The Veteran Health Identification Card (VHIC) is not required to receive VA health care, but it is beneficial to quickly check in for your VA appointments.
Please see the notification regarding the VHIC renewal is not a scam: The National Health Eligibility Center (HEC) is in the process of notifying 1.5 million Veterans nationwide that their VHIC has or will expire soon.
How to renew online… the preferred method
Renew your VHIC online. Online or self-service requests are processed by our local team as soon as possible.
Make sure your camera is in photo mode when scanning the QR code. Go directly to the website noted on the postcard. If the QR code doesn’t work, choose the VHIC option and submit the required information to renew your card.
Once your card request is submitted, you will receive a response that your request is “On Hold.” The card request will then be manually reviewed and approved for printing and shipping.
Card processing procedures
Once your VHIC request (photo and ID) has been received, the facility will review your photo and ID to make sure it meets the requirements.
If your VHIC request didn’t meet the guidelines, you will receive an email stating why and you will be asked to re-submit online or at your local VA facility.
Presenting in person will not result in receiving your renewed card any faster.
All cards are printed and mailed from a central off-site location regardless of renewal method. Normal processing time is 7 to 14 days for domestic and 21 to 30 days for foreign addresses, but could be longer during this mass renewal period. If it has been longer than 30 days, contact your local VA facility.
If you renew online and your card request status says HOLD or On Hold, your card request was received and is in the queue for processing.
Travel pay is not authorized when visiting a VA location solely for the purpose of renewing a VHIC; however, you can renew your VHIC before or after your next VA appointment. Having a VHIC is not required to receive VA health care.
In-person renewals
If renewing in person, bring a valid or non-expired state-issued driver’s license, passport, or federal, state or local government-issued photo ID containing your name and date of birth. There may be a bit of a wait due to the high volume of walk-ins. The renewal process includes presenting a valid photo ID and taking a photo for your VHIC renewal.
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This page includes links to other websites outside our control and jurisdiction. VA is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of non-VA Web sites. We encourage you to review the privacy policy or terms and conditions of those sites to fully understand what information is collected and how it is used.
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I attempted to renew my card last week and I’m checking to see if it went through
Thanks for reminding me to update my card.
I do not have a VA ID card. I am 100% and would like to order a VA ID card. What should I do or who should I contact?
Victor H. Burke The biggest mess I have ever seen in 46 years of dealing with VA Healthcare.. My God, what is wrong with logical reasoning and common sense.. Nothing works..
Too much BS trying to renew, DD214, passport and Driver license. You have all that info, just ask for a new photo.
Please renew my prescription I D card
Once you get to next page there is no link to continue with WHAT YOU CALL the preferred way to get our VIHC
I sent a renewal for the VHIC 5 weeks ago, my card has expired, how long doe this renewal take?
I never received the ID card. How do I apply for a card?
I tried to just renew my card. However I am told to submit required documents to do it. Nowhere does it say what documents to submit. In addition I had to select a category for the documents. Renewal was not an option so I hit the default button of compensation. I am not looking for anything but my card renewed. This is far too confusing.
I want to remember the address because I don’t live in New York anymore
this does not state the date by which I can renew my card (ie current card expiration date)
seems simple; if it has no date of expiration it is good until you expire.
**Read the asterisks part below before you begin please.
Don’t do this on your cell phone unless you know how to find other open browsers. I used a laptop along with my cell phone to receive codes and/or reset info. My eyesight is not great so a larger screen is good.
Go to the following site:
Click on “I am a Veteran” or whatever status applies to you
Click on the rectangle that says, “VHIC Veteran Health Identification Card” (it’s the last button at the bottom)
Sign in with your DS Logon (retirees etc), or jump through the hoops for (that took me two hours and 6 different codes sent by text message). The rest of this is for users:
Terms of Use – Click on “Accept”
Sign in with ID and Password
Receive a code by phone or email
Scroll down and click on “Continue”
Get your code, plug it in and click on “Continue”
**If you do not have a photo of yourself, a photo of an ID (front showing address & DOB), you should do this before you begin the process.
Upload the front of a current ID. Upload a current clear photo of yourself-think official military IDs.
Once these are loaded, click “Submit” or continue. Sorry – can’t remember. Then it will show you one of two messages like one of the previous posters cited. Mine is on hold and I have to call “for further assistance with…” I-877-222-8387. However, when I went to another part of the VA site, it gives 1-800-983-0937 as the number from 7 a.m.-7 p.m. Central time.
I hope this helps. If I missed anything, I apologize. I’m old and my brain and attention to detail ain’t what it used to be. Hang in there. The VA has been like this for longer than I can remember. It either works or it doesn’t.
ID ME IT help is 866-775-4363
No issue here requesting a new VHIC online. Mine expires in FEB 2025, so hoping it goes through.
will NEVER own a cell or have anything to do with “Doctors” lost card years ago
Renewal using the Qr is not working…. there is no link to upload a picture of the expired card included on the link. This is in-effective.
After 4 hours of BS I completed the successfully, but when I tried to log in my password was not accepted. So I checked in with My Healthy Vet and it worked. I tried to update my VA card but there was no place to do it. I scanned the bar code, but that did nothing either. Guess I will have to do it in person. My VA card should have been good for life, but no, they had to go and change it. As with many government agencies it’s a total train wreck!
