The VA Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans’ Illnesses will hold a committee meeting Nov. 20-21 in Houston, Texas. Meetings will be held Nov. 20 from 10 a.m. to noon ET and Nov. 21 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET.

This meeting can be attended in person or virtually. The purpose of this meeting will be to welcome new committee members and review Gulf War Program updates and committee recommendations. On Nov. 21, the final 30 minutes of the meeting will be allocated for public comments.

Join us to learn about the Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans’ Illnesses recommendation updates.

Submitting public comments

The public comment portion of the meeting is important and gives Veterans the opportunity to share their voice with the committee. To hear from as many Veterans as possible, all public comments will be limited to five minutes. All comments, to include speaker names, will be included in the official meeting minutes.

Those unable to attend or speak within the time frame are encouraged to submit their comment(s), two pages or less, via email for the record.

Meetings are free and open to all. Please feel free to share this information widely.

Veterans can attend in person. The meetings will be held at the TMC3 Collaborative Research Building, Texas Medical Center, 7255 Helix Park Ave., Houston, Texas 77030

Join online or by phone

Join the committee meeting Nov. 20:
Time: 10 a.m. to noon ET
Join online: Nov. 20 online website, meeting password: GWvets1990! (case sensitive)
Join by phone: (toll-free): 1-833-558-0712, meeting number (access code): 2823 562 7625

Join the committee meeting Nov. 21:
Time: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET
Join online: Nov. 21 online website, meeting password: GWvets1991! (case sensitive)
Join by phone (toll-free): 1-833-558-0712, meeting number (access code): 2818 042 3790

Get more information about these meetings and other GWV-related items.

The Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans’ Illnesses is a Congressionally mandated committee under the VA Federal Advisory Committee Act. It meets several times each year to provide advice and make recommendations to the VA Secretary. It makes recommendations on proposed research studies, plans and strategies related to understanding and treating the health consequences of military service in the Southwest Asia theater of operations during the 1990-91 Gulf War.

All meetings are open to Veterans and their family members, physicians, scientists and members of the general public.

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  1. Kirt Love December 17, 2024 at 10:57

    All I can say today is, Im so very glad Im NOT on this committee. Because this
    isnt even false hopes any more. All public comments have been scrubbed from
    the last 3 years. What little of it is in the transcripts, but the written materials
    submitted have been removed. So the committee doesnt have a paper trail of
    complaints going back over years. Just there light hearted remarks of how proud
    they are of there members. What great jobs they say they did.

    I knew if I ever got on this committee, they would gag and threaten me the way they
    did when I was on the VA ACGWV committee in 2008. Having to stand alone on a
    committee that threw in the towel 4 months into its existence. Until I had to dissent
    on the final committee report. I wasnt wrong, just alone. Whole committee walked
    away and let VA off the hook.

    Tried to get help for Texas, and swing a 3T MRI for Temple VAMC. Small people stepped
    in to choke this off. The budget was there, it could have been done, then came the promise
    and poof – Temple VAMC cut its own nose off to spite its face. Stupid chief of staff that
    wanted to be crappy. Well got his way didnt he – no 3T MRI at Temple VAMC then or now.

    Ive been so close to making great things happen for decades. Then very small people
    step in to cut anything off that isnt about them. So many now, that nothing gets done.
    As is on the RAC committee now. People without vision, just there to say no.

    Had talent all my life, finding answers to all manner of problems. Well, that is what
    America is all about now – cancel culture. No ideas should get through – and they dont.

    At least in the first years of the RAC we got somethings done, under the radar. I know
    what it was like back then because I was there. When doors were open, and people
    answered phones. Not the “bog of eternal stench” it is now.

    You cant frighten off or demoralize a idea person like me. But, the bulk sure have tried
    for 22 years. Only to fade away, and be forgotten. About only thing left is to out live you
    all, and be the last person left no one can oppose. Just upsets me how many will die
    that these people never helped. Its not real enough for them.

