One Veteran credits Orlando VA Whole Health and an unexpected passion for competitive bearding with saving his life.
At VA, we put women Veterans at the center of your care with a personalized Whole Health approach for your unique needs and goals.
Whole Health empowers Veteran to take control of a stressful living situation and find a new home.
Playing guitars allows Veterans to engage in therapeutic offerings in a meaningful way.
MVP’s research informs personalized care for Veterans, supporting whole health and beyond.
Whole Health inspires thought provoking and creative approaches that maximize potential for Veterans.
Here's how one combat Veteran lives a full, vibrant life supported by Whole Health, using acupuncture, nutrition and meditation.
THRIVE is a Whole Health program that promotes well-being for Veterans and employees on a national scale.
Army Veteran strengthens his mindfulness and awareness by adding Tai Chi classes to his personal health care plan.
Orlando VA staff participate in a variety of whole health activities. The overall health and resilience of employees is critical.
Eating too fast can affect your health and well-being… things like elevated blood pressure, increased blood sugar levels and decreased nutrients.
VA’s shift to a Whole Health system of care changes the conversation from “What is the matter with you?” to “What matters to you?”