Your links are garbage and hard to navigate. Upon navigating, there was no area available by which to get a new card. FIRE THE CLOWNS THAT ALLOW THIS TO HAPPEN TO OUR VETS!! YOU NEED TO NAVIGATE THESE OPTIONS COMPLETELY BEFORE MAKING THEM GO LIVE.
Works great!
Once a Veteran is certified as being eligible for VA benefits, why can’t an ID card with an indefinite expiration date be issued, rather than having to jump through hoops that don’t work?
Can I receive Tricare and free medications? I have served with honorable discharge (have DD-214). I have been receiving VA care (Wash DC) for over 30 years and paid for the meds. I served aboard active duty a US Naval Destroyer and Destroyer escort for two years. 1954-1955 I feel that death can occur within that two year active duty period or 14 to 30 plus years . Not that it matters a heck of a lot since I will be 90 years old this June 2025.
I have been trying for weeks to renew my card, and every time I go to their link and try to select my status as “a veteran”, the site does nothing, absolutely nothing.
The last time I was at the VA Hospital in Tampa FL, I requested a 100 percent Disable ID Card and was told the I will receive it in the mail in 23 days… It’s now been over a month.
Not all veterans registered and using the VA are 25 years old and just got out of the military and are not computer literate like the young guys and gals just getting out. We would have to guess that a large number of veterans using the VA services are senior citizens as we are, and figuring out all these computer requirements are a real challenge. Apparently, the people who come up with these programs and systems to do things are much younger and have NO IDEA that older people have problems trying to figure out how to go through all the steps to do something like renewing a VA card SHOULD be a simple process for older people. Whoever makes the decisions to do things like this is obviously not in touch with reality. I guess, like many others on here, will have to make a trip to my local VA clinic to get an updated card.
Can not log in as I discontinued My Healthy Vet account and opened an ID me account. ID me is NOT list an a way to sign to get a new ID card.
This site is the most screwed up mess I’ve encountered online. Totally worthless to try to navigate the maze and hoops you’re supposed to jump thru. Forget trying to find out your upcoming appointments and prescriptions or trying to renew a prescription.
While I was at this circus I tried to sign up for the site and was met with more road blocks . After running around all their circles I was asked to put in my cell phone number. They don’t recognize my cell phone number as a cell phone. They say it’s a VOIP number. Good luck
So I did all this and I got to my VA health, Then where do you go? to apply for a new ID card?
The VA refuses to renew the card with my correct name ..every time they give me what they want .( I use my middle name on all my id’s NOT my initial and my older VA card had that correct ) ..not my correct name ( which is on all my VA information and my personal cards like licenses and credit cards personal cards ) .
I would like PTSD treatment program in Hot Springs South Dekota VAMC. I have been trying but no one seems to want to help me with my request. I am a Gulf war veteran who served with honor. I would think that my nation actually cared but no! My blood, sweat and treats meant nothing to my country and the VAMC. Thank you for making my veterans day a joke. I guess in this day and time my life doesn’t mean spit to no one who I taught cared for the needs of Veterans like myself . Well peace be unto you!
I’ve tried to gain access via the instructions 3 different days/times. It doesn’t work, and, does it have to be so complex with so many steps….why is there VA Login; HealtheVet,….etc…..please work on making the process simpler. Thankfully my card doesn’t expire until 2027. Thank you.
Hi there,
I served for U.S. Army reserve and looking for health insurance.
Let me know your concerns to enroll for Vet health card at [Editor’s note: please do not include your contact information on this website].
No thanks I already have a card that does not expire. I don’t want to change
I have given up trying to renew expired Veteran Health ID CARD.
I give up trying to RENEW MY VETERAN HE#ALTH ID CARD WHICH IS EXPIRED. [Editor: NEVER share your personal information on the internet. I have deleted it from your comment.]
I went to McClellan about a month ago to update my VHIC. I was told it should take two to three weeks; however, I have not received my card. Thank you
I would like PTSD treatment program in Hot Springs South Dekota VAMC.
THIS PROCESS DOES NOT WORK. IT CONTINUES TO RETURN A “BAD GATEWAY” ERROR MESSAGE. This problem is months old and last time I inquired about it I was told that this is a know problem. WHEN WILL IT BE FIXED. Going to my local VA office is NOT an easy solution.
PLEASE FIX THIS PROBLEM. Or at least stop advertising it as an option because IT DOES NOT WORK.
You’re operating system is outdated. Windows 10 doesn’t work; Windows 11 does work.
I have spent about 3 weeks trying to get my VAIC to renew , nothing I do works . Why does the VA personnel make it so hard to navigate a renewal system. This is a hopeless site that can’t be navigated. I guess the next time I make it to a Veteran center, I will see if they can renew my card!!!!!!
Extremely frustrating ! I have photographed my Alaska drivers license several times with different backgrounds. None of these have been accepted. Your directions for renewal at the Post Office are very confusing.
Only way I ever got solid help with the V.A. was by contacting my Congressman and Senators.
My husband has VA benefits and has been upgraded to a higher percentage Can we use this site to upgrade his VHIC card for shopping on base for food. And how am I able to add my name to his account. Never thought to add before I retired. married 44 years
My VHIC has expired. I received an alert via email informing me that I could update and request a new card online. Great.
