When you talk to other Veterans, you can help bust myths and misconceptions that prevent them from getting their health care through VA. Please share the information below and in part one of this series. By sharing, you can help your fellow Veterans understand the world-class quality of VA health care and encourage them to access the care they deserve.
MYTH: VA doesn’t provide high-quality care.
FACT: VA provides excellent coordinated care, resulting in better outcomes for Veterans.
VA takes a team approach to health care with Veterans at the center. VA’s approach involves collaboration among primary care team members who know their patients as individuals with their own personal health goals. VA’s model of care allows a seamless transition from primary to specialty care when needed.
Research shows this approach leads to better quality care, more satisfied patients and fewer hospital visits.
MYTH: VA does not provide modern services like other health systems.
FACT: The future of medicine is here at VA.
VA Medical Centers use the latest medical technology and VA doctors are skilled in the latest procedures, medicines and techniques. Many VA doctors also work at top university teaching hospitals, training the next generation of doctors.
When you sign up for VA health care, you can manage your health and benefits online, including refilling prescriptions, communicating with your care team, attending telemedicine appointments and more. These options make accessing and receiving care through VA easier than ever.
MYTH: There’s no need to sign up for VA health care if you have private coverage.
FACT: There are many advantages to having both VA health care and other health coverage.
There is no cost associated with enrolling in VA care – and VA doctors know Veterans. They work in teams to brainstorm the best treatment options for patients, and they ask important questions that non-VA doctors may not know regarding combat injuries and other military-related health issues. This makes the care more Veteran directed.
If you provide your private health insurance coverage information, VA can bill your insurance provider for non-service-connected conditions treated by VA. This can offset some or all of your VA copayment and may also go toward your annual deductible with your private insurer, saving you money.
MYTH: VA can’t provide Veterans with the care they need.
FACT: VA is ready to care for every eligible Veteran.
VA doctors are empowered to spend as much time with each patient as is necessary. There are no strict time limits like in private care, plus you’ll receive regular care at the VA location of your choice.
When you enroll in VA health care, you become part of the country’s largest integrated health care system – with more than 1,200 care locations and a network of 367,000 providers ready to meet the unique needs of today’s Veterans.
As a Veteran who receives care from an outstanding team in VA, I encourage you to get the comprehensive care you need. Visit www.choose.va.gov/health to learn more about eligibility and apply today. If you are already enrolled, please help us do some myth-busting, and encourage other Veterans to apply!
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I am disable with heart problems and the Cardo at VA says they can’t get ahold of me for a appointment. Everybody else has no problem getting hold of me. So if you don’t call for a appointment Va Don’t care.
It’s not myth. Do you read the OIG reports? The surveys and reviews the Healthcare systems conducts on themselves are manipulated to cover problems, the VA OIG was provided the audio of the VA Ann Arbor patient advocate supervisor admitting it as well as admitting to talking the PMR pharmacist out of making an OIG complaint about the pain clinic communication problems (also confirmed on recording but not logged in system) and the abandonment of patients. As more VA Ann Arbor patients were abandoned without even a call the PMR clinic used the wildly misused VISN10 Disruptive behavior program to silence the patients and families using VA Police.
I have always had a good experience with VA for 12 years. I started having knee pain in right knee, called to get appointment was told I would have to wait 32 days for next appointment, went to walk in clinic was told I needed to see Ortho. doctor was given Steroid shot and pills. Tried to see Dr. again was told 31 days out. long story short it has been well over 2months finally got a mri done now VA says I need a operation still have to wait 7-10 days before that can be scheduled then have to wait to get appointment with Ortho. Dr. in community care network, now I can barely walk. VA keeps saying they are getting better not where I am.
MYTH: VA can’t provide Veterans with the care they need. FACT: VA is ready to care for every eligible Veteran.
The above information is not true. The VA has a program called Home Based Primary Care (HBPC) for Veterans who are homebound and/or not able to travel. The VA Richmond and Washington have both denied me HBPC solely on my home address in Woodbridge, VA and not because of my medical conditions. Additionally, Community Care Richmond has denied my community care HBPC. My dermatologist at Richmond has denied me a different medication for my skin conditions because I cannot travel to see her and I do not have video capability. I have a serious hearing/comprehension problem and can not use the phone or audio on a video appointment. My skin conditions are the same as the last time I visited only they are worse and creams are not helping.
VA treats me like a guinea pig, ie we vets dont have a right to be an advocate for ourselves and choosing treatment options
VA treats me like a puppet, ie do it their way or the highway.
While I believe VA doctors need more training, they may be acting within scope of a system designed to be like a conveyor belt.
I have not had too much problems with the VA Healthcare at the Murfreesboro Tn. Just miscommunication with my Primary care assistant! With a phone call it is resolved!
I waited months for my VA appointment. I wrote of list of questions and concerns to ask the doctor when I saw her. Arrived 15 mins early for my appointment, finally got to see the doctor 10 mins late. The doctor spent the next 15 mins inputting data into her computer asking me a question or two as she did this. She looked at her watch several times during this time and even stated one time out loud that her next patient was going to be pissed with her because she was going to be late. Finally she listened to my heart and lungs and said all was good and indicted that my appointment was over. I told her I had several question and issues I wanted to ask her about, one in particular. She said she didn’t have time and I needed to make several more appointments to see her. I told her “I have some health issues that are getting bad! She still insisted the appointment was over and even said that she was a retired military Doctor and that this was her retirement basically saying she didn’t have time for me. I left discussed with the way I was treated. The next week I ended up it the emergency room and spent 4 days in the hospital!.
All on all the VA is a good health care provider but there is one clinic here in North Texas that needs to learn how to treat veterans. I have had to confront them and report them to the Dallas VA for conduct unbecoming. They only have one MD and one PA because it is a small city but these people DO NOT know know how to treat veterans but they gonna learn. They act there are God’s gift to mankind. In my eyes they are sorry excuses for mankind.
It’s not the health care, it’s the way your treated by the staff you check in with they feel your beneath them or faking your service connection cause they can’t see the injuries or the horror you had to go through at times to get them. The receptionist and some of the interns treat us like SHT!!!