Internal organizations to realign their existing structures
VA today announced that it is taking the first steps under the MyVA initiative to realign its many organizational maps into one map with five regions to better serve Veterans.
The new regions under the MyVA alignment will allow VA to begin the process of integrating disparate organizational boundaries into a single regional framework to enhance internal coordination.
“We want every Veteran to have a seamless, integrated, and responsive VA customer service experience every time. This regional alignment is the first step in empowering Veterans to interact with one VA – MyVA,” said Secretary Bob McDonald. “Ultimately, this reform will improve the Veteran experience by enabling Veterans to more easily navigate VA and access their earned care and benefits.”
VA’s new regional design utilizes state boundaries to divide the country into five regions. Each organization within VA will begin work to ensure their structures are aligned within this framework by the end of June 2015.
Veterans are already seeing the impacts of changes made through the MyVA initiative. For example, at the suggestion of VA employees, the department has made improvements to VA call center operations, to allow call center agents to suspend or resume certain benefit payments at the request of the Veteran, which eliminates additional steps typically required of Veterans. Also at the suggestion of employees, VA is working towards piloting improved signage in certain facilities, to make sure Veterans know where they are going and that directions are easy to follow.
Additional VA efforts are currently underway to define the next steps to transform the Department into one that is more centered on the Veteran.
Background on MyVA
Launched on September 2, 2014, MyVA is an initiative which will reorient VA around Veteran needs and empower employees to assist them in delivering excellent customer service to improve the Veteran experience. It is the largest department-wide transformation in VA’s history and will be a product of ideas and insights shared by Veterans, employees, members of Congress, VSOs, and other stakeholders.
The first phase of MyVA has included creating the task force and building the team to support the mission and an organizational change of this breadth. MyVA is focused on five areas of improvement:
- Improving the Veteran experience
- Improving the employee experience so they can better serve Veterans
- Improving internal support services
- Establishing a culture of continuous improvement
- Enhancing strategic partnerships
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As of February 13, 2015 nothing has changed at the VA. The cards that were sent to vets to use if they live 40 miles away from a clinic, or if their appointment wait is too long? Useless. Try calling that number and get put on hold for hours with no one ever picking up. Appointments referred from primary GP to specialty still take 6 months. NOTHING has changed.
I am an old Korean war vet. After many years of trying to get my VA benefits, I was finally rated as 100% disabled. I have wonderful medical support for my diabetes through the DC VA Hospital. However, the medical administrative support for things that my doctor orders is, sadly, very poor. For example, two “special order” prescriptions ordered by my doctor took nearly three months to fill, and they were only filled after many contacts directly with the pharmacy by myself, a very dedicated nurse, and the hospital patient advocate’s office. In another example, my doctor’s order for a replacement insulin pump languished for four months before it was fulfilled. There are other examples of delays in medically necessary consumable orders that I can detail if anyone wants to hear them. The problems I have identified must not be unique to my experience. I would really appreciate someone taking the time to resolve these important issues. Thank you.
This is the unteenth time I have tried to help by explaining the ways that can improve the VA system. However, after 27 + years in the system that continues a constant borage of change and bull. It seems not wanted nor excepted but it’s to close to the truth. So therefore the site refuses my statements that are not pro VA. So to the VA, if you don’t want the Veteran input. Don’t ask. Not letting us post what we feel is in our best interest is getting to you. Close up shop, don’t turn us off.
Remember some thing very important. It could always be worse.
Good point Gus. We should ALL be glad that we served this great country & while it may not be perfect, we do have the VETERANS Administration.
Will my feeling it took a congress person 6 months to look in s death from s drug overdoses????? She did care about my complain I made ! I seen to docs in Tomah va clinic no narcotics drugs given to me. I wish I had Doc feel good when I was thier, will it how the va work congress and senator do give s damn. Until. Some happen death took 6 month review it why.
Our S.Az. VA Healthcare System was much better before all of the changes of the last 6 months. No more annual medical exams and no more continuing perscriptions for level 2 drugs, and you have to call every month for a new prescription and the call time to receipt of the “script” is delayed. It is a MESS!!!
I also have experienced what Danny has said, but for the most part, Seattle VA has treated me like a million bucks through the years. There have been a few culls (employees) who was under the assumption thought that his or her job was more important than the Veteran, but I think with the rapid attitudinal changes Secretary Bob McDonald is implementing, well, I’ve already seen process changes. Especially in the mental health area. I hope to see this in Primary Care areas as well. Can’t keep doing same things and expect change. Hats off to Mr. McDonald. Hands on approach is what the VA needs and is receiving. At any rate this is what I have observed. Some may have a different opinion. We’re finally set on a good direction me thinks.
Don’t give up on Secretary McDonald! I think he is more than an “Administrator”. I have had contact with him, & get the feeling that he is our brother who got put in that position for a reason. I don’t think the politics will get to him!
All this is well and good, but to date nothing has changed. One of the new answers is someone will get back to you. No one does.
I and many other vets who are trying to use the choice program are finding it worse than the old system. I have been waiting two months to see a doctor in the program, and so far have had one rep from a doctor, one from choice trying to set me up with an appt. this did not happen because the doctor does not take the insurance the va is using.
The people said they would get back to me. They did not.
