On Sept. 1, the Little Rock VA Regional Office opened a satellite office at John L. McClellan VA to assist Veterans, spouses and survivors with their VA benefits needs.
“We are excited to have a claims representative assigned to this convenient location for Veterans,” said Little Rock VA Regional Office Executive Director Sammie Quillin. “This provides us the perfect opportunity to meet with Veterans where they already are and to better serve their needs.”
In the photo, Little Rock VA Regional Office Specialist Cecil Ennett (right) assists Army Veteran Troy Mitchell with VA paperwork.
VA Regional Offices provide financial and other forms of assistance to Veterans and their dependents. This includes disability compensation, survivor’s benefits, pension and fiduciary service, education and training, vocational rehabilitation and employment assistance, life insurance coverage and home loan guaranties.
VA disability compensation is a monthly tax-free payment to Veterans who got sick or injured while serving in the military and to Veterans whose service made an existing condition worse.
Satellite office saving Veterans time, travel and expense
“Many Arkansas Veterans live in rural areas, and this satellite office is a convenient stop when they are already in Little Rock for a medical appointment,” said Quillin. “Ultimately, it will save them time, travel and expense. It is our duty and honor to assist them with their VA benefits.”
Veterans and their family members may also take advantage of VA’s Visitor Reporting Engagement Application (VERA), a new, easy-to-use, online tool to schedule in-person or virtual appointments with VA benefits counselors.
For more information about VA benefits, visit http://benefits.va.gov/benefits/ or call 800-827-1000.
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