As part of VA’s ongoing efforts to modernize and improve Veterans’ experience with the disability claims process, VA unveiled its latest enhancements to the Decision Ready Claims program, which will expand the pool of Veterans, surviving spouses and service members eligible to participate in the program.

“These enhancements are another key step in modernizing VA’s benefits delivery to Veterans to a fully digital operating environment,” said VA Secretary Dr. David J. Shulkin. “With electronic claims processing as a foundation, VA’s innovation will improve service to Veterans, their families and survivors.”

In addition to claims for increased disability compensation (commonly known as claims for increase), Veterans will now be able to file certain claims for direct service connection, presumptive service connection and secondary service connection. Additionally, surviving spouses will be able to file certain claims for Dependency and Indemnity Compensation, and transitioning service members will be able to file pre-discharge claims less than 90 days from leaving the military. Veterans who choose to submit their claim under the program can expect to receive a decision within 30 days from the time VA receives the claim.

To file under DRC, Veterans must work with an accredited Veteran Service Organization representative, who will ensure all supporting evidence — such as medical exams, military service records, etc. — is included with the claim submission. This advance preparation by the VSOs allows claims to be assigned immediately to claims processors for a quick decision.

In the future, VA aims to expand the program, where possible, to ensure more Veterans can get faster decisions on their claims. For more information about DRC or to find an accredited VSO representative, visit



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  1. jesse james. anderson December 21, 2017 at 15:41

    I went before the appeal board about 3-4 month ago, still awaiting a decision regarding an increase in my disability. I have been trying for a while. the first time I presented my medical concerns as a medic from Vietnam was in 2008, think I got 30% for PTSD nothing my other medical issues i.e. COPD, Left Knee, Pre-Diabetic, ED, Part of Lung removed.
    Ageing Vietnam Veteran (Combat Medic)
    Jesse James A

  2. Karen December 20, 2017 at 01:34

    I seen the doctor on a Monday. The following Monday, decision and rating granted. 2 weeks from seeing the doctor I got my backpay. Total of 2 weeks. I have to wait to beginning of the next month for my monthly checks to come.
    Wish SS worked like that.
    This was my first and only time filing.
    Good luck and stay positive!!
    Karen-Air Force

  3. Joe December 19, 2017 at 22:06

    I received my completed claim for gulf war syndrome with a service connection for psoriatic arthritis but a 0% rating . I’m 80% covered with psoriasis with many areas of arthritis and take an autoimmune shot regularly. Not sure what to think !

  4. Melvin December 19, 2017 at 08:51

    As a Vietnam an fellow soldiers it really saddened me me hearing other servicemen and women who are upset over other veterans getting benefits and they are still fighting for their.To me everyone who has taken the oath should be compensated for their services to our country while others reap the benefits an have contributed little if none towards our liberties that we were willing to die to defend. I have the utmost respect for all men and women in uniform

  5. Arthur Rasey December 17, 2017 at 07:55

    I want a comment about this:
    The VA will screw over the real Combat Veteran who is need.But the faking lying POG ,will find everyway to claiming a fake injury and claiming PTSD,even though the POG never spent a day in COMBAT.And quess what,,the POG gets 100! rating,while the Marine Combat Vet gets screwed.

    This is a real issue I’ve been in recent PTSD classes where non combat vets are talking about PTSD that they have and the issues that they are having with their reading non combat PTSD is considered by the military to be a problem I don’t know how but it is.

  6. Curtis Hiromi Matsushige December 17, 2017 at 03:39

    My Med records showed the injury to my right knee on deployment and record of doctor’s treatment yet they VA said there was no evidence of aggravation to my knee. no evidence. Same for other parts of my claim. Unfortunately my tie is up and in frustration I destroyed some of the evidence. What options would be open?

  7. Robert Miller December 16, 2017 at 17:01

    I filed for an increase and was denied within two week. Looke2d like the VSO didn’t do a very good job on my claim.

  8. Robert Miller December 16, 2017 at 17:00

    I filed for an increase and was denied within two week. Looked like the VSO didn’t do a very good job on my claim.

    • Christine M Cote December 20, 2017 at 15:22

      you are so right brother AMEN

  9. Frank Osborn December 16, