Editor’s note: The sharing of any non-VA information does not constitute an endorsement of products and services on the part of VA. Veterans should verify the information with the organization offering.

Regiment Gaming recently celebrated four years of connecting Veterans through online gaming communities. The birthday bash on May 11 in Flower Mound, Texas, showcased the community’s journey and Regiment’s new partnership with their cutting-edge headquarters—the eSports Virtual Arena.

To help celebrate the event, Regiment Gaming invited VA to host a Q&A session with more than 150 Veterans. Many of the Veterans were able to connect face-to-face with VA outreach specialists who regularly join Regiment events on Discord to answer any questions attendees may have.

“We are super grateful to VA for supporting Regiment’s 4th Birthday Bash! Thanks to their presentation, several Veterans are now starting their claims or looking to upgrade their current disability percentage,” said Chris Earl, Marine Corps Veteran and Regiment Gaming CEO. “VA has played a huge role in our success in uniting Veterans through gaming to prevent suicide. We couldn’t have done it without them.”

Also in attendance was Navy Veteran Nico Garrett, who hosts the YouTube channel “Nico Knows Tech.” Garrett is creating a documentary on Regiment member Sean “Corporal Lefty,” a Marine Corps Veteran and amputee who competes in e-gaming with specialized controllers to support his ability to play with one arm. “Lefty” was also in attendance for the anniversary celebration. Together, they are working to create awareness about adaptive gaming. VA also has recreation therapy programs that specialize in adaptive gaming for Veterans.

“For me, personally, as a tech YouTuber to be able to find a way for Sean—with only one arm,—to be able to game high level with the tech was a true honor,” said Garrett.

Regiment Gaming offers Veterans a community to game, talk and support each other. Their community always has someone willing to talk on their Discord channel and often has community events for Veterans throughout the week.

Learn more and join Regiment at www.Regiment.gg.

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  1. Gary Ayers June 6, 2024 at 21:02

    I found NO HELP FROM THIS site with my issue!

  2. Steven June 6, 2024 at 18:21

    This is cool.

  3. Mark R. Gaebler June 6, 2024 at 10:37

    I’m a veteran and I play World of Warships! Why don’t you organize a gaming play-off, all who want to play come and do it, for each city town state, and finally national of World of Warships. Why? It’s not bloody, it’s fun and it requires skill. The tournaments can be teams and then individual with prizes. This could be a real thing that boosts VA! I’ll help set one up in my home town!

  4. Alan R Falcone June 6, 2024 at 07:52

    “Regiment Veteran Gaming celebrates four years of supporting Veterans”
    I followed the link on your news letter believing this was a legitimist company. They wanted a lot of personal info, Reluctantly I submitted info to Regiment Veteran Gaming and per the instruction for “id.me”. Now I have an ATT account stating it’s locked. Don’t believe this veterans group https://discord.com/invite/regiment is secure and is a threat to personal Identity theft.

    “Hi Alan,
    For your security, we’ve temporarily locked your user ID. To unlock it, either reset your password online at att.com or call us at 800.288.2020.”

  5. alex ramirex June 5, 2024 at 21:25

    How can i get into this program? Im a big time gamer

  6. William Douglas Haas June 5, 2024 at 21:25

    The hot link in the above story to Regiment Gaming takes you to a site hosted on Discord.com. Discord is a dark web site that I am quite sure the VA should not be involved with. Dioesn’t someone at the VA look at this stuff before posting it?

  7. Jason Gill June 5, 2024 at 18:35

    I burned my Regiment jersey
    Chris ain’t what y’all think he is

  8. ED DONAHOE June 4, 2024 at 23:52


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