I clicked the link, logged in via, and was brought to the home page of, rather than directly to the VHIC request page. However, there are no obvious links anywhere on the home page to request a new VHIC card. Why bother sending the email at all, as it is unhelpful.
A month ago I requested directions to update my card and was told that I could walk into any VA clinic and receive a new card. Lies. My local clinic told me they don’t handle that and I should ask at the VA office next door. Oops. No one in that office, ever. Listed phone numbers are disconnected, VA agents are never in the office, no available times are posted. These useless people should be fired. Why are they still on the government payroll, wasting my tax dollars, and being unavailable? I’m sure they’re not out playing golf or grabbing a drink at the pub at 0930 (or are they?).
We need a fresh round of firings in the VA and some competent personnel brought on board.
This press release could do some homework before releasing instructions. I followed directions specifically. When the HVIC is reached, it states submit copy of photo and valid government id. However, the page doesn’t allow any response allowing you to do so. It does state, however, to visit your local VA for further assistance.
I’ll want to get my va ID card
Good Evening,
My name is Atul Shridhar Joshi and recently I went to a Kroger Pharmacy to get Flu shot plus a updated Covid shot but the Kroger pharmacy told me that the VA Health Card is no longer acceptable ? Please let me know. Thank You.
Submitted my info and says to call VA. Why? Not in instructions above.
Yeah this process is bullshit. Looking out for Veterans??
I laugh at this. after serving in the Marines for over 10 years, the VA won’t issue me even an ID CARD. And before anyone responds Ive tried several times to get one. Same BS excuse, “You make too much money”.
Funny how that doesn’t translate when you sitting in a humvee in the middle east.
Enjoy the day my brotherin and sister Service members.
I filled out everything on the website, received a “HOLD” notification & call local VA office. Unfortunately the “Contact Us” links are NON EXISTENT! The VA support is crap. I’m 65 & semi tech savvy, I feel really bad for the older vets that can’t access internet, etc. Yes, need indefinite expiration dates for Medical ID cards. This is BS. 8 different logins, authentications, give us a break! Totally unacceptable! No wonder vets have mental health issues (that’s another story, that supprt is worthless too!)
My local VA told me I needed a new card, they did not say why. I did not realize they expired. The Desk Agent told me that I needed to get an updated photo. No matter. The process took five minutes and I expect my new VHIC in the mail in two to three weeks. Thank you for the continued information from the VA! It is very much appreciated.
It would be nice if the VA could come up with an IT system that actually works. I’ve followed all the prompts and signed in with ID Me. When I finally got to the VHIC self service portal it will not load. I’ve been trying to get in for the last two days with no success.
I’ve been a vet for over 50 years.
The assumption that all vets are carrying a cell phone is a travesty and an insult. The assumption that all vets even understand the process described above or on the little post card I received is disturbing. I don’t own a cell phone and don’t understand what I must do to receive a new ID from the VA. All I have is this old ( gonna be 20 soon) Apple computer, and it doesn’t respond to the directions VA has provided… far. We’ll see how it goes….Nearest VA that could get me an ID is a three hour drive…one way. I’m gonna try to contact the HELP line , but sitting on HOLD listening to (sos) messages proclaiming how important my call is doesn’t sit well, so that isn’t something I’m looking forward to….so it goes…
My VHIC card does not have a expiration date on it.
Too complicated. Too digital.
I went through the entire required process of setting up an account with for this, verifying my phone, SSN and ID, only to finally reach the VA website and be met with an immediate error page saying I am “not authorized” to access the webpage, with no apparent options to continue except to contact the VA site administrator.
I agree with her below. I can not get into or My smart phone cam is not good enough to take the tricky photo of my Colorado drivers license. Not only that, the Colorado drivers license has anti copy, anti piracy technology all over it. Its holographic and it’s meant to foil anyone trying to photograph it.
Do away with this nonsense and do away with I am a computer tech savy young person, and even I can not photograph this high tech computer hologram anti copy Colorado ID. Leave My Health EVet alone. It was just perfect.
I hate and I also hate…useless!!!!!!!
As usual, navigating VA resources is impossible. I got logged in and sent to a page instructing me to upload images of IDs and a recent photo, but with no means to do so on that page. In fact the only active button on the page was to log out of the system.
I know there is supposed to be a way to renew my VA Health ID Card online. The only problem is I cannot find the online renewal page where I can actually request the online renewal. There is an information page to give a few basic instructions for the online renewal process but that’s all there is. If there is a link please send it to me.
Tried this several times, reloaded the page, etc. Same thing.
Server error? WTH?
This is VERY confessing, ther is no place toupload a picture of my V A CARD ,NO INSTRUCTIONS ONHOW OR WHERE TO DO THIS.
I’m glad that I’m not the only one having this problem!
This is about the only benefit gained from having a Veteran ID card
I am a service connected veteran and find the new sign in not within my learning capability . I have asked for help on MANY TIMES with no real help. When I try to sign in they tell me “need more info” which is not true , I have sometimes used the site for checking claims , then for the next 8-10 times can’t sign in
It is a nightmare for older veterans or disadvantaged Veterans without smart phones! Please call your congressman and tell them your issues. I have let all my representatives know how I feel about it and I encourage you to do the same.
