Late last month, VA announced preliminary details for the forthcoming “VA ID card” as well as four separate alternatives Veterans can use until that card is available. This online posting provided other options to access and print a free Veteran proof of service letter through eBenefits. This letter serves as proof of honorable service in the uniformed services. However, several Veterans were unable to locate this self-service using the eBenefits web portal and there was also confusion regarding the process to request the upgraded eBenefits premium (free) account access.
The eBenefits premium account unlocks multiple, additional VA benefits and services. Our short, helpful YouTube tutorial above explains how to easily gain premium account access.
After upgrading to an eBenefits premium account, users can download the proof of service (the free Veteran Proof of Service letter) by following the below instructions:
- Log into your account on the eBenefits homepage.
- At the top of the page under the eBenefits logo, hover your mouse over the “Manage” tab. In the dropdown that appears below it, click on “Documents and Records.”
- In the left column on the following page, click on “VA Letters.”
- At the bottom of the following page, click on “Veteran Proof of Service.”
- Print.
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It’s a SIN Vets don’t get the best care. I’m a air force vet without any disability
Burns me up to read & hear our vets who are required by law to be taken care of are not. Vote for Trump! Everyone else has promised and failed to deliver.
Thanks a lot
I received excellent care at the VA hospital in Albuquerque New Mexico! While travelling in Dec 2015 I had a heart attack and was admitted to the Cardiac Care unit there. The doctors wer fabulous though I had some issues with several nurses. Doctors took great care of me and got me back on my way. Highly recommend the Albuquerque VA!!!
Another question is that I’m 100% Disabled due to Unemployable. But I want to go to school just to get out and do something so I don’t waste away. Why am I being told that if I go to school that I would lose my disability rating? How is that fair if all I want is to get educated so I can show my children and grandchildren that I have a college degree?
“I’m 100% Disabled due to Unemployable” How does ANYONE become 100% service connected because they are unemployable? How many veterans are taking advantage of that gig?
Been waiting since October for dental bills to be paid . Looks like director and staff forgot me again . Some one named Susan called to let me know all future dental work canceled! Detroit ortho. called to comply with 30 day rule, I’ve only been fighting VHA for 40 years to get knee hinge. I told her I live in Muskegon, clear across the state. With no one to care for me after surgery, it only makes sense to do it in Muskegon. Stopped at Muskegon VA Clinic to have Dr. order local surgery. As usual nothing .I’m going to send you Bob McDonald a base ball bat to knock some heads. Fire ms.Skuppion! !
I had Kidney Stones and a object on my Liver but yet my doctor wouldn’t listen to my complaints. She told me straight out to find another doctor if I didn’t like how she was treating me. So I did and that takes 4-6 weeks which means I’m in more pain than ever so where do I go for help? I went to the New VA in Lake Nona Orlando n they put me through all kinds of test to find out what I’m suffering from. So why am I suppose get healthy if they won’t do their job because they’re exempt from lawsuits. I bet if that was changed these doctors who r from other countries will change how they treat us veteran. I’m a Nam veteran with 100% disability due to many mental illnesses.
I have being using this or availing myself with the eBenefit access, however sometimes veteran’s information might not be up to date. So far, so good.
George Alakpa
Thank you for your help.
Marine. I am sorry for your lousy care in SC! We have a pretty good VAMC in WA state. Usually the problems we have, are reported and addressed in a timely manner. Oh sure there are real jerks at my VA, but we report them when they are incompetent or unnecessarily rude each & every time (or you are not doing your part). Repeated reports on the same provider, get focus, cause we put it on Twitter and Facebook or YouTube. Also write, he said he wanted to hear from us! It’s an unnecessary pain in our brains to deal with stupid self centered people, but if they don’t get exposed, it will never change. Or go to the belong), our duty is to help each & every veteran we come across & help & assist their arduous trip to & through the VAMC system, including initial paperwork.
I have sought care at the Palm Beach VA hospital and with one exception everyone has gone above and beyond to help and make me feel comfortable. The only other problem we face here is a police state in FL that makes it virtually impossible to get pain medications even with clearly diagnosed conditions like three herniated discs in the back.
I need help with current meds situation; the doctor nor the pharmacist will listen. Not empathy.
Please provide someone I can speak to, above the local level.
Editor’s note: Ma’am, your specific personal medical information has been redacted per VA’s social media policy. We have referred your full comment to our colleagues at VHA for follow up with you directly. Thank you.
Just more BS and a waste of time and money…….Give us real DRs and Real medical help. close all VA clinics and so called hospitals and let us go to outside REAL HELP. WE did our part and this so called help we get is a JOKE. I got better care at DaNang Navy aid station in 67&68 than I get here in SOUTH CAROLINA…
I had a great Doctor at the in Savannah ,Ga and he was a highly decorated former Marine who flew F4 Phantoms in Vietnam and a Veteran,but he retired from practice!I now I have a Doctor from China who barely speaks english.I quess on my next appointment,I will have to use sign language!!!!!I sure miss Dr.Yorkoff!!!!and I am a former Infantry Marine 0311….
doesn’t work. loops.
All thing help related with eBenefits is available at You can chat live with someone or call one of the numbers listed.
I have been denied access to ebenefits and can’t find a phone number for assistance. please help.
I went to a regional VA office, showed my ID and got my eBenefits account upgraded. Peace, Roy