Gulf Coast VA and Lexington VA joined forces on a project called SHRIMPS to improve surgical scrub personnel handoffs during break periods. Dr. Andrew Harris started this project following a tense situation during surgery when a replacement staff member was unaware of the location of a crucial instrument.

OR Team
Operating room team

They created the SHRIMPS protocol to make sure every part of the surgical setup is covered during handoffs. This means that members of the surgical team can take well-deserved breaks while maintaining the safety of the patient.

The SHRIMPS acronym includes important aspects of the surgery, such as instruments, sponges, medications, specimens, just-in-case items, implanted items–such as mesh or screws; items that may be out of sight, and an overview of the progress of the procedure.

Making sure to address each and every item helps to make sure all surgical team members are on the same page.

The project was successful at Lexington VA, so it applied to the Diffusion of Excellence Shark Tank Competition in 2024 and Gulf Coast VA had the winning bid, allowing the Lexington team to assist in successfully implementing the SHRIMPS protocol at its facility. Over the past year, the teams have collaborated closely to make sure the practice fit just right.

At first, Gulf Coast VA found that only a few handoffs met the strict SHRIMPS protocol requirements. But by the end of the project, 100% of handoffs met the criteria, showing a big improvement in how handoffs were done.

“The handoff is now standardized and creates a smooth transition.”

“SHRIMPS really streamlined the handoff process in our operating room,” said Surgical Technologist Brittany Hickman. “The handoff is now standardized and creates a smooth transition for the relieving scrub person so that they can continue the surgery. When I am the relief, I feel safe jumping in and taking over knowing that all information has been translated to me. It’s thorough, helpful and creates a universal atmosphere. I am really glad we have SHRIMPS. At first, I was skeptical of something new, but it is awesome to have everyone on the same page each time we do a handoff.”

This project is a great example of teamwork and innovation in health care. This experience can teach other health care facilities how to improve their practices, keep patients safe and how to collaborate to improve Veteran outcomes. This valuable lesson can also inspire other health care facilities to enhance their protocols and provide better care for their patients.

For more information, visit Diffusion of Excellence Marketplace SHRIMPS.

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