The links never get me to where I can actually renew my card7
My Grandpa was in the Navy and served in the Korean war. I have his service number and I was wondering if I could get any kind of help with food, clothes or maybe a new roof.
Why renew? I present my card to every check-in, every medical profession at the VA. Never once is it excepted. Instead and very vocalized, “last name and last four.”
Rejected by all.
Couldn’t even use it to prove I have a VA account and thereby authorized to use the VA. That was in the Bridgeview /Orland Park area.
You know, Once You’re In You’re In. Not in that system. I did not exist. Refused. Imagine that. Veteran refused medical care in Illinois. Spent the next day at, Hines VA. All day. Presented my VHIC Card. Was told we don’t know you. Alday, finally after hours of interrogation and humiliation, I received service. It wasn’t because of my VHIC.
Traveling Veteran Program
Continues 2024, Hines VA tells me to go to the VA in Orland Park/Bridgeview Il. After going they tell me, oh we have no meds. We don’t due meds here. I had to travel to Hines VA at my expense. You can’t get travel pay for picking up meds.
Waste, Fraud, and Abuse
How much does the VA pay for this program. All the kiosk at the Hampton VA in Virginia are gone. All the wipers, gone.
Again, why is this card necessary? Explanation required
This article says “Once your card request is submitted, you will receive a response that your request is “On Hold.” The card request will then be manually reviewed and approved for printing and shipping” and “If you renew online and your card request status says HOLD or On Hold, your card request was received and is in the queue for processing.”
But the status that comes up online says “You have successfully submitted your VHIC card request; however, card request has been placed On Hold. Please contact your local VA facility or 877-222-VETS (8387) for further assistance with your card request.”
Those are very different explanations of what On Hold means. If the article is correct, the notice that appears online is just going to have the VA tied up wasting time with thousands of veterans calling in to ask why their renewal is “on hold.” This kind of clumsiness costs millions of taxpayer dollars that I am quite sure could be better spent actually helping veterans.
My sentiment is like others, I gave up and just went in person. If this is bad enough just try to create a totally impossible.
Getting a new ID card online, is about as easy as the new system for claiming travel pay. Both, more unneeded misery for we older non computer users.
I was given a forty-two page publication by the VA travel office in Minneapolis on how to file a trave claim. Same simplicity for the ID cards. Did Joe and Kamala hire these people?
I tried for three years sending letters and making phone calls to various military places all over the US to get aid for my husband, 1st Lt. Armand J. Cincotta, who has been bed-ridden for the past five years. I was finally told that he “was not eligible for any kind of financial aid because he ‘made too much money'”. I was even told that he could not be treated at a VA hospital because of the same reason. He has not had a job for the past several years and is 89 years old. I find this unbelievable, unacceptable and unexpected. Is this how our country repays our military men for their service?!!!
If you reach out to me by email, I will do my best to help you. I work in NY as a Veteran Service Officer.
[Editor: The email commenters give prior to posting isn’t publicly viewable. Generally speaking, I advise Veterans not putting contact info in their comments, but I understand your position if you choose to edit yours into your comment.]
This is so hard specially for Vets who grew up speaking Spanish or any other lenguage and are now over 75 years of age plus not been a computer engineer ……this is not the way a vet should be treated ,we don’t even know how to upload a picture to a website, The V.A. should have a team to visit us who are sick in bed and help us.
How do I get a VA Health Card
You should be ashamed of yourselves for making things nearly impossible for Veterans. I have attempted to do the right thing and help my grandfather renew his expired VHIC card, but we have tried logging in numerous times and get errors and all kinds of bogus messages. He was recently hospitalized and is unable to go to a VA location (closest one is over an hour away) Is there no common sense in this world anymore?
I am still waiting for one of these VA computer gimmicks to work and I have tried several different offers over the last few years.
So, a trip to OKC will be necessary to renew my card.
I don’t have a photo ID card like the sample shown. Why?
Will the renewal add the military service disability automatically?
How do I sign up
I received a notice that my VA ID Card is about to expire and had to be renewed. I followed the email instructions and wound-up a site for new cards only. Since I was trying to renew mine I tried again The same thing happened, so I just hung up
I just hit that same roadblock too.
I would REALLY like to know what group (collectively) came up with this absolutely ridiculous method of trying to renew a VHI card!
Is there at least ONE sentient, human being that still works at the VA?
Explain to me how one uses their cell phone to take a photograph from a picture of a “Q” code that is presented on one’s cell phone??
What idiot came up with this marvelous idea?
Since we don’t need a VHIC to receive ANYthing from the VA I am not going to waste any more time trying to figure out these asinine
instructions! My expired VHIC just goes into the shredder! To hell with it.
does this reallly need to be this difficult? are you people aware that not everyone is a computer engineer? after tormenting myself and my wife with this process for over an hour I will now be attempting to renew my ID in person. thanks for nothing!
This is bullsh-t, I have tried everything and yall are going way too far with this security sh-t. I’m only trying to renew my health card and done went thru 10 security clearances and still have gotten nowhere.
I’m not (officially) a “computer engineer” but I do have an associate degree in data processing and decades of experience using computers. I didn’t find the process TOO difficult, but it certainly could have been easier and should have been explained more clearly. I did the process on a real computer (not a smartphone) and I had a photo of my driver’s license and a suitable ID photo already on my computer. The process would have been a lot more difficult if I needed to make those photos while trying to renew my card.