The pain clinic in Dallas Texas has done every thing they could. To me they are one of the best clinics I have dealt with.
I am not a welfare case nor am I looking for free stuff. I spent 21 years in the navy , 34 months of that in nam. I am a combat vet who kept my promise to my government, now all I want is what i was promised.
My body and mind are a mess. I live with pain every day. I tell them and they say they will get back to me.
Please someone that really cares get back to me and help me. There are a lot of good people working for the va, but a pretty much powerless to do anything. Then there are those who could care less and are the ones who say someone will get back to you.
Mike, nobody receiving care at the VETERANS Administration is looking for “free stuff”. Whether you served in wartime or peaceful times, if you served honorably, you EARNED the right to expect the gov’t to keep its promises to you. THAT is what every veteran is ENTITLED to.
They use to have Regions, then changed to VISN’s, and now back to Regions……Ridiculous…
Actually, the VA has BOTH Regions and VISN’s. There are multiple VISN’s per Region. Yes, the VA is provided by the people of the country to our Veterans for their service but the VA belongs to the Vets much more than to the American People. The VA can do a much better job of taking care of our Vets than has happened in the past. They seem to be making strides in that direction. I also agree with the give respect to receive it. It all comes back down to the Golden Rule. Treat others the way you want to be treated. Period. There is no excuse for disrespecting our Vets. They have stepped up when others didn’t or wouldn’t to protect our freedom. There is no excuse for mistreating them after what they and their families have gone through to protect this country.
Thank You for including the families. As a veteran with PTSD, I have put my family thru HE’LL. My kids are now grown; one of them won’t even talk to me. I have been fortunate enough to find a lady that truly loves me & has stood beside me in spite of the nightmares, mid-nite beatings, etc. Without her & my little service dog, I would be a statistic by now. When I thank or welcome a brother or sister home, I usually ask the “other half” if they are a vet too; either way, I thank them as well.
This is all well and good, but until upper mgt learns to treat employees like REAL people, & front-line employees treat veterans like REAL people, it will not help. One thing needs to be made perfectly clear: WE ARE THE VETERANS IN THE ADMINISTRATION; IT IS OUR HOSPITAL, CLINIC, & OUR ADMINISTRATION. Now, to my brothers & sisters: we should make it a point to give respect in order to receive respect. At least until it is shown that respect is not deserved.
Agree with the treating everyone well sentiment. I would like to point out though that the VA belongs to the American people and not to Veterans. It is their generosity and appreciation for service which provides for and supports the VA system. The best thing Veterans can do is to quit with the sense of entitlement, uphold the values which motivate the citizens of the country to support a VA system, and pitch in where possible and help the VA improve.
Barry, I don’t mean to sound like I feel ” entitled”. To be honest, I am very happy with my care at the VETERANS Administration. You are right, our country has been generous to us. My point is that without the VETERANS, there would be no VETERANS Administration. That is why I make it a point to capitalize VETERANS. I am a very strong ally & supporter of Secretary McDonald; he is a brother veteran, & perhaps our greatest hope to fix the problems that exist. I worked at the VETERANS Administration, & know what I am talking about. The system is plagued with greed & incompetence. Please know that I respect your comments.
First I do agree with you that many United States Citizens and Federal Employees may have the entitlement mentality, however I address my disagreement: You first include “All Veterans” into the “entitlement” camp, to do so is disingenuous. Fact; the United States Citizen Military Veteran IS “the American people” you placed in you second sentence. Second the “Department of Veterans Affairs” IS the Entitlement that OUR United States of America Citizen Veteran Heroes ARE given for the service they provided to maintain the “Freedom of the United States of America” which include you! Most Veterans I know are silent and don’t reach out for help from the DVA, and when they call ask a question that might be benign to you, that should be a BIG RED FLAG that this is the guy WE work for. So meet me, I work for our Veteran’s and if anyone should ask me who do you work for the answer better be “the VETERAN. Now read what is ready being asked. What can WE do to
1. Improve the Veteran experience
2. Improve the employee experience so we can better serve Veterans
3. Improve internal support services
4. Establish a culture of continuous improvement
5. Enhance strategic partnerships
Our Veterans and FTE’s are entitled to IT!
Barry only 1% of America do military service, we go where ever we are sent. We put more wear and tear on our body’s. So did you do military service? We do our jobs no matter where we are. The last the 13 years we have been at war, and many if our Military members where wounded. Do to the advancement in controlling bleeding, we have many Veterans live, but with life long injury’s. Thing about how many WWII service members would have live of controlling bleeding was know back than with today combat live saver? So way is it ok for people to be on government entitlement and do it for life? Yet you think it wrong for our government to care for our veterans.
After WWII the VA was started, before that when war was done there was no help for veterans. So it it to much to ask that veterans be taken care of? So I tear my S1 joint up and all that can be is injection. I had to retire because I could no longer do my military duties and MOS
I agree to everything Danny states. Specifically the upper management’s treatment of our front line employees. Making comments like “I can replace you with someone else” how can you replace an employee of 15-20 years experience working directly with the veteran, that they know them by first name & have known them for years. Treat with respect & get respect. It’s bad enough that the VA can’t get doctors and nurses to apply, how in the hell is the VA going to replace those who the veterans first comes in contact when they show up for a medical appointment.