My interview this week is with Army Veteran Doug McCormick. I’ve been very fortunate in the past couple months and have received a lot of opportunities for interviews. My cup has run over, and finally, after sitting on it for six to eight weeks, I finally have opportunity to release my interview with Doug. We talk about a few important topics, to include Veteran community, entrepreneurship and money.
Note: We are not providing any financial advice and VA does not official endorse Doug’s guidance on money, but we did invite him onto the podcast because it is an important topic and respect him as a subject matter expert. If you have any questions or want to explore the ideas Doug brings, consult your family’s financial adviser or contact Doug directly using the contact information he provided.
About Doug:
Before joining HCI Equity, Doug worked in the Investment Banking Division of Morgan Stanley & Co., where he was involved in the completion of numerous mergers and acquisitions and acquisition-related financing transactions. Doug previously served as a Captain in the U.S. Army’s 25th Infantry Division, receiving numerous awards for performance and achievement.
Doug serves as a board member of Team Red White and Blue and Bunker Labs, both veterans service organizations, and is a Henry Crown Fellow.
Covered in Episode 26:
- Where to find the #VApodcast
- Interview with Army Veteran Doug McCormick
- Why he joined the Army
- His experience in the military
- Transitioning out of the military
- The value of Team RWB
- His thoughts on Bunker Labs
- Finances as a service member and transitioning Veteran
- Beneficiary Financial Counseling Service and Online Will Preparation
- #VeteranOfTheDay is Army Veteran Marty Martinez
The #VApodcast is now available in iTunes, Stitcher Radio, Google Play, and Spotify. Search “Borne the Battle” in your podcast app of choice to subscribe.
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We can agree that more issues regarding Veterans, are surfacing to show that either not enough is being done, or we are standing up to be heard that we are finding ways to address those issue by getting informed about how to do it. My name is Albert Duran, Vice President, of Beyond Valor, a Network Management Co, a Vietnam Era Veteran, as one in the second of four generations of my family to have served, and I have dedicated more than seven years to develop a simple idea of how we could address the Veteran Unemployment issue into a Network of six different networks to expand on its structure. I was recently introduced to William Owens, the director of the Improv Show, in LA, putting on a PODCAST, benefit for Veterans at the Hollywood Post 43, and they expect to several actors, singers, dancers and comedians to attend in support of those Veterans including all those that never gave up on their legacy. Their families should know why their loved ones were asked to face the possibility of not coming home, and why they had to stay at home not knowing from day to day if they would make it home. Please check out our new web site at [, to get more details on the show scheduled for May 24, 2017, and you may even consider advertising your organization or business to support those Veterans and the legacy they accepted.