You’ve likely already heard about how the PACT Act could impact your care and benefits, but did you know it also expands health care eligibility for many Veterans?
When President Biden signed the PACT Act Aug. 10, 2022, it initiated one of the largest expansions of VA benefits in history. This includes extended VA health care enrollment eligibility to Vietnam-era, Gulf War-era and Post-9/11 Veterans.
You can help spread the word about expanded eligibility to enroll in VA health care for your Veteran friends who have not previously enrolled. Here are all the details you need to know to help them get the care they earned and deserve.
For Vietnam-era Veterans
Vietnam-era Veterans who served in the following locations and time periods are eligible to apply for enrollment beginning now:
- Republic of Vietnam between Jan. 9, 1962, and May 7, 1975
- Thailand at any U.S. or Royal Thai base between Jan. 9, 1962, and June 30, 1976
- Laos between Dec. 1, 1965, and Sept. 30, 1969
- Certain provinces in Cambodia between April 16, 1969, and April 30, 1969
- Guam or American Samoa (or their territorial waters) between Jan. 9, 1962, and July 31, 1980
- Johnston Atoll (or a ship that called there) between Jan. 1, 1972, and Sept. 30, 1977
How to talk to your friends about VA health care
If you have eligible Veteran friends who aren’t currently enrolled, they may be hesitant to apply for any number of reasons. Consider sharing your own experience to help demystify the process. Remind them that they earned the right to this care through their service and point them in the direction of resources to help – like visiting their nearest VA medical center or clinic.
Plus, it’s free and easy to apply. Read on for more details about VA health care and the four simple options for applying.
Fast facts about VA health care
- Enrollment is free, and health care may be free as well.
- VA health care for any illness or injury determined to be related to your military service (called “service connected”) is free. The PACT Act added more than 20 presumptive conditions, expanding benefits to Vietnam-era, Gulf War-era, and Post-9/11 Veterans.
Check out the complete list of new presumptive conditions at
Tell your friends to apply for VA health care in one of four ways:
- Online:
- By calling the toll-free hotline: 877-222-8387.
- By mailing VA Form 10-10EZ to:
- Health Eligibility Center
PO Box 5207
Janesville, WI 53547-5207
- Health Eligibility Center
- In person at their nearest VA medical center or clinic
Learn more about the PACT Act
Visit to get the latest information and follow the Veterans Health Administration on Facebook and Twitter for real-time updates.
PACT Act Resources for download (version date)
VA Exam Screening Differences (6.11.24)
PACT Act and Veterans Who are Homeless or At Risk of Becoming Homeless (6.18.24)
PACT Act Health Care Eligibility (6.18.24)
Accessing PACT Act Benefits and Services (3.27.24)
PACT Act Overview (6.18.24)
PACT Act Toxins Poster (3.1.24)
Toxic Exposure Screening Fast Facts (12.17.24)
Accessing PACT Act Benefits and Services Journey Map (2.28.23)
PACT Act Toxic Exposure Map (6.21.23)
PACT Act for Women Veterans (5.9.23)
Toxic Exposure Screening At a Glance (11.6.23)
Camp Lejeune FAQ (12.6.22)
PACT Act VA Benefits Specialist Flyer (11.8.22)
PACT Act Survivor Benefits (11.4.22)
PACT Act Scams Information (11.4.22)
Connect with VA Flyer (11.1.22)
PACT Act Cold War, Vietnam Veterans (9.27.22)
PACT Act VA Facilities Map (8.9.22)
Enroll in VA Health Care (6.18.24)
PACT Act Survivor Benefits (Arabic)
PACT Act Scams Information (Arabic)
PACT Act Cold War, Vietnam Veterans (Arabic)
PACT Act VA Facilities Map (Arabic)
PACT Act VA Benefits Specialist Flyer (Arabic)
Connect with VA Flyer (Arabic)
PACT Act Survivor Benefits (Chinese)
PACT Act Scams Information (Chinese)
PACT Act Cold War, Vietnam Veterans (Chinese)
PACT Act VA Facilities Map (Chinese)
PACT Act VA Benefits Specialist Flyer (Chinese)
VA Exam Screening Differences (Chinese)
Connect with VA Flyer (Chinese)
PACT Act Survivor Benefits (French)