  2. Kirt Love December 9, 2024 at 18:26

    The whole of the Gulf War issues heading into 2025 counts on bringing back James Tuite III to release the Senate 1994 Reigle records. The classified portions.

    This will open doors. He has the authority to release the records after 30 years.

  3. Kirt Love December 8, 2024 at 12:39

    Well, its pretty evident one thing happened in all this and the government is working
    against the soldiers to hide one big fact. That those serving in the Persian Gulf in 1990
    are genetically modified.

    Ive had 20+ years of opposition to my pre – post genetic sequencing project from the war.
    Outlandish efforts to conceal the HIV blood samples from 1989 that DOD wants to play
    down as strictly serum. When it has some genetic content in it regardless of how much
    they filtered it. Why remove ALL DNA, when the serums purpose was to identify alteration.

    When the RAC itself defied my recommendations without explanation, it showed that it
    has been instructed to divert from this topic. Just like previous committee chairman that
    pulled away from me on this. Dead end? DNA is a dead end? Why was this idea brilliant
    back in 2016?

    Something has been really wrong with the RAC since 2002. By 2005 I could tell that things
    were heading south. Dr. Robert Haley pulled away from me when I pushed this very idea
    on him back then. Back then, it was the cost of the analysis work. No one wanted to do the
    thousands of hours of number crunching. That was just a cover.

    Gulf war vets have been genetically modified without there consent. Worse, America hid
    behind the war time protection waiver to go on doing it. War crimes. To see what the
    logical conclusion would be over time. How long would it take us to figure out that it
    even happened. Much like work done in Vietnam under SHAD and similar programs.

    There has been no feasibility study or open discussion on this. Plausible deniability.
    Stall, stall, stall. Till the evidence of this dies with us. Because I can guarantee that my
    own genome does not match general population of this country. Very small unique
    parts have changed. Targeted viral insertion.

    This is the biggest reason why GWI must be played down. War crimes. Crimes against
    humanity. Genetic alteration without consent. Then suppress it. Hide the truth in
    plain sight of others. All starts with who we were before we went to war, and the
    people we arent today.

    I think this committee has played dumb way too long now. Time for answers.

  4. Kirt Love December 4, 2024 at 09:27

    Here it is December 4th, and zero from the committee. That is the whole
    point here. No need for public assurances online or to show mercy. That
    Im no threat to the process. Nothing I say here matters. Nothing anyone
    says off the committee matters. The static is all you will hear.

    Its about false hopes. As long as veterans on the outside think they have a
    remote chance of getting help, that is enough. Let them think it. All the while
    VA closes another door. Rules of equality pretending to be honored. Only
    the most determined might get through.

    The most obvious sign of VAs contempt, is not changing the very nature of
    3.317 for those that file. The UDX clause still has a 92% rejection rate. Its
    there way of saying, too bad so sad. Unless you have a buddy on the inside.
    As it will take executive action to win most GWI claims. Sec of VA pencil whipping
    rather than adjudicators. Even with the PACT act, which is 2001 and beyond.

    What is the purpose of keeping me at bay? Am I pitching snake oil and false
    claims of free rides? That Im a threat to this country? My ideas too wild and
    too expensive. Im unrealistic? In short, I must be kept at bay to assure that
    NOTHING changes. VA is very happy with that. GWI vets are squeezed out. That
    you give me one thing, its too much. I dont know my place in society.

    What this committee wants is inequality. Its very nature shows that. No throngs
    of happy or unhappy vets. Go away. Ignore this. We sure will. Have been since
    2012, and doing VAs dirty work to limit the cost of war. These folks dont even
    want vets to vote on ideas much less pitch real ones. Real changes.

    How this committee treats me is how it treats all, and ignoring one is ignoring all.
    Because I demand results, vote yes or no. Say it out loud either way. This must go
    on as illusion of ideas. Never hold VA accountable, ask for results. Its exactly why
    13 Sec of VA have not feared this committee. No reprisals. Roll over, play dead.

