National nonprofit American Corporate Partners (ACP) works with post-9/11 Veterans to help them find meaningful employment after military service. Whether Veterans are looking for a higher paying job or seeking a promotion, an ACP Mentor can help guide them toward positive employment outcomes. The program helps Veterans find great jobs – and the right jobs for them.
All industries and career paths are represented and Veterans can explore career opportunities, learn about job search tips and tricks, gain resume and interviewing skills, and get connected directly to employers who are hiring. Since 2010, more than 22,000 Veterans have already found success through ACP.
In addition to facilitating thousands of nationwide mentorships, ACP staff works hard to connect Veterans to meaningful employment opportunities at its partner companies. Veterans who become part of the ACP network also enjoy other benefits, such as:
- A free online question and answer community, ACP AdvisorNet, to get quick career advice and search job postings.
- Wednesday Webinars with partner companies and hiring managers.
Get Paired with a Mentor
Getting started with ACP is easy:
Visit and fill out a brief application. Answer questions that include background, interests, military experience and mentoring preferences.
What to Expect after Applying?
ACP will reach out within 24 hours and schedule a 15-minute phone call to ask a few more clarifying questions in order to match the Veteran with the right mentor. ACP will introduce the Veteran to a mentor within several weeks of their application to the program, and will check in throughout the year to provide customized resources and ensure positive outcomes. Ninety-eight percent of Veterans would recommend ACP.
All post-9/11 Veterans who have served at least 180 days of active duty since 9/11 are eligible.
*The sharing of any non-VA information does not constitute an endorsement of products and services on the part of VA. Verify information with the organization offering.
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What about us PRE-9/11 veterans!!!???
Use your State and Federal Dollars. By using a Vocational Rehabilitation Services, that helps all unemployed, employed, people with a disability that want to work. Check out your state agency. So sorry to hear issues that most of you are having. A Veteran is a Veteran. Service should be provided to all that need your services. If not have other options for them instead of “NO”.
State Agency that work with all person with a disability that wants to work or seeking a higher paying job or seeking a promotion,
Mad this is what my husband passed away from . He was disabled veteran . I get thing
And what about the spouses/relatives of Veteran’s who can’t support themselves?
I am a honorably discharged veteran who worked in the Housekeeping dept. At the V.A. They asked me for our tax and earning statements. I was denied care at the V.A. REASON? They told me I/we made too much money…This is B.S. When I was discharged we were told amongst other things that we could get free health care at the V.A. or a military facility period. The Veterans Logo is “Keeping the Promise”..
The only promise of coverage is for a service connected disability irrespective of discharged medically or post career. It is for the service injury nothing else unless you net a certain economic thresholds or once above 50% rating you get complete coverage. It’s basically Medicaid for veterans in poverty or close, and those with service injuries. Once you have a rating, even 10% you can get discounted rates dependent on income but a cutoff exists. I believe mental health is available always, could be wrong on that. File s claim for anything you have related to your career and start from there.
I was excited to reas this article. I wanted to forward the information to my brother, whom if I wasnt letting him live in my house, would be homeless. He was infantry, pre 9/11. They told him it was weak to go to sick call. He got out honorably, with no disability rating. Now his knees are shot, uses a wheelchair. CANNOT GET FEDERAL DISABILTY. Even though he cant move. SHAME, SHAME.
Unfortunately that’s how infantry is. And though they need to be tough, that mentality is what screws them out of being able to get rated for VA disability. Only a few things you can get automatic ratings for due to the MOS you were in or are considered presumptuous. Without evidence from their medical record, they cannot get a decent rating. My fiancé has the same issue with not having any records of his issues because he was infinitary.
I am very interested in this program because I’m starting over in the workforce. Please contact me the sooner the better, I worked for the government and I am looking for another opportunity to work for the government in a different capacity.
I am a veteran with a 60% disability rating, and I was treated unjustly by the last place I was employed, but I’m not looking backwards, my focus is on the future and all the possibilities that await me in the future.
Hello Ricky, be encouraged I really do have some good news that I believe will be not only helpful to you, but others as well. I work for a state agency called “Vocational Rehabilitation Services” under the Texas Workforce Commission. One of our main functions is employment services with people with disabilities. Just ask to apply for services and we will do the rest of course along with you. You must want to work. I believe your opportunities will be limited and enriching with this resource. I too, have used their services with success. To include a “job save” because of an unjustly supervisor that I worked for who harrassed me to the point I could not perform my essential duties due to anxiety. They hirer me a job coach to assist me to retain my job along with other services at no costs. So good luck Ricky
I’m not sure what state you reside in, prayerfully there is a state agency such as “Vocational Rehabilitation Services” . This is the link to Texas’ website:
Our main
I still find it hard to believe how certain veterans takes precedence of others. When both down the same sht while in the military
Typical bullsht
Hahaha. I just graduated college at 50 with a Technology Manufacturing Degree CAD 3D Printing. I will try and email somebody.
Congratulations! That’s awesome!
So those of us who volunteered after Vietnam — when NO ONE EVER said “Thanks for your service”; it was more like “Only stupid people join the military. What the hell is wrong with you?” — and before 9/11, we’re just to screw off?
No surprise. That’s how we were treated by civilians back then. That’s how we’re ignored by the VA now.
What a surprise. Not.
Some of us could really use a much better job, and are competent for it too. Thanks, again VA, for nothing. *spits*
You are exactly right! If we didnt go to Iraq, we are not politically popular. Typical government BS
I found this information that might help:
“For exceptions to this policy, please email ACP staff at with an explanation of your circumstances.
If you served prior to 9/11, please join us on to get free career guidance from thousands of volunteer career Advisors.”
That’s great for post 9/11, but what about the rest of us. Please reconsider helping all veterans. Covid has changed the career plans of many veterans.
I think this is complete utter bullsht, why are you only accepting post 9/11 vets. There are many gulf war vets as well as disabled vets who have these same problems. Leave it to the ignorant to continue to screw veterans of different generations.
That’s great for post 9/11, but what about the rest of us. Please reconsider helping all veterans. Covid has changed the career plans of many veterans.
I have 10 years experience helping downsized execs and managers get re-employed. I’d be happy to help.
Bud Feuchtwanger
Former Lt(JG) USNR
Mr Feuchtwanger, thank you for helping this community.
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Frank Samuels Vietnam veteran waiting for hypertension to be added to agent orange presumptive aliment, what the hold up, Vietnam veteran getting older