It was a rainless day, but a rainbow still appeared over Edward Hines Jr. VA Hospital.
For the first time, the hospital raised a rainbow Pride flag during a ceremony on June 1 to commemorate Pride Month and recognize the contributions of LGBTQ+ Veterans, staff and community members.
“Hines flies this flag with immense pride today not merely as a gesture, but as a vivid testament to the inclusive environment we have cultivated within these walls,” said James Doelling, hospital director.
The flag will remain outside the hospital’s main entrance throughout June side-by-side with military service flags.
“I think it’s a step forward for acceptance of one another,” said Army Veteran Brandon Chong, Chicago chapter president of the American Veterans for Equal Rights. “A lot of people think of Veterans and they think of straight people. But we are here and we are queer.”
Original flags created by Veterans
The original rainbow Pride flag was created by Army Veteran Gilbert Baker in 1978. Navy Veteran Monica Helms designed the transgender Pride flag in 1999.
In 2022, VA Secretary Denis McDonough authorized Pride flags to be flown at VA facilities nationwide. The U.S. General Services Administration, which maintains over 8,600 federal government locations, also updated its commemorative flag policy to allow for Pride flags throughout June.
While there are many Pride flags, Hines VA chose to fly the intersex-progress Pride flag. The design includes the traditional rainbow pattern along with white, pink, blue, black and brown triangular stripes to promote transgender and racial equity. A circle is displayed for intersex individuals according to Lorry Luscri, LGBTQ+ Veteran care coordinator.
For 84-year-old Army National Guard Veteran Larry Simpson, seeing a Pride flag at Hines VA was an important moment. “Having the flag next to the service flags is something special because we served, but we mostly served in silence.” Simpson realized he was gay while in the military. At the time, homosexuals were not allowed to serve, so Simpson decided not to reenlist. “There was a question I knew I couldn’t answer truthfully which was ‘Do you have a sexual attraction to a member of the same sex?’ I didn’t want to lie, so I chose to leave.”
“Able to symbolize the whole of the Veteran population that we serve.”
Simpson’s story is not unique according to Chong. “There were a lot of instances where people were kicked out of the military or hunted down by leadership or chose not to stay in because of who they were,” Chong said.
Luscri noted Hines VA has a long tradition of supporting LGBTQ+ Veterans and staff. The hospital began one of VA’s first LGBTQ+ support groups in 2014. It also offers hormone therapy, gender-affirming communication treatment, gender-affirming prosthetics and other LGBTQ+-focused Veteran health care.
“I got a little emotional seeing it go up for the first time. Because we haven’t been able to fly it outside and have it with the other flags and be able to symbolize the whole of the Veteran population that we serve,” Luscri said.
To learn more about VA LGBTQ+ Veteran support and programs, visit
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Placing a “rag” on a government flagpole is an absolute slap in the face to military members, active and retired, as well as POW’s and AMERICA! Why in the world would a “rag” fly based on some peoples sexual preference? SEXUAL PREFERENCE! That doesn’t make any damn sense! Whoever thought this was a great idea should be shot! If they want to fly it at there house, let em, but it has NO BUSINESS to be on Government grounds!
I do believe in the previous comment by Chelsea this was summed up perfectly by saying thanks for a gesture that means so much to SOME of us. Another failed attempt by our governments agenda and ignorance. Just another way to divide us, not bring together. We are all different and should not need to have that pointed out or thrown in anyone’s face. This is an attempt to feel special, not equal. The US Flag represents us all, our government and our government agencies have no leadership. Most couldn’t even tell you what leadership is. Which is why this is happening, when we start doing the things that unite us all instead of divide us all; we’ll begin making steps in the right direction. I don’t care if someone wants to fly a rainbow flag, I do care when it’s done in a manner which disrespects the US Flag. Any director at a VA facility that has done this and does not understand why this is disrespectful to so many veterans they claim to be here to serve should be removed from their position and never consider themselves a leader. This was a self serving act and one that divides, not unites.
This is great. Glad to see the diversity. Thank you for your hard work to get this small gesture that means so much to some of us.
Really! The only flag that flies for veterans is the American Flag, the Flag of the United States of America. What a travesty to take down the flag of the United States of America. We don’t care about what color you may be, or or religion, where you come from, what your sexual preference may be, whether you is or isn’t! AS A VETERAN OF THE UNITED STATE MILITARY YOU ARE A PROUD AMERICAN VETERAN & A PROUD AMERICAN CITIZEN OF THESE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. If this offends you then maybe you should form your own nation elsewhere. You may do what want, as this country gives you the right to do so, but DO NOT cram it down my throat. Have a Good Day!
The only flag that should fly at the VA is the US flag. You people have lost your minds.
The country that I served has become a cesspool. I was proud to take an oath to up hold and to defend my country. We don’t have to worry about Russia, China or any other country. These countries don’t even have to fire a shot. The fools in DC are doing it for them.
I think it is disgusting that the American flag is not at the top of the flag pole. The gay flag is not a country.