    Im more angry at the vets and service groups than this committee. They would rather
    watch than take any position. Its not what I have done for 27 years. Spectators. That
    lack of respect for others that assures there own lack of equality. Amused at people
    like me trying to stand up to the system. A source of entertainment.

    Then this becomes about haves and have nots. Most are have nots. Too bad from those
    on the inside. You didnt work hard enough for it. Didnt earn it, deserve it. Really?

    Its just too easy when people stand back. When you allow it to happen. Ignore it. Then
    it grows into a mountain you cant climb. Didnt have to be. Still doesnt. You want proof?
    Look at the public comments link on this page:
    or this one:
    or this one:
    or this one:
    September 7, 2023 (VES#9) ( dead link )

  5. Kirt Love November 27, 2024 at 09:43

    See, the RAC and VA does not get here – no one else is commenting either
    way here in this press release. They dont want to alienate you, defend me,
    or defend you. Im not being picked apart here in the open on the VA website
    by anyone. I literally stand alone here meeting after meeting. Because this is
    the real public comments area you do not allow on the RAC website itself.
    That is carefully censored to avoid rallying the troops.

    Your insincerity is obvious. You feel unjustly criticized by me and you do not
    have the stomach to challenge. Closest you have is Tom Mathers sulking that
    I mention him by name. Youve seen Im openly critical of him in return. Only
    because he opposes me directly with nothing in return to match, he is just
    there to say NO. No large programs or ideas. Just what the members are being
    told to say by VA. As you have been gagged. Your hands tied by VA, or should
    I say ORD. Told to back away from conflict. By one member.

    Oh, the committee knows what Im saying. Stan Sloper reads every one of my
    post because he has to, to approve them. Scans Facebook, LinkedIn, and
    other places I post to pass it on. I have tracking methods that show this. Then
    comes the VA lawyers, and mental health staff checking to see if they finally have
    grounds to silence me. LinkedIn is obvious about this down to the minute. This
    isnt silent, there is alot happening in the back ground in VA circles. None of it
    fair, or ever was. Im not stupid, I know how far I can go legally.

    But, 22 years of VA stalling the RAC with 13 sec of VA playing us is criminal. This
    is defiance of a law so the country and the rich dont have to pay more for our
    service 33 years ago. Minimize us. Unless your wealthy, a officer, or part of the
    government. Only they justify getting care and benefits. People like me are not
    equal, not deserving. Im certainly treated that way year after year. Because Im
    on the other side of that table. That firewall of communication to the executive
    staff that have to bottom dollar human life. Get back to that coal mine, die of
    black lung, the wealthy owners need our play cash.

    Washington DC enjoys its new quiet hallways since 2022. No more walk-ins, no
    more access, no more poor people able to reach us. Quiet phones. Auto reply
    emails if at all. Top down economics. Committees that burn money and not
    have to produce results. No accountability of any kind.

    Im a historian here. Massive paper trail of 16 gigs of data going back decades.
    Trying to get answers. Finding diversions, ploys, cruelty, and empty promises.
    The very nature of what few laws we could get passed being twisted to make
    them tools against us. Till 2022 communication was cut off, and VA leaned on
    Google to silence my website. Destroy evidence of mail list and past works.
    To change the past, even keep me from the masses.

    If I was a loser, how did I get a federal committee of my own and get on it? They
    dont hand those out like candy. That was 2007. By 2012 Sec of VA Eric Shinseki
    made sure to silence us all before he resigned in disgrace. Bigotry directed
    at the RAC, to unfairly silence peoples rights of freedom of speech. Drive off
    members who got published.

    VA wants me to look like Don Quixote, and patronize me as such. Thats I must
    be old, senile, nuts to act this way. Anything but actually do true feasibility studies
    on a dozen of my proposals. Never discounted them with numbers or reports.
    They cant. Im just not wealthy enough to deserve responding to. Regardless of
    my education or methodology. The goal? To get me barred, black balled, and
    then they are free of public scrutiny. Block me from meetings. So it is a empty
    room next time.