How do I get one of these cards? What is it used for? I’m a Vietnam veteran, USMC, 1964-1969 (active duty).
I would like to get a new card because my old VA card is about to expire. But my costs and benefits analysis has never shown a cell phone is profitable thing for me. So, please set this up so it can be done VIA YOUR VA WEBSITE so I can get my new card without driving 40 miles round trip and try to find a place in Durham’s parking lot. Thank you.
Complete waste of time. More BS from the VA. Why do I even bother?
Trying to renew my VA ID card. After I upload my driver’s license and photo and click next, I get “site can’t be reached.”
Tried this several times, reloaded the page, etc. Same thing.
On top of this, it was extremely hard to find the page where I could even do this. The news page with the QRC, I used the QRC several times, and it only took me to my login page on–where there is no button for renewing my card. I had to call support to get me to the right page to upload my photos, and then it doesn’t work.
This is ridiculous and needs to be fixed. I’ve wasted so much time on this because it is not easy to find how to renew my card after I log in. There should be a renew button on my page on the VA website.
Once logged in the site just tells you what you need to submit to renew your ID but no link to start the process.
I tried to renew online, but kept having problems with the picture part of it, so after a few unsuccessful tries I decided to wait till my next doctors appointment at the VA facility a few weeks later and met with a really helpful and friendly employee who helped me out with the renewal process.
What a pain in the neck this is and still does not work? Once again thanks for nothing!
I spent sometime trying to renew the card but nothing worked. Reading the comments that follow I can see it is your program that’s at fault and not my computer skills. Let us know when you get it fixed and appreciate it if you have worked the bugs out.
Just completed online. It took me about 3 minutes to complete
You say that ID cards can be renewed at the next regular VA appointment. That is NOT TRUE in at least some outlying areas. The nearest option for me is some 90-100 miles distant round trip. At $4.50 per gallon, that is not an option for me.
Never heard about renewing these cards. Have been using the same one 12 years.
This can be tricky.
When asked, be sure to choose the VHIC site.
Once there, you may have to rotate your phone to landscape ( quarter turn to the right ).
Store your photos in an area of your phone accessible to the site. Phones vary. You may have to move them to a different gallery. Trial and error.
Contact me if you need help.
I am trying to renew my VHIC on line. I have scanned the QR code and also signed in by I cannot find where to go to renew. Help please???
Tried to do it online and followed the directions only to get a disclaimer on the next page stating it had to be done on a VA computer. I called the number on the disclaimer given for help only to get someone who did not know what I was talking about. A waste of time.
concerning the in person option to renew vhic card it did not inform us of exactly where to go to do this . can i go to the va out patient clinic here in rapid city, sd or do i have to go to fort meade va in sturgis sd
Worked fine for me. Hopefully it won’t take months to receive the new card.
I spent over an hour today to try to submit my data in order to renew my VA Health ID card. YOUR SYSTEM DOES NOT WORK! IT’S A TOTAL WASTE OF TIME!
The help desk is also useless.
I can understand having to renew our ID cards. What I don’t understand is I went to my local VA Clinic in Visalia, Ca. to see about getting this done and was told “we are not staffed for this” and would have to drive to Fresno, Ca., which is over forty miles from our home. May question is, why is it so hard to maybe have a camera at these other locations and they could just send it to wherever the process has to be done at? I was really hoping the VA would setup or try to setup a system to make it a bit easier on us veterans in this system of information. I cannot take the time right now to go out of our area right now because of health issues with my wife, she has daily treatments at a clinic for cancer and cannot miss a day. I know I am just maybe one out of thousands of veterans, but this situation is real to me.
I am concerned that my veteran id card is being processed. I thought I completed the process online but my new card has not been received. Please check on the process.
All the data in the sign in validation is totally out of date. I don’t even live in the same place/use the same VA Hosp where the information was entered. There fore I can neither sign in nor correct the info. My info (email, telephone numbers etc) was updated over 5 yrs ago and is accurate on other sites. As usual the VA health system data base is a day late and a dollar short. At least I am now female and Army rather than AF and male!! Well done
Did not work at all
Does NOT work. is worthless.
Online did not work. Uploaded pictures but nothing progressed online. This was last week. I’ll try again.
I can’t make it work. Is it me or the program. Based on the comments already entered it is your program!! I spent a fair amount of time trying to follow your instructions to no avail! Ended up totally “frustrated”.
If you is expired it does not renew online. You have to get it through the VA. The website does not inform you about the ezpiration until the very end
This is a terrible website. I signed up for in the past and now I have to start all over and get documents ready to upload. Why do I have to do this? I think I should just go to the VA and deal with someone in person. You are making this very difficult for no reason at all. Will I have to go through these steps every time? All of this for a VHIC card that expired. Why did it expire? This is pathetic.
Is this really necessary?
yeah. why do the cards even have an expiration date?
Need a new Card Updated
What’s my disability % know
I live in York Pennsylvania, Where do I need to go for a walk in, I never applied for this card.
My husband was in the Air Force. He passed away 4 years ago. Can I get a card. I also live in Pa. My zip code is 19363-1399.
Link to renew card does not work, why not just send me a new card?
I think an office at the VA would be appreciated by a lot for veterans who are not comfortable with a computer. Please let’s get help to all the veterans who have no computers . Thank you for your service ??