PACT Act Scams Information (French)
PACT Act Cold War, Vietnam Veterans (French)
PACT Act VA Facilities Map (French)
PACT Act VA Benefits Specialist Flyer (French)
VA Exam Screening Differences (French)
Connect with VA Flyer (French)
Haitian Creole
PACT Act Survivor Benefits (Haitian Creole)
PACT Act Scams Information (Haitian Creole)
PACT Act Cold War, Vietnam Veterans (Haitian Creole)
PACT Act VA Facilities Map (Haitian Creole)
PACT Act VA Benefits Specialist Flyer (Haitian Creole)
VA Exam Screening Differences (Haitian Creole)
Connect with VA Flyer (Haitian Creole)
PACT Act Survivor Benefits (Japanese)
PACT Act Scams Information (Japanese)
PACT Act Cold War, Vietnam Veterans (Japanese)
PACT Act VA Facilities Map (Japanese)
PACT Act VA Benefits Specialist Flyer (Japanese)
VA Exam Screening Differences (Japanese)
Connect with VA Flyer (Japanese)
PACT Act Survivor Benefits (Korean)
PACT Act Scams Information (Korean)
PACT Act Cold War, Vietnam Veterans (Korean)
PACT Act VA Facilities Map (Korean)
PACT Act VA Benefits Specialist Flyer (Korean)
VA Exam Screening Differences (Korean)
Connect with VA Flyer (Korean)
PACT Act Survivor Benefits (Polish)
PACT Act Scams Information (Polish)
PACT Act Cold War, Vietnam Veterans (Polish)
PACT Act VA Facilities Map (Polish)
PACT Act VA Benefits Specialist Flyer (Polish)
VA Exam Screening Differences (Polish)
Connect with VA Flyer (Polish)
PACT Act Survivor Benefits (Portuguese)
PACT Act Scams Information (Portuguese)
PACT Act Cold War, Vietnam Veterans (Portuguese)
PACT Act VA Facilities Map (Portuguese)
PACT Act VA Benefits Specialist Flyer (Portuguese)
VA Exam Screening Differences (Portuguese)
Connect with VA Flyer (Portuguese)
PACT Act Survivor Benefits (Russian)
PACT Act Scams Information (Russian)
PACT Act Cold War, Vietnam Veterans (Russian)
PACT Act VA Facilities Map (Russian)
PACT Act VA Benefits Specialist Flyer (Russian)
VA Exam Screening Differences (Russian)
Connect with VA Flyer (Russian)
PACT Act Survivor Benefits (Spanish)
PACT Act Scams Information (Spanish)
PACT Act Cold War, Vietnam Veterans (Spanish)
PACT Act VA Facilities Map (Spanish)
PACT Act VA Benefits Specialist Flyer (Spanish)
VA Exam Screening Differences (Spanish)
Connect with VA Flyer (Spanish)
PACT Act Survivor Benefits (Tagalog)
PACT Act Scams Information (Tagalog)
PACT Act Cold War, Vietnam Veterans (Tagalog)
PACT Act VA Facilities Map (Tagalog)
PACT Act VA Benefits Specialist Flyer (Tagalog)
VA Exam Screening Differences (Tagalog)
Connect with VA Flyer (Tagalog)
PACT Act Survivor Benefits (Vietnamese)
PACT Act Scams Information (Vietnamese)
PACT Act Cold War, Vietnam Veterans (Vietnamese)
PACT Act VA Facilities Map (Vietnamese)
PACT Act VA Benefits Specialist Flyer (Vietnamese)
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VA.Gov/PACT directs you to a claim form which I’m hesitant to fill out because in the past attempting to file a claim by ourselves doesn’t work out very well or at all usually a VSO is required to get it filed right.
Why is the VA’s rating for hypertension higher than the American Heart Association?
I think you guys left off Korean DMZ vets from about 1970 to 1972. Severe exposure to Agent Orange.
Vietnam vets at Camp Lejeune were exposed to toxins.
Training there vet was exposed to toxins in the water.
Vetnam Quantri province I was injured in country, I was told Pact Act only for heath care no compansion??Burn pits 2 miles from DMZ
Thomas Reichert
This is great news for anyone who served in a combat theater, but what about the millions of servicemembers who were exposed to these toxins on a daily basis “in the rear”? I was exposed to chemical weapons and other toxins on a daily basis at Fort McClellan and then at a chemical weapons depot in Germany. However, since I don’t have a service ribbon and my military medical records “disappeared”, I can’t even get a rating. I’ve seen several others post similar situations on this thread. So far, the VA response is (crickets). I suffer from horrible mental physical issues which have been linked to nerve and brain damage by civilian doctors.
