In support of The STRONG Veterans Act of 2022, VA established the national Veteran Buddy Checks to encourage peer-to-peer connections among Veterans and their families, reduce isolation, support peers in crisis, offer connections to care, and increase access to both care and benefits in VA and the community. VA’s Veteran Buddy Check Week is planned for Oct. 21 – 25, 2024.

A simple, genuine conversation can go a long way, in-person or virtually. Start making connections by asking how your buddies are doing, if they need anything, or inviting them to an event or activity in your community. Keeping up with social ties can be as simple as calling on the phone, emailing, texting or making time for a visit. Everyone can participate by checking in and providing a listening ear to Veterans in their life.

You already know the camaraderie of military life. Why not continue that tradition all year round through regular buddy checks?

Explore VA’s National Veteran Buddy Check effort to learn more about Buddy Checks, access valuable resources—including training modules and the Buddy Check Outreach Kit—and subscribe to Buddy Check emails to receive additional tools to support your Buddy Checks.

Take the pledge: Talk to 10, be a buddy

All Veterans are encouraged to take the pledge to talk to 10 fellow Veterans, their families, caregivers and survivors. The goal is to increase Veteran connections and education around peer wellness, improve mental health, promote suicide prevention and increase access to VA resources. If you’re unable to reach out to 10 people, every contact is still incredibly valuable to those individuals. By taking the pledge, subscribing to resources and connecting throughout the year, you can make a meaningful difference.

Take the pledge today!

Providing support and resources

Be prepared! Many of your buddies may be doing well, while others may need some encouragement to seek help.

  • If you’re a Veteran in crisis or concerned about one, contact the Veterans Crisis Line to receive 24/7 confidential support. You don’t have to be enrolled in VA benefits or health care to connect. To reach responders, Dial 988 then Press 1, chat online at, or text 838255.
  • 1-800-MyVA411 (800-698-2411) is always the right number. VA’s “front door” for all Veterans, their families, caregivers and survivors may use to access VA resources.

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The comments section is for opinions and feedback on this particular article; this is not a customer support channel. If you are looking for assistance, please visit Ask VA or call 1-800-698-2411. Please, never put personally identifiable information (SSAN, address, phone number, etc.) or protected health information into the form — it will be deleted for your protection.


  1. Ray Manspeaker April 27, 2024 at 18:38

    I am in a Nursing Home with about 9 Veteran’s and would like to get a group going. I don’t know how to get it done/going.
    Can you give me some advice and tip’s, etc.
    I have been able to talk to one Veteran and he seems to be interested in a group.

  2. Carolyn Haymond April 25, 2024 at 13:57

    My name is Carolyn Haymond, my father Melvin Green he was in the Army, and he was in War War 2,but he passed away on October 15,2023,but the question I am asking to see if I Could get a financial assistance with our mortgage payments, my father Co-sign on a house mortgage with me I am his daughter, need to know if I can get assistance with my financial situation.
    Than you,
    Carolyn Haymond

  3. Jo Ann April 25, 2024 at 08:40

    I think this is a great idea

    • jim April 25, 2024 at 11:49

      i wish you were my joann who left me in 1974. we just needed to have the real talk.

Comments are closed.

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