I don’t have a card and just retired from my civilian job. How can I check to see if I qualify for a card?
Hey, have you tried Try that out. You have to create an account and then just follow along. After that, there’s no problem (in my opinion) navigating where you want to go or what you want to. Hope it works out for you and other readers. Navy Veteran
Why not just send me a new card. It’s impossible to log in and find anything to do with this damn id. Why have you made this so hard. It’s ridiculous. Fire the person who thought this was the way to do this!
Could not get it to work after entering website
hello how can i get my va id card saying service connected
I made the photo and-++got sent to myhealthyvet that had no link for a new ID card.
I have a 97 year old World War 11 veteran (my Dad). He has been diagnosed with dementia. I am the legally assigned daughter to take over all his affairs. He was born in a house and has no birth certificate. But yet, able to serve the country, His drivers license has expired as he no longer drives. But has been using VA benefits for decades. How does he renew his ID to continue to receive medical benefits and other benefits? Please help, Desperate Daughter!
Same. My Dad is 94.5, I have tried several ways to use this web site to no avail. He has advanced dementia. I need help, and time is not my friend.
The first line on this info page says an ID card is not necessary for VA service. If your dad is in the system already he should be good to go
I need a VHIC
Robert E Bartman
I cannot renew my veteran’s medical card online.
Aweful website. Link to renew does not work.
I have never heard of this ID card or what it is used for
Have you ever applied for VA healthcare? I would think not since you do know about this card.. go to VA.Gov and file online if you can and if not go to your local or closes VA and apply. The benefits are easier to receive now..
On future cards, it may be better to forgo the large American flag and branch symbol in favor of slightly larger print for information. On my card the my name is the largest print, plan ID second largest followed by member ID and expiration date. Seems odd that the more numbers or important the information is, the smaller it is. I struggled to even read mine. Just a suggestion.
What if your VA ID card doesn’t have any expiration date?
I need to renew my VAHI CARD
Just how is the QR code any good when it is being viewed on phone with the camera in it? No way to take a picture of it.
Do i quilfy for a card ?
What am I missing? My card doesn’t expire until 2034 but how does it help me quickly check on appointments, etc. Other than my name, I have never used any information from the card.
Renewed in person on October 4, still have not received the new ID card.
I am a Air Force veteran and I’m trying to secure me AV.A card to prove that I served in the armed forces for 4 years and to receive the benefits that I deserve.Who should I get in contact with and register for this Card.
Thank you.
I don’t know why VA even issues these cards anymore. The kiosks NEVER work, and the reception staff don’t care to even see our cards, asking instead for PII (DOB, last four of SSN) when we check in for our appointments. I haven’t seen a working kiosk in years in either Richmond or Fredericksburg. I’d like to know VA’s annual budget for the cards, kiosks, and systems; I’m willing to bet that money could be used elsewhere, like agency-wide training on phone etiquette for the VA operators who answer the phones and treat veterans in a largely curt and discourteous manner.
Could not renew ID Card. Could only request new one. Using the QR Code or on line it didn’t work.
I registered with the VÀ a year ago. I’ve never received an ID card. How do I even get one?
How do I get a VA card
Subject: ” Veteran ID ” card
Why does this card have and expiration date?
I’m still the same person…STILL am a Vet.. STILL alive.
Nothing has changed.
The VA is constantly pushing the mental health issue… Asking me if I am depressed or the sorts.
The only time I get depressed is having to deal with the bureaucracy of the VA itself.
Looking for help with trying to obtain my medical record to apply for disability and getting Va medical card. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
how am I supposed to file on line when I can not scan the code not everyone has a damn smart phone
How do I get one of these cards I am a Vietnam vet HHC 2 bde 4 th inf div 1966/67
None at present.
I have a 10% disability from my service in the USMC but have never had or applied for a Vetran health ID card is it advised to have one ?
A Question Was Asked. A Very Good Question. Didn’t See A Reply From VA. As A Veteran. Why Do Cards Expire? It Seems Counter Productive. Also, It Appears To Be Needless Dollars Spent By VA. I still Have My ID From Decades Ago After SSN Were Removed. It has Held Up Quite Well. In The Interim. A Few Years Ago I did Get A Newer ID. It’s Tucked Away Safely In Draw Somewhere. I Know I will Receive An Email From VA Slapping My wrist. Bad, Bad Veteran. Prolly Get A Time Out. Lol! The Old Adage: If It Ain’t Broke. Why Fix It?
I don’t know who the people are that actually design these instructions but they obviously have never heard of a desk-top computer!
Please explain to me, in detail, exactly how I go about renewing my VHIC using a real, honest to God, desk-top computer running an
up-to-date Windows 10 operating system. If you have forgotten what one of those things is; it’s a device that sits on one’s desk top and
looks like a small, black movie screen and is connected to a moderate size, rectangular box that usually hides under the aforementioned
desk and is connected by a several cables and plugs into a standard (not a USB) 115 VAC wall socket.
Now I’m not so ancient that I still use a rotary dial land-line telephone but I do have a hard wired internet connection to my local provider
as opposed to connecting to one of many cell phone providers. So, for those of us that don’t have an overwhelming desire to attempt to
use a tiny little screen with tiny little button displays to attempt to update their VHI cards, would you kindly instruct us in how to update
our cards? And I concur with the Veteran regarding his/her comment on why do we have to “renew” our cards? I surely don’t plan on
unbecoming a Veteran! In fact, I wouldn’t even know how to do that!
