From the MOVE! Program and Wellness Center to nutrition counseling and free weekly fitness classes, VA Butler Healthcare has plenty of resources and programs to help Veterans get fit and stay fit in the New Year.
Army Veteran Michael McLafferty has participated in VA Butler’s MOVE! Program, exercised at the Wellness Center, and currently attends VA Butler’s weekly fitness classes. This past year, he attended 181 classes after Courtney Johns, a registered dietician at VA Butler, suggested he might want to shed a few pounds.
Michael first got involved in health and wellness programs at VA Butler Healthcare through the MOVE! Weight Management Program. Thanks to MOVE! Michael lost 30-35 pounds. “I can thank Courtney for that! She ran the program and she got me interested in losing weight.”
After success with MOVE! Michael started going to VA Butler’s Wellness Center. Michael got himself into better shape lifting weights, and then decided it was time to give the fitness classes a try to add in some cardio. Michael attends the fitness classes available free to Veterans three to four times a week. He participates in cardio classes (his favorite), yoga classes, and boxercise.
“The classes help me maintain my weight. I’m also in much better shape than I used to be,” said Michael. “I can do so much more now than I could when I first started, in terms of endurance, balance, etc. I’m 65 years old. So, the balance part that comes with yoga is important.”
Michael recommends the fitness classes to everyone, and not just the fitness classes, but exercise in general. “It just makes you feel so much better!”
By Amanda Kurtz Public Affairs Specialist
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I would like to find the nearest MOVE location to Washington, DC. Nearest 20032.
The MOVE Program is different in each location. Funding, lack of proper equipment and lack of recognition to the Service members who benefit weight-loss is also a chief concern. I speak from a 175 lbs med frame from a 242 lbs unhealthy version just a few years ago. Exercise classes and equipment should be required (when properly provided). Besides all of this, a healthy veteran is key to a fulfilling life, which in turn saves LOTS of Money.MOVE Coordinators lack attention for their enduring efforts to help Service members.
I would be interested, I recently retired and moved from Elmira NY to Irvington Alabama, I think it would be great, if alavible in this area of Alabama.
I have been waiting for over three years for the fitness coach to be made available for android phones (not all of us can afford the expensive Apple I-phones which is the only equipment that can use the app), and the website only says that it will soon be out in an android version.
As typical with the VA, “soon to come out” may be decades before it actually does. At least I was able to use the Under Armour’s Fitness Pal to help me lose the 80 pounds I needed to get off.
I lost 60 lbs on move program.its been 18 months and I’m at my weight I was in high school 175! This program is great.You get a coordinator and a scale,a guide that will tell you what to eat.Follow that with some sort of exercise (I walked 10000 steps daily roughly 5 miles at our local mall) and as long as the calories are less than the amount you burn by exercising you will lose weight.
is there MOVE in Atlanta?
Wouldn’t it be great if all Veterans had access to a VA facility like this Veteran did?
Is there a VA Move Program located in New Jersey
The MOVE program help me get started with my life change I’ve lost 42 pounds over two years. I start and stop got frustrated but once I followed the program’s direction and listen to my body. I began to see the changes in me that my family and friends saw in me long before.I was in the Hampton VA and now I’ve moved to Watertown, NY (FT. Drum) with my daughter need to find one here.
is this provided in NE Ohio. I am very interested in the Move program
Local VAMC, Tuscaloosa, AL, provides such services. They are helping me at this time. My goal of 175 pounds total weight is on 11 pounds away. Without the help provided by Mr. Bartlett, Registered Dietician, and Dr. Austin, Psychology, I don’t think I would have achieved the loss levels I have attained.
The MOVE program is a good program but varies with each facility. I live in Richmond VA area so there are just classes which are informative but I also have to pay a co-pay for them and the follow-ups. It just adds up to more than I can afford if I need other treatment. Which I also have to pay for. But I did like the program.
I’m interested but I live in hartford alabama can you help me.
Interesting program at Butler VA…….should be introduced throughout system, I could use it myself. Have COPD and over weight….trying to lose….difficult
I appreciate information on “MOVE” program at the Bronx, NY