Over 600,000 military families move or transition out of service every year. As a Veteran family, you may not live close to a military installation, or you may be living in a new location. Likewise, finding common ground with those in your community, including those who’ve never served, can cause feelings of isolation. Enter Blue Star Welcome Week.
Through Blue Star Welcome Week, we raise these questions: What if we could prevent the isolation that leads to mental health challenges and financial insecurity? What if we turned those stressful weeks and months following a move into a community-building opportunity?
Why welcome matters
Blue Star Families ensures that wherever Veterans and military families go, they always feel connected, supported and empowered to thrive—in every community across the nation. Our research from the annual Military Family Lifestyle Survey (MFLS) helps guide us. It captures the experiences of thousands of military and Veteran families, spotlighting concerns such as transition, employment and sense of belonging. According to the 2022 Military Family Lifestyle Survey, 1 in 3 Veteran and Veteran spouse respondents (29% and 33%, respectively) have concerns about the transition from military to civilian life. In addition, military spouse employment is a top concern for 30% of Veteran spouses.
Research and data are essential to building a picture of your needs, but your stories are the backbone of our work. As a result of hearing your voices, we launched Blue Star Welcome Week.
Find connection with us
All humans need connection to thrive. It’s critical to our mental well-being, especially given that belonging, support and purpose are three beneficial aspects of community. When families feel a sense of belonging, everything else improves—financial security, mental health and wellness, resilience and even military retention.
We are once again encouraging the creation of new relationships and community awareness during Blue Star Welcome Week from September 23-October 1. We’re inviting schools, neighbors businesses and military leaders to join us, too.
There’s more! If you’re a Veteran or military spouse looking to take the next step in your career, be sure to register here for our much-anticipated webinar with AARP, “Open the Door: Skill Up and Go Digital” on Thursday, Sept. 28 at 3 p.m. ET.
Come find a sense of purpose. Make some deep connections. Be the difference for another Veteran or Veteran family. And let us welcome you home.
Discover ways to get involved at bluestarwelcomeweek.org.
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This post contains links to job listings for the week of Feb. 24, 2025. Each week, we’ll continue to post relevant and timely listings as we receive them, and for the locations listed.
I’ve never heard of Blue star.
Here’s an idea, let’s lable our veterans (or at least me) as retarded. Then lie about them to create conflict. Then it becomes easier to be treated as a criminal and possibly SHOT…or at least your dog,but I bit more than my dog. Wish it was me that “law and order”would have shot instead of my dog,but the lies continue and I’m STILL A -!
Nice, but a bit wordy..