I agree with Nash (below) besides making work what is the reason for renewing my card?
Since my rating is 100% T&P what does VHIC do that my Identification and Privilege card (INDEF) can’t?
At the very end, the screen switched to an IBM screen and stated an error occurred, so I don’t know if the information was received.
Nice thanks you !!!!!…..
You have provided no clear instructions about where to go when you enter a portal e.g. MyHealth. Please send a pathway on the site about where to go to submit the card and ID. I don’t want to have to travel 20+ miles to renew my card, but in several tries I cannot find a way to renew my VHIC online. The QR code does not take me anywhere productive.
My card is about 50 years
Just would like to know why illegal immigrants can get health care free phones and free or subsidized housing. When I served our country honorably in the USN, USAFR & ANG and not qualify for health care because I made too much in my civilian job. This is a disgrace to not only me but all VETERAN’S WHOM SERVED HONORABLY!!!
Also, when IOS device (IPhone didn’t work), I went to my Windows computer (that will stop working soon due to Microsoft not supporting updates to Windows 10, and it can’t update to Windows 11), I filled out all the fields, it didn’t ask for a “picture “ of my drivers license. So I got an email saying my request was cancelled, no proof support document. Uh, you didn’t ask for one. Not clearly stated in directions. Also, it’s a NO REPLY EMAIL OF COURSE. Crappy support as usual.
I just finished renewing my VHIC card and it was super simple! You can’t do it on your iPhone . It needs to be opened on a computer or laptop in order to process your renewal . You’ll need a copy of a nonexpired id like a drivers license with a picture . Also a current picture of yourself which you’ll upload both to the site. It will prompt you for each step . I hope this help my vet friends!
in the article: If renewing in person, bring a valid or non-expired state-issued driver’s license, passport, or federal, state or local government-issued photo ID containing your name and date of birth. BUT IT DOESN’T STATE WHERE IN THE BUILDING TO GO!! i have an appt on friday and will do it then but not sure where to go.
The website doesn’t support IOS (Apple smartphones) & with Microsoft not supporting computers with Windows 10, this is a real problem! The VA needs to update their software for IOS devices!
as seems to be the case more often than not, VA sez renew on line; but it doesn’t seem to work. Good Luck ! What a load of horse manure.
I lost my wallet and my VA ID was in it I 100% disabled active army please get a hold of you so I can get a new card thank you…
It’s nice that you have an option available for people who have technology at their disposal, or live in an urban area! However, Those of us who live in rural areas, where the nearest VA facility is over 100 miles away and don’t have access to the internet, are left behind and abandoned yet once again!
Please explain, why, do I need additional photo id’s to renew in person. You already have my picture on file and I have my expiring(ed) VA ID card with me. I just seem like anything to complicate a simple task.
My name is Robert Hopkins. I filled out a request online to renew my VA ID card and it said it was placed on hold. So I called the number that was given to see why it was on hold. And the individuals that I spoke with said I need to contact my local VA and I did and my local VA rep said that the online service for renewing your ID card do not work. So I did one at my VA.
Why are you wasting my time?
With all the bogus QR code scams out there, it’s doubtful that I will ever trust, or scan, another one again. EVER.
I realize yours is probably safe. I’m just a born skeptic, and would rather play it safe. Please make sure that you provide hyperlinks, too.
Why in Gods’ name do I have to have a cell phone. I DO NOT HAVE A CELL PHONE. Please send email or phone number for renewal.
If you are qualified to receive VA treatment and care why do you have to renew your VA ID card? When I retired from the military I received a Military ID card that was indefinite because as long as I was alive it was good. A VA I’d card should also be good as long as I’m alive as my understanding of the VA benefits are also good as long as I’m alive. It would be a cost saving measure to issue a card with a photo as we receive now that would be good for life.
My card has an expiration date of 06/02/2029, must I renew for reasons other than non-expiration?
There is no expiration date on my card so why would it expire?
It would have been helpful to have this tool 6 months ago when I renewed. It took 2 months and 4 tries. I was never told or notifed it was on hold or why. I called and was told it was not approved but not a reason, I finally got a helpful rep on the phone who helped me to correct the size of my photo which I had paid $18 to get (passport phot )because that is what the instructions called for. Very frustrating.Even the local VA rep could not help!
Will my “service connected” be added to my new card?
Many sites now, including the V-A, assume that the card holder has a “smart phone”
and can easily take a photo or copy a hashtag. I don’t own any such device,
nor do thousands of older people like me.
this site does not work. Even VA reps can not get it to work.
your website does not work so we can not renew our cards.
The link “I am a veteran” does NOT work.
And yet, there’s no link to submit a photo and government ID on the VA website. Another fantastic failure of the VA. And the only way to contact them is by calling
Is this also for my spouse’s ID card which has expired?
I followed the links which lead nowhere I cannot find the form to fill out for the VHIC renewal
I found the instructions to scan the code hilarious because if you sent me the QR code it’s on my phone so how can I point my camera in camera mode because the QR code is on my phone so how does one point their camera lens at the QR code . I can only scan things that are not in my phone so I will go to my local C-boc tomorrow and order a new ID . That is hilarious guys.