    None of this is really about me, its about avoiding results. Avoiding the issue
    demands they avoid people speaking about it. Im just the last really vocal person
    left after 22 years that shows up – they just have to get rid of me now. The others
    are loyal RAC followers that wont challenge the committee members. They just
    want there name in committee minutes, not realizing no one cares about that.

  6. Kirt Love November 25, 2024 at 07:07

    From 2003 to 2012 VA hated the RAC and its membership beyond
    measure. But, veterans had mixed feelings and did all they could
    to support it. Meetings had very little support because GWI vets
    just didnt support anything. So over 10 years VA chipped away at
    the group with the help of DODs deployment health staff to cheapen
    there position. i.e Kelly Brix. Ugh.

    After gutting the RAC in 2012, VA just waited about the remaining RAC
    members like Anthony Hardie until support died completely. In comes
    OIF and the attention went there instead. Slowly, without the leadership
    House and Senate dropped support as well as interest. Just what VA
    leadership had been going for. The new RAC chairman stuck to the
    research motto in order to avoid the healthcare and benefits questions
    of the vets. Steinman made promises, and avoided them. Just give the
    illusion of meetings and as if public comments mattered. Stalling.

    Then RAC members began to drive off the service groups, and alienated
    key people like Rick Weidman of VVA. These folks ended up retiring and
    were really not replaced. Reputations damaged, a true hatred began for
    the RAC it either could not see or care about.

    The old crowd wasnt welcome, and the new crowd did not welcome
    true debate or outside involvement. Even supporting VA doctors that
    pushed Somatic diagnosis openly like Dr. Stephen Hunt. Brought him in
    as a consultant rather than folks GWI vets wanted. Steering the committee
    further and further from meaningful goals. Just shallow ones that VA

    What is truly ironic is the committee is hated now by all but a tiny handful
    of loyalist to certain committee members. They see themselves as victims
    and do not understand the simmering hard feelings towards them. Because
    they ignore all comments now, as all comment are criticism. They want a
    picture that all is well and the veterans do nothing but complain. Now they
    have paper thin skins to any and all remarks, seeing nothing but what they
    are told to feel by VA ORD. Who has lost contact with its humanity.

    This RAC has done all it can to scrub its public comments literally by keeping
    them off the website. Very little in the minutes. Avoid the old RAC members,
    and the old RAC veterans in the audience at all cost. All to satisfy 13 sec of VA
    that had no intentions of acting on any suggestions. From both Gulf war
    committees. As VA did not enact any of the ACGWV recommendations either.

    If your tired of my criticism, study the problem. Im reacting to you. I dont go to
    22 years of these meetings to shut you down. But, Ive been coming to them
    with you trying to shut me down. The RAC and VA created a truly hostile place
    to do business that should not be at all. To refuse ALL suggestions. Even the
    tiniest and simplest like dietray trials that would b safe. i.e. Vitamin D, Vitamin B12,
    Vitamin C, and such. Much less a central program the WRIISC is not. Even went out
    of your way to shoot down a voting platform for ideas. To keep personality out of
    this in favor of content.

    You folks create the hate you dont think is there. Heading to a ugly show down
    just to be heard at all. Your not right, not even marginally. If you were, you would
    have results and support. You failed at your jobs and now your so deluded you think
    people want you there when they dont. The wrong people are in charge and like
    in all dictatorships – the coup is coming to depose you. Tear it all down. Pry you
    out of those chairs. Because you dont see it at all.

    Mocking the poor, the suffering, never turned out well in the past. You cant see it,
    did that defense work out for Marie Antoinette? Because you dont relate and worse
    you have members that are cruel about it. You dont want a full room people, as it
    wont be glowing adoration for you. You failed us. YOU FAILED US. For a long time
    now. The room is empty because people hate you.