WOW! totally left out us Camp Lejeune veterans and the toxic water exposure. Forgotten again!
I have filed for these compensation benefits and was denied. Does this mean i have to file again?
Its already on record. Will the VA look at these in January 2023? If it’s presumptive should be no problem
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Why does the government refuse to include the veterans who were assigned to Fort McClellan, AL from any presumptive benefits for service connected illnesses due to chemical exposures? The exposure is well documented.
Ischemic Heart Disease and aortic aneurysm are both caused by calcification in the arteries. Why is ischemic heart disease presumptive for agent orange, while aortic aneurysm is not?
I sprayed “weed killer”, surplus, green barrel with purple stripe, at NAS Chase Field Beeville Texas 1973. Had reaction, blisters on exposed skin and sinus issues soon after, diagnosis heat rash. Now dealing with skin cancer on blistered areas. Previously denied for “skin rash”. Am now informed possible exposure to Rainbow Herbicide known as “Agent Purple” . Incontrollable hypertension. Is it known that in country US Air Bases used surplus herbicides?
It would be great if the VA followed up with the service connected issues that are already on their plate.
Ive had high blood pessure for years after leaving Vietnam. This is now presumptive for agent orange exposure along with asthma and rhinitus which i filed for and was denied. This too is presumptive. Was exposed to burn pits in country. If presumptive why the denial?
Does this PACT include Reservist who served during the time period of
1971 to 1977 and was honorably discharged and had a DD214.
Having served at Clark AFB Philippines 1962-64 as an aircraft Instrument tech I was around various transit a/c while repairing them.
We were all wearing dosemeters in order to record radiation exposure. Thyroid cancer struck me in 1995. Was it due to this service? I was denied my VA claim even though records of radiation exposure were lost. Does this include coverage?
I need some help also I put in a claim for the second time how can I check on my claim.I service in Vietnam from 1965/66 and yes we got spray on a few times.
Here is what I found:
We encourage all Veterans and survivors to file for benefits now. We’ll start to process PACT Act-related benefits in January 2023. We must wait for funding approval from Congress and put the needed systems in place before we can process these claims.
If you apply for benefits at any time in the next year and we grant your application, we’ll likely backdate your benefits to the date of the bill signing. This means we’ll pay you the amount you would have received from August 10, 2022, to the date we grant your application.
However – do you have an attorney and Advocate? In this particular case, since it has already been approved by Congress, I don’t think there is much more you can do except wait. Make sure to check on status for any surviving children and if you have urgent care needs, go ahead and go to the hospital because I am sure they will take care of whatever is going on. Where do you live?
Already filed for compensation for presumptive conditions that I have and was denied. Should I file again? It should be on record. Cant they look at my previous filing?
How come Service members who served as Peacekeepers in Beirut Lebanon from 1982 -1984 who received an Expeditionary Medal have not been included in the Pack Act. They have endured the same type of hardships as others as well 241 service members were lost on a single day 23 Oct. 1983. They deserve the same benefit.
Gulf War Vet in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and Kuwait doing classified missions from 08/1990 til 03/1991. 97B20. Only mentioning because my DA FORM 2166-7 Part III d. Areas of special emphasis states “Official Liaison” First Denial on Asthma claim couple of weeks before Pact Act 2022 had remarks alluding to no real exposure. My hat is off for the tactical warriors and their brilliance. But for ignorance to bias a report is inexcusable. Only item not classified was the 10% of my time driving chase car with Special Operations in tow behind the CINC in the build up meeting multiple unts and a little after Desert Storm commenced. Everyone but the General was civilian clothes. My health is gone but devaluing exposures and contribution is as painful as my health.
Please reapply. There are now presumed conditions that you do not have to prove.
I think this is great for us that served during those time. If there is anything I am missing please educate me on what my country has for me
1St Sgt Albert Crawford
I just remarked about Ft. McClellan. Happy for you though.
I’m a Vietnam, gulf war & post era veteran. I was exposed to agent orange, burn pots and other things..these are documented on my file
.since my second heart attack I have permanent 100% rating..should I still apply ?
Lance William Furst…if you aren’t already using the VA Clinic / Hospital you can enroll today. This article was about VA Healthcare. Since you’re 100% sc you can apply right now. Don’t wait….there will be a flood of applications that might slow the process down.