VA offers many different virtual health care tools to Veterans with health concerns who are traveling, from remote connection from My HealtheVet to different mobile apps to telehealth.
Telehealth technology does more than overcome the physical distance between […]
Through video technology, VA health care providers are increasing access to care — diagnosing and managing care remotely for enrolled Veterans across the country
The summit focus is on significantly expanding Veteran heath care access by collaborating with industry partners to amplify the use of emerging technologies that best meet Veteran needs.
Since its launch in August 2017, more than 20,000 Veterans have used VA Video Connect to receive care and currently more than 4,000 VA providers across the country are set up to use the system.
VA launched a pilot telehealth program today that will give rural Veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder remote access to psychotherapy and related services.
Telehealth technology ensures Veteran patients receive the right care at the right time and often in the comfort of their own home.
At VA, our top priority is our Veterans, and everything […]