    Im the villain? Im trying to wrap my head around this. Im fighting to extend a life
    of misery the last 33 years that VA has mistreated at best. I explain the programs
    I face in VISN 17 as they fail me. 26 years of hardship dealing with DC at the highest
    levels to try to change all this. 16 gigs of data to prove it. Subject matter expert in
    so many areas now. All because im not fun to play with? Shower othes with praise.
    Thats where this goes wrong, how are your failures my fault? Makes me a scape goat.

    I have the right to be here, more involved, and pushing for any progress. My serving
    in a war guaranteed that. My goals civic, and universal – not singular. You dont want
    me there because I dont support the political system that used us up and plans to
    dispose of us after the fact. Wait us out.

    Stop spitting on me as well as others, and tell me its not spit.

  7. Richard Bitney November 22, 2024 at 13:23

    The rest of the comments I see about this are FIRE! Very informative for me, a service connected Gulf War vet, coming to look at this for the first time.
    My only, simple comment was going to be…Why was this article of notification about this put out on Nov 18th and only released in the VA News email on November 20th at 5:38PM (Pacific time) when the meeting was scheduled to start on November 20th at 10AM (Eastern time)?!
    Effectively, this looks like it was just a CYA announcement, pretending to be inviting of comments and involvement. In reality, it was designed to keep anyone from having the opportunity to give input.

    • Kirt Love November 22, 2024 at 16:13

      Federal Register was on time. But. Agenda was last minute and devoid of details like closed portions or travel. The committee went to play at George Bush Museum in Bryan College Station. But, didn’t spend time with NARA staff. These ideas were mine. But, they never talked to Buffy about certain records that could and should have been released. It’s not how the old crowd did this. Jim Binns never took any money for travel. He didn’t take vacations to Hawaii, skying in Colorado, and museums in Texas like these folks. Real chairman and advocate. Nothing like this dumpster fire.

  8. Kirt Love November 22, 2024 at 09:57

    Lets put this another way. Im a disgusted veteran that has to find my own
    way in VA alone after 26 years. There are NO attempts to do hard science
    and look at tissue collection for possible causes. No genomic sequencing
    for DNA damage. Really, not even rudimentary labs to track possible
    disease patterns there. If there are labs, its very basic so that subtle things
    go on being missed. Right now, there is no set diagnostic or treatment
    of any kind proven for GWI vets. Its still crude guess work of the worst kind.

    The WRIISC would be our go to centers? They find nothing because now they
    have become sad version of local primary care. The head of the DC WRIISC clinic
    is little more that a PTSD specialist forcing PTSD as a easy out. You cant call
    them, cant email them, and you cant get a referral through. No walkins, no
    unique research patterns. Certainly no million dollar work ups.

    So its reduced to arguing with a primary care doctor who isnt trained in
    industrial medicine or true hazardous foreign travel. He just does standard
    cut and paste medicine outlined by his chief of staff. Ive yet to see one of these
    doctors make a real suggestion outside the box. They do as they are told.

    Go to Environmental health with complaints? GW registry didnt even take
    my vitals. Burn Pit Registry only does 10 minute exam with PFT and xray.
    Toxic exposure exam – 10 minute oral questionare. None of these VA programs
    could find my lung tumor at that time.

    Tom Mathers is fine with all that. Just how the system works. Do any of
    us justify more? Not in his eyes. Berated every bit of this with me the 21st
    to devalue anything I said. This is what the committee is leaning towards
    for direction and leadership? People who are not struggling dont feel the
    need for urgency. It doesnt register with him, and he is even amused by
    a person divulging personal information to him. Something to pick apart.

    Going to the RAC is the last place to complain. 22 years ago it had people
    that cared that were much more flexible. Meetings allowed some off moments
    as long as they had a point. Jim Binns wasnt so insecure that he couldnt
    handle it. he did put his foot down many times. But, he didnt rely on silence.