How do I get a VHIC
Besides everything else being screwed up with my Corpus VA they tell me I have to make an appointment instead of trying to get it when I already have an appointment for something else and I can’t drive 45 minutes to and fro just for a dumb ID I never have to show anyway! Never convenient for us, just them. I’m sick of it, all of it!!!
I don’t have a card. How do I apply for one?
I don’t know if I ever had a card. If I did, I cannot find it. How do I renew?
Thank you
Arthur Greenspan
My card does not have an expiration date on it. I received it in 2010. It doesn’t look like the card in the example either. I received it from the VA Hospital in Albany, NY. Do I need to apply for a newer one? I will call the VA, I guess.
Tried it on line. It doesn’t work. Very poor guidance and no method shown for renewal. Requested assistance and was instructed to go in person.
Can I use this same process to replace a lost VHI Card?
Can I renew my Va Health card issued in Florida and have location changed to Va Health clinic in MD?
I’m a disabled veteran and The VA clinic in MD refused to help me until I got my Florida VA card transferred to MD .
Give me an “F”ing BREAK!! I had to go through 3 months of dealing with the VA Hospital System here in South Florida in order to attempt to renew my Veteran Health ID Card. What I (literally) had to go through..the lies, misdirection and order to simply update my information was beyond ridiculous.
I would rather bleed out in the streets of South Florida than ever have to deal with the scum of Humanity that is employed at The VA Hospital Systems
“F” you VA’re a sad, pathetic, useless joke
Mine expires in May 2025. When should I renew?
Can the online renewal be done if the veteran does not have their own cell phone or a VA account? I work with a lot of older veterans and this would be a great tool if I was able to do the online renewal with / for them. I am a VetResources Community Network member.
I submitted my renewal last month at the Gainesville, FL and have yet to receive the new card. The gal asked me if I wanted to use the picture on my expired card.
I haven’t had a medical card since I was discharged in November of 1975. How can I get a new one ?
Min not sure if my request was received
Wow…posted once already, followed all the Rules & still didn’t get posted to help my Brothers & Sisters in Arms(Got a lot of them) [Editor’s Note: I’m not sure if you are aware of this, but every comment left on this website is actually reviewed by a VA staff member before it is approved and published. You actually have at least 53 comments that are published on this website. I wanted to make sure you were aware that your comments aren’t being blocked or anything. It just takes a little while before they are able to be published, especially over the weekend. Also, every now and then a legitimate comment gets caught in our SPAM filter, and we actually have to review those as well to make sure nothing accidentally gets blocked that shouldn’t be. We actually do appreciate your contributions to the conversation. Update: I found your previous comment in our SPAM filter. It has been approved. Sorry for the confusion!]
I am an Army Vietnam veteran and unable to get a VA card. I make too much money and can’t claim any disability because I never complained about anything while in the Army.
This VHIC article would have been more informative if it had included the requirements for the photo.
I cannot renew online. WHERE do I go to do this in person? At the Madison VA Hospital? What are the hours/days they do this? All this information would be very helpful IN THE EMAIL
My army discharged 1975 – I had no medical issues-never had any VA medical interactions — upon retirement I went to VA to see if I could get my prescriptions filled through the VA. — was told I have no right to any VA benefits —- is that true?? When I enlisted I was told veterans got medical
Recent photo. Accepted file formats are JPG, TIFF, GIF, PNG, and BMP. For best results use a 400×400 pixel JPG
as a Veteran why does my VA card expire……I’m always going to be a Veteran after serving 15 years active duty during VietNam!
This is 100% true. Once a vet always a vet!
My VA Card doesn’t have an expiration date on it and I still use it whenever I go to my VA Appointments.
I was looking for help about my Health card. I send in for a renewal as requested and it has been a month and still no card. The young lady I talked to was very pleasant and helpful, and gave a number to contact. I hope I am able to get soon. I rely on it a lot.
Faster in person
Great Information…just renewed my VHIC Card..but was told that you go to one of my VA Hospitals & get it the same day “WRONG”…pic taken move out Solider will mail in 8-10 Online (wow) would have saved me a lot of Driving..but all good…pay Attention Brothers & Sisters..don’t go to VA(like most of us are use to) thinking u get it the same day(do online) save yourself the gas….Thanks VA(don’t help me but will benefit a lot of other Veterans)
I found this comment in our SPAM filter. Sorry it was blocked. This is why we have to manually review each post, even the ones that get blocked. Thank you for your comment!
Mine expired. I am unable to do the photo/scan QR code-due to my phone and lack of knowledge. Went in person to the Birmingham, AL VA hospital. Took the DAV van. Arrived early. Found out they do not process renewal/new VA ID cards in the mornings. They start at 1 PM. So if you are going to a VA Hospital for the renewal-call and find out their processing times first. The van left before they opened. Will need to go again in the PM.
I am an Army Vietnam veteran and unable to get a VA card. I make too much money and can’t claim any disability because I never complained about anything while in the Army.
save this information.
What an incredible waste of time, once again, brought to you by the VA. Email supposedly has a link to forms for renewing my health card but once you sign in you are just at some generic VA page without any instruction on how to renew
The links never get me to where I can actually renew my card
If you were injured and can PROOVE it you can always file a claim