After losing her home when her husband died, Coast Guard Veteran Teresa Bowser is now enjoying life thanks to the HUD-VASH program.
After an automobile accident, Veteran Edna Higa told the doctors to make sure she was okay so she could go to the Golden Age Games.
Jay Walker didn’t know his Army benefits would one day connect him with vital housing and health care.
Barry Peterson shares his experience as a VA virtual reality provider and user and how it helps him connect with other Veterans.
The My VA Images app’s text message notification feature is bringing health care directly to Veterans’ phones.
East Bay Veteran Community Partnership and patient advocates work together to help Veterans navigate the VA health care systems.
The 22 southern Nevada students from community high schools contributed 2,849 volunteer hours in 10 VA services.
Clinic offers a wide range of adaptive sports activities tailored to Veterans with physical and mental challenges.
Approaching cultural differences as learning opportunities helps providers in the Pacific Islands VA serve Veterans facing houselessness.