    The RAC now drives people away as does the system. Hawaii was pretty obvious.
    Way too much hubris for the fact there really is no program. Not in VISN 17.
    Your in Texas, only way to be heard is write the Sec of VA which I do often.
    But, its never him – just his staff that step in. Which is very much like how I
    got my rating in 2002 by being in the Sec of VA office after my BVA appeal.

    Its time to bring back the old crowd before 2012, and show this crowd what
    we did back then to get things done. Doing it by the book never worked.

    So comforting to walk into the lions den at these meetings, knowing that
    nothing will get done. That people get to wallow in there positions telling
    personal stories as if everyone wanted to hear about there bleak careers.
    Burning the clock, insulting and back handing the desperate. Unable to
    understand why I want results. Making sure nothing I suggest makes it.
    That Im there to have all hope taken from me, and sent home with nothing.
    To spend another year watching VA and the RAC snubs me, and others.
    Im sure its very comforting to many of the committee members with a
    axe to grind at any form of criticism they cant handle. Forgetting they are
    public servants, not lords of smaller domains serving the king.

    So much arrogance to the past, and so much contempt for what they cant see.
    My 26 years of experience is to be mocked only because these people were
    not there. Tom Mathers didnt start out with us in 94, 97, 98,99, 03 or any
    of that. The decades of hard work. He is there now to mock that on behalf of
    VA and drive us away. Create a empty room. Silence is consent.

    Because those of us back then pulled together, shared hotel rooms and expenses,
    and knew who the enemy was. Then as they years past opportunist who wanted
    control divided all that up. Till nothing was left. We have plenty of people that
    dont show now. That the internet is enough. Its not.

    Tom Mathers and several committee members set out to drive off the only
    veteran in the room the 21st. Till there was no one for public comment. Only
    those online. Just what VA wants. Orchestrated by VA and ORD.

    Progress is results, and this crowd does not get them. Not even scaled down.
    Its to wait veterans out. To silence people like me. Silence is consent.

  9. Kirt Love November 21, 2024 at 20:47

    The trip to Houston was a huge expensive let down. Money I really didnt
    have to spare. So certain narcissist could poke fun at it and me during much
    of the day. About as low brow as it could get.

    I cant really vouch for the new members, there wasnt enough time to form
    a solid opinion of the. But, Tom Mathers and Ron Brown not only appointed
    themselves emperor of Rome, they demonstrated that no matter what was
    suggested to them – it was a bad idea. Drunk with power. It was like watching a
    high school bully looking for victims. Snide back handed remarks. Lots of
    insincere gestures and contempt. While they had nothing better to offer.

    The chairman is a VA yes man cowering at Karen Blocks feet. They all took there
    marching orders from her. Nothing could be done without consulting her. All the
    while she demonstrated a very one sided agenda.

    Then when I saw the committee falter during the VES aspects, I had a small snippet
    to add. They quickly had Mrs Smith come over and try to brow beat me into
    submission. She did not win the fight outside the room, because she didnt even
    care about the rules. What I mean is, policy and procedure that guarantees the
    committee no disruptions or input when relevant. Shut out. That anyone NOT
    on the committee had nothing to offer except during public comments. Never mind
    I could be a consultant. Which is never offered to vets with opinions.

    I cant reduce a days work to 5 minutes. I had asked to address the committee. They
    blew off my request, as if public comments would be considered. Tom Mathers had
    already declared himself god, public comments wont sway him. He already has
    decided for the committee.

    At every turn today, I was being insulted over and over. What could I possibly have
    to offer. Yet, boo hoo hoo – veterans dont seem to be flocking to the committee. That
    the VES sessions were not money makes for Tom Mathers. Not with his crappy attitude.

    So I left at 1:30pm realizing the committee had no desire to give me any real time. It was
    going to let Tom Mathers and Ron Brown burn the clock telling anecdotal stories
    I had long gotten bored with. Time is a luxury for them I do not deserve in return.

    The message is totally lost on the committee. I was the only person in the room and
    I left. The members so important, just better off with a empty room. I had nothing to
    offer because Tom Mathers deemed it so. Then its the Tom Mathers research committee
    and I hope he is very happy on it, alone.

