Over the past two years, the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted workers in the United States. VA is dedicated to helping unemployed Veterans return to the workforce during this crisis through the Veteran Rapid Retraining Assistance Program (VRRAP). VRRAP provides up to 12 months of tuition, fees and a monthly housing allowance to eligible Veterans who are training toward employment in a high-demand occupation.
Approved VRRAP training providers are located nationwide and offer education for associate degrees, non-college degrees and certificate programs. What makes this program unique is the participation agreements with training providers. Incentives are given to these partners with a “pay-for-performance” model. VRRAP training providers receive a payment when participating Veterans start, complete their VRRAP program and secure employment in their chosen field. At VA, outcomes are driving what we do, and Veterans returning to the workforce after completing a VRRAP program is a top priority.
To assist Veterans in finding the right job after completing their training, VA has partnered with Hiring Our Heroes to offer support and guidance and to provide employment assistance. Through network events, outreach forums, lunch & learns, job previews and resource fairs, Veterans can utilize Hiring Our Heroes career connectors, resume engine, resources and other tools to find a job.
If you are an eligible Veteran, VRRAP is an excellent option to help you overcome the impact of COVID-19 and seek out a new career opportunity. From business operations and construction to education and social services, a new path is ready for you to explore. Applying online is quick and easy. In this short video, you’ll learn how more than 4,100 fellow Veterans have already started utilizing the benefit.
Get started now! Companies recognize Veterans’ value and work ethic. Launch your career forward and take advantage of this limited-time program.
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This comes as just a little too late after the House discontinued the program several years ago, leaving us hanging with no job, and no money AND having to pay it all back and by it being on our credit reports negatively. So now, years later…you bring it back, which is good however alot of don’t qualify now. I, for one, is disabled and receive VA compensation. Last I heard [about this program], in order to qualify, you must not be receiving compensation. Very frustrated right now because I would have loved to finish up my Culinary training.
[Editor: This “VRRAP” is not the same as the previous joint effort between VA and DOL “VRAP.”]