Someone is selling out our country and unique culture. It used to be a time when people did not expose their private lives and not because of shame. No one has to publicly display their inner most thoughts and secrets. When these loud and useless LGBTQ+ ‘children’ blackmail and bully our highest institutions to listen to their selfish and sick demands, it’s time for ‘real’ Americans to say: Enough is Enough. The great men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice so that we have been able to enjoys freedoms, that others from many countries cannot even dream about because of the pain of it never being realized, their dreams for freedom and prosperity, that is. For the weak and useless and in most instances, mentally unstable to think they can force us to relinquish freedom because of their suicidal feelings, it’s time folks to stand up for America. When we stand up for our great land, we are standing up for love, peace, and happiness.
Sometimes, I ask myself what makes the LCBT+ community think that it has the right not to be offended in any manner. The display of its flag at the VA hospital is so-called political correctness run amok. The presence of said flag is an insult, desecration, and disrespect to all US military veterans. The only flag which ought to be displayed in the standard 7-red-stripes-and-6-white-stripes-plus-the-stars is Old Glory; also the flag of the VA. The LGBT+ flag does not belong at a or any VA hospital.
I agree with this persons comment. This does not make me proud. The only flags that should fly over a VA facility are the U. S. Flag, the POW/MIA Flag, the VA Flag, and possibly the flags of the various armed forces. Flying any other flag amounts to the VA promoting what that flag stands for.
Encouraging people to mutilate themselves is nothing to be proud of and for a hospital to do such a thing is unthinkable. Healthcare is prevention or restoration where as removing or damaging healthy organs is mutilation. Flying the pride flag flies in the face of healthcare. Healthcare practices in Finland, Norway, Sweden, UK, New Zealand have been navigating transgender longer than us in the US and they have found that counseling helps the mental health of the trans patient and that surgical and chemical transition worsens the patients mental health. Flying a pride flag is saying surgical and chemical transition is okay. Telling people what they want to hear is selfish. Telling people the truth in love is just that, truth in love. Please take the pride flag down and revisit your trans policy. Thanks.
Has this alter-nation replaced our own??Concur with all that the only flag that should be flying over the VA hospital is the UNITED STATES FLAG. You are simply celebrating division vice unity. It is truly saddening that politics overshadows patriotism at the VA.
The pride flag should not be flown next to military flags at any government installation or building. As a military veteran, this type of flag goes to show how weak this country has gotten. I take offense to this flag being flown.
“One nation indivisible”, no longer, we are being divided by race, gender, sexual preferences, or what ever the hot topic of the day is. I am saddened by what the “United States of America” is degenerating into. We should be united under one flag the red white and blue.
Take that crap down.
The only flag you should be flying is the United States Flag, Old Glory!
I for one am not proud of Sodomy!!!!!!!!
I don’t think I have ever been this offended by the VA; reprehensible!
We serve/served the United States of America Flag, not a flag dedicated to queer people. This is a shame!
The only flags that should fly over a VA facility are the U. S. Flag, the POW/MIA Flag, the VA Flag, and possibly the flags of the various armed forces. Flying any other flag amounts to the VA promoting what that flag stands for.
All veterans deserve to receive the best possible treatment for the prevention and cure of illnesses, whether mental or physical. Everyone gets certain genes and chromosomes upon birth. I don’t feel that not getting the chromosomes you want is an illness, but a great deal of money and effort is being spent on this relatively small group. Where there is a limited amount of funding, every effort should be made to treat the largest number of veterans. Sex reversal can not be justified, when the VA will not provide dental care to 85% of enrolled veterans.
I will, however, give credit to this LGBTQetc group, because they are smart enough to organize and make noise to get what they want. Organizing is the key. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.
There should only be two flags flying over any government installation and those are the USA FlAG AND THE POW/MIA FLAGS.
Personally, I feel it is close to criminal to display that flag. The VA has gotten away from its role in life, and that is to serve we are not GAY, black or white or red yellow or any other color. We are all VETERANS. It should not discriminate from race, color, or nationality. A VETERAN is a VETERAN. THAT IS ALL WE WANT TO BE.
PLEASE get away from all the different distinctions of Veterans.
The only flag that should be flying over the VA hospital is the UNITED STATES FLAG. It represents all veterans, regardless of race, ethnicity, or sexual gender. Why has our government allowed this display of disrespect to our country and veterans? Maybe we should just fly a different color flag every month to represent every possible combination of people that make up this country. Oh, wait! I thought that’s what the US FLAG represents. I guess not anymore. The rainbow flag flying on government buildings around the country, and “side-by-side with military service flags” is offensive, disrespectful, and stupid.
I agree completely and this goes on for a FULL Month!
My comment is…..SICK!
Great article. I’m happy to see so many facilities flying the flag this June :)
What is a woman?
YOU are out of touch with the AMERICAN ideology.
ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS & DISGRACEFUL — promoting sexuality on a federal installation has NOTHING to do with the mission of a hospital!!! ONLY FLY THE AMERICAN FLAG AND THE POW FLAG — NOTHING ELSE!