    Good for you. Your so superior to me. Nothing like being down graded by a narcissist
    to make them happy. Then what? You can kiss my ass if you think the WRIISC is enough
    or a working entity. Its not your life hanging in the balance.

    This committee has no chemistry. Its damn sure not advocates. Some members delight
    in the suffering of others. But, this is PERFECT for Sec of VA Denis McDonough and I
    have no doubt part orchestrated for him or by him. The RAC has turned evil.

    Its time to disband the RAC. Vote of no confidence. Lets go another route.

  10. edward bryan November 21, 2024 at 13:08

    A gulf war Clinic / Center should be mandatory in 2024 to start a foundation to piece together science not being done. The bio markers study is in limbo and a failed cause which was very interesting for research and clinical trials 2012 timeframe, not done. The gulf war clinic would bring together research and foundational layering of research to clinical trials nationwide.
    There must be foundational planning and focus groups open to the public. VA RAC must have more interactions with veterans and veterans’ groups. We need a focus group with roundtable info to get back to the committee and to get our point across to the Congress committees on gulf war illnesses. We need to update all the gulf war public laws and find treatment that works. There are two findings from gulf war research, Alzheimer’s, ALS and Breast Cancers not being told to the Veterans. We need to have an open public meeting. The gulf war research must stay away from research failures. More funding is needed outside of the box A gulf war Clinic / Center should be mandatory in 2024 to start a foundation to piece together science not being done. The bio markers study is in limbo and a failed cause which was very interesting for research and clinical trials 2012 timeframe, not done. The gulf war clinic would bring together research and foundational layering of research to clinical trials nationwide.
    There must be foundational planning and focus groups open to the public. VA RAC must have more interactions with veterans and veterans’ groups. We need a focus group with roundtable info to get back to the committee and to get our point across to the Congress committees on gulf war illnesses. We need to update all the gulf war public laws and find treatment that works. There are two findings from gulf war research, Alzheimer’s, ALS and Breast Cancers not being told to the Veterans. We need to have an open public meeting. The gulf war research must stay away from research failures. More funding is needed outside of the box. If I was a VA RAC committee member, I would be requesting at least 10 billion Dollars funding and get better answers and not under funding testing under less than <1% or less one percent. If I was a Member of the VA RAC I would be requesting $10 Billion Dollars for gulf war research today.
    As a stake holder for gulf war issues, I’m requesting this committee to place this item (Gulf War Clinic/ Center) with $10 billion dollars funding and request to be placed on the agenda as soon as possible.

  11. Kirt Love November 20, 2024 at 18:52

    What a let down the 20th meeting was. Right back to the worst methods that
    VA is so proud. Stale one sided good ole boy stuff. Its right back to the Steinman
    era just like I said.

    If every Sec of VA wrote us off, then thats the pattern. Status quo changed nothing.
    209 recommendations blown off over 22 years. What are missing are advocates
    on the committee, real ones rather than subjective ones.

    Everything has failed up to now. Why not a simple phone survey by the RAC of 100
    people of what would they want now? That falls under outreach. Fresh insight. Over
    a 30 day period? Throw out some ideas if they have none. A 800 number to contact that
    is tied to Gulf war catchall. A place to meet nationally. A common dbase. A common
    website. A common single clinic that does more than turn vets away.

    This is it for Gulf war vets, this tiny window. We fund the WRIISC, but its there to
    cater to all but us. It does not care about our needs or ask. The RAC is limited to
    research and not even that. It needs help to change format. Because for 22 years
    its Sec of VA ignore it. Then time to change this.

    Not with this chairman, he is NOT what we need. Been down this road before.
    He stiff arms vets like me and has no courtesy to contact me after requested.
    Man is a coward worried about DOGMA and following protocol. What he is not
    is a disabled person living in hardship, he is NOT motivated. Detached. So he has
    no frame of reference for the circumstances because he cant relate. Didnt work
    in the past, wont now. So two more years of nothing – more of the same.

