As we celebrate Pride Month, it’s important to recognize that the fight for equality and inclusion is ongoing. At VA, we are committed to ensuring that Pride counts, every day of the year. We believe that every Veteran, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, deserves the highest quality of care and support.
One of the ways we are working toward this goal is through the Center for Minority Veterans (CMV). For decades, CMV has worked to ensure all underserved Veterans, which now includes Veterans who identify as LGBTQ+, receive equitable and culturally sensitive care. VA Secretary Denis McDonough highlights VA’s work and commitment to LGBTQ+ Veterans in these remarks. The center provides resources and support to help LGBTQ+ Veterans navigate the VA system and access the care they need.
In addition to the Center for Minority Veterans, the Veterans Health Administration has been in the forefront to ensure that LGBTQ+ Veterans receive the best possible care. VHA facilities have implemented policies and procedures that ensure all Veterans, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, are treated with respect and dignity. This includes training staff on LGBTQ+ issues and the implementation of non-discrimination policies.
VHA facilities also offer a range of services specifically tailored to the needs of LGBTQ+ Veterans. These services include mental health care, gender affirming hormone therapy, the treatment and prevention of HIV and infertility, and more. We understand that these services are critical to the health and well-being of LGBTQ+ Veterans and will ensure that they are accessible and of the highest quality. VHA reaffirmed its commitment to LGBTQ+ Veterans in this video message.
In every VA health care system, you will find an LGBTQ+ Care Coordinator who is there to advocate for Veterans, family, caregivers or survivors. LGBTQ+ Care Coordinators will help you get started with VA services, as well as handle complaints and concerns that arise. They are there to ensure your health care is delivered in an affirming and inclusive environment.
Many VA facilities will be partaking in Pride events in their local towns and cities. In Washington D.C., VA Medical Center staff will be joined by a contingent of Veterans and VA leaders to march in the Pride Parade on June 10 and host a resource table at the Pride Festival on June 11 on historic Pennsylvania Ave.
The collaborative work across all facets of VA shows our commitment to a future where every Veteran, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, receives the care and support they deserve. Through that work we concluded there is a need for VA to share what is available to the LGBTQ+ Veteran community. That’s why we invite you to join us on June 21 at 9 a.m. EST as the Center for Minority Veterans hosts a live LGBTQ+ Veteran Town Hall. This Pride Month, and every day of the year, we stand with the LGBTQ+ community and reaffirm our commitment to its health and well-being.
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In Des Moines, Iowa…Flying the gay pride flag instead the national banner? Are you serious? I can assure you I and many other vets are outraged.
They had nothing to say about the D-Day anniversary (June 6th), A vet tried to raise the American flag above the gay pride flag which would have been proper. But someone came along and took down the US flag and put the rainbow flag back up! I am starting to lose my temper typing this. We’re giving the so-called LGBT community an entire month while vets get one day in November and those who lost their lives get one day in May.
When I recently went to the VA Medical Center in West Palm Beach for a routine Doctor’s visit, I noticed a Pride Flag prominently displayed in the main Atrium Lobby. The American Flag was similarly displayed on another wall in the Lobby. What an insult to the religious beliefs and rights of many Veterans who do not agree with the lifestyle the flag represents. But let me be very clear. This flag has a right to be displayed in any public area but the VA is not a public area. The VA is restricted to service men that have fought to defend Freedom and the Freedom to display the Pride Flag even though many do not agree with the lifestyle it represents. The VA should not be a battleground for politics. Shame on our corrupt, irresponsible and inept Commander-In-Chief for approving this VA display that is creating completely unnecessary divisiveness and hostility.
How can you have pride in doing something that will send you straight to hell when you die. You say you don’t believe in God? What if you’re wrong? If you’re right nothing after you die. If you’re wrong you’ll regret it forever. But hey, it’s your choice.
Disgusting. What a waste of time – and resources. Whiners who NEED to be recognized – for Something – Anything. Suck it up – be a Man or a Women – do your job – respectfully address others …. as Sir or Ma’am.
I am Retired Navy. I cannot believe this ‘stuff’. My son is active Space Force – and tells me of the ‘sensitivity training’ that now must be done so that everyone recognizes and pampers the babies and weirdos. I feel sorry for him – his pride as a professional, and for working for what use to be the worlds best military force – is now a …. well, I don’t know … a kindergarten class I suppose.
Thanks for making sure everyone’s needs are met, VA! This isn’t my group but all are my brothers, sisters & fellow veterans. Someone else being raised up alongside me & mine doesn’t put me down- it just brings us all closer together!
This is an embarrassment to veterans!
WTF is wrong with the VA!
Why should anyone care what any adult does in the bedroom? Why should my or anyone else’s ‘sexual preference’ be something to be ‘proud’ about. It is what it is. If your gay you are gay. If you aren’t then you aren’t. The VA should stop wasting money on this ‘celebration’ crap and pay attention to the valid health concerns of all veterans and “orientation” is not a valid health concern.
Leave me out of that celebration
Why is it the VA makes such a big deal about lgbtq people.
