according to a VA study. The finding could help Veterans avoid the disease or get earlier treatment.
The five-year program, which includes about 25 biologists and engineers from around the country, is trying to develop tools that will facilitate development of an artificial kidney in the future.
Although March's National Kidney Month is coming to a close, it is never too late to learn about the dangers of kidney disease and take steps to protect yourself.