    I should have been allowed to present, because I would have given this group
    insight from someone not getting any where on the outside. What medical care
    is like for me in VISN 17, and how it does not serve me. 15 minutes twice a year
    is failing me. Just trying to get imaging for a tumor over 4 months is a nightmare.
    I know where things are going wrong because Im living it every day. Real to me.

    As to the trip to Bryan, they missed the point. Hell, Im the one Marsha asked about
    GWI exhibits months ago. They kept it a secret till today. So what, I called the GBL
    and asked if the committee talked to the research staff. NO. So its to go look at the
    exhibits? GWI presidential records stored they and they didnt ask for NARA time.
    Medically relevant records? Talking about missing the ball.

    I have every reason to be outraged. This is backwards, not forwards. A timid committee
    not pushing VA. Excluded Paul Sullivan who would have pushed. To the tune of
    $438,000 a year not to produce results? I can damn sure do better and they wont let
    me, and they are not doing better. About time to change the sheet music.

    Criticism, get used to it. Thats what you earn when you ignore a need or produce
    nothing. Better get a thicker skin. Failure does not make veterans fun to play with.

    We need Jim Binns back as chairman, he set the standard. We have seen what VA
    picks and they are clueless. Give the vets what they want, need. Not this BS. When
    you spit on a human being and devalue them, they do tend to fight back.

  12. Kenneth Coates November 19, 2024 at 13:10

    I spent months on the flightline breathing in toxins caused by about 700 burning oil rigs but after filing because of the PACT/ACT I’m told that my claim was basically denied due to “lack of evidence”. Who was I supposed to get to documentation from? Our location had nobody from the medical field. So, this is exactly why I’ve avoided the VA for years. Instead, I receive a letter from the VA blaming my conditions on my age!

    • edward bryan November 19, 2024 at 21:33

      It was 1200 oil well fires for a year of burning. take or bring pictures to your doctor appts.

  13. Kirt Love November 18, 2024 at 20:20

    Been so hard fighting with this committee. 22 years of this. Not so much the
    committee but VA itself. Every Secretary of VA ( 13 of them ) has rejected the
    RACs suggestions and findings. PL 105-368 no long serves GWI vets because
    the law has no teeth. The RAC needs a over haul, and broader mission. Im
    working on that.

    The meeting collapsed last time. Chairman stepped down. Last day was chaos
    in several ways, and the end was abrupt. Since then new chairman and new
    members. Sec of VA Denis McDonough made sure Paul Sullivan would not be
    allowed on the committee. Really? Creator of PL 105-368 – and grandfather
    at its creation 22 years ago. Yep, they only want VA ringers.

    I asked to present at this meeting, ignored. I wanted a answer, yes or no – specialty
    clinic for GWI vets. Scrap the WRIISC in favor of a better program just for Gulf war
    vets rather than all eras. Why say that? Because the WRIISC was supposed to be our
    special clinic. Instead, it became about deployment health and serving all eas. All
    but ours. As of last year you cant walk into a WRIISC, cant get a referral, if it is referred
    then its local, and when I needed help with this lung imaging they said no. Then what
    the hell are they for?

    Im sporting a massive lung tumor that Im getting no where with. Imaging went wrong
    today after nearly 4 months to be seen. Im too big for the machine and it went badly.
    We could not finish, I was in so much blinding pain. Felt like throwing up.

    Primary care is no real help. WRIISC is no help. RAC is no help. There is no where for me
    to go for help. Not welcome any where. All I want is one damn place I can go to and find
    out how much time I have left. Every day is guess work.

    All new committee meeting this week, its already going bad. Houston is too far away for
    me. Its actually easier to get to DC than to Houston for me. To try and talk. Have my public
    comments brushed off. Go back to waiting. At least Sec of VA Denis McDonough is leaving.
    This whole show is a 22 years circular argument, designed to stall. I want that to change.

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