Heterosexuals don’t have parties and a month of celebration about the fact that’s the way they have sex.
Why the flags? Two flags at the entrance of Mann Grandstaff Spokane VA
Flags should be our national, state, and pow only.
These comments show EXACTLY why we need things like Pride and the stuff the VA is doing. What a disgusting collection of ungrateful bigots.
Anyway, thank you, VA. To everyone mad about it: if you don’t like America, you can leave. Maybe you’d be happier living in one of those backward authoritarian countries you’re always complaining about. :)
Happy Pride!
All I know is this Pride crap is not inclusive at all. If you don’t agree with the LGBTQ+ movement you are ostracized. Where is the Straight Pride movement? If there was one the LGBTQ+ group would lose their panties.
What these people need is mental health care and should never have been on active duty.
This same method of dividing the American civilian population is now being implemented in the military. This is the beginning of the end for the greatest fighting force the earth has ever seen. I agree with John N.
Veterans are Veterans. If you start segmenting us based on skin color, gender and this sexual identification garbage, you are destroying the fabric which constitutes team work. This is certainly evil, definitely insidious and absolutely planned.
May God bless the warriors of truth!
So, the servicemen that died in combat get one day, Memorial Day. But there is a Pride Month??? Who’s sacrifice is bigger?
I said what I had to say obviously my previous comment was deleted I’m sick of this perverted sht in this world especially the military you can’t have a strong military run by wusses it’s disrespectful and disgusting.
Sort of curious when you might celebrate Veterans Straight month? Never you say. Of course.
I have mentioned this several times, there should be NO favoritism to any Veteran except possibly the Combat Veterans. A Veteran is a Veteran. We have no skin differences, or anything else different. We are one!
Also Native Americans should not get a better deal on home loans than strugglingVeterans of any race.
Put the VA ba ck to where it should be! An organization for Veterans!
First of all I’m a Marine corps veteran I don’t agree that that LGBT should be in the military especially when you have drag queens this is why this country is going to hell but I don’t have a problem with gays. But these freaks with LGBT are extreme you can’t have a strong military with wussies!
We have one Memorial Day & one Veterans Day. What slapdick in Washington signed on to Pride month? I’m very active at our VA and hear so many derogatory comments from the employees about Pride month. Force feeding does not work!
F Pride month!
Sad world.
Not interested
I do not agree with this. A persons sexual preference is their own. Trying to indoctrinate everyone else to this type of behavior is wrong.
The VA has no business pushing the degenerate LGBTQ agenda.
When is Straight Pride Month ?
LBGTQ Bull Crap
Next we will be paying for trans to have children and then killing them with abortion.
When is Heterosexual Month?
Testing censorship.
My prior comment was not posted. Censorship is a very self-destructive ideology.
Please stop forcing Gay “this” and Gay “that, as well as this “race” and this “color” upon the overwhelming number of non-gay and non-Black people in the USA.
What people do in their private lives or what race or color they are should not be elevated to a special position in society. Americans, in general, are quite tired of the divisiveness created by heralding certain segments of our population into a category of fame while simultaneously damning all other segments of our society.
BLM and LGBTQ segments of society do not deserve special month-long holiday heralding them to some sort of sainthood. Such acclamations are creating a national source of mutual anger and bitterness among all segments of society.
“Americans, in general, are quite tired” are you best 6 words. Plainly, if you don’t like Pride Month then, ignore it; it’s really that simple. Bash Pride Month amongst your feeble, closed-minded relatives and associates.
“…heralding certain segments of our population into a category of fame while simultaneously damning all other segments of our society”. They could have used you saying this once Jim Crow went into effect and lasted a better part of a century.
Your statement appears to lend that you would have been in favor of Internment Camps for Japanese-Americans while letting German-Americans roam around American. Safe to assume you were beside yourself during May’s Asian-American & Pacific Islander Month.
Women’s History Month was in March. Were Americans outraged? Did you hate your wife, ex-wife, sister, aunt(s), or what about your mother that give you life? Come man, get a grip!
My point, “Americans” just aren’t whom you DEEM acceptable, it just isn’t. If BLM or LGBTQ segments of society bother you that’s certainly YOUR issue. I have bills to pay, family to enjoy, teens to raise and working until I can retire.
To consume myself with hate such as you and your ilk for something that DOES NOT directly effect me is ludicrous.
P.S: Breast Cancer Awareness Month is in October, do you hate women’s chest, I bet you don’t.
Great comment Montgomery- thanks for standing up for all Americans!
Well this really sucks!!
Please remove me from your messages as an veteran from early 70s I have had enough of lgbtq+ and not enough of heterosexual men and woman veterans families. I wish you all well. Lgbtq+ are not a majority but that is where your attention is at
What a disgrace
Why does VA celebrate degenerate lifestyles such as LGBTQ and give these people a month of celebration? Yet, veterans get a single day of celebration. Heterosexual, straight veterans get the shaft like always so the VA can tell the people that are genetic dead ends they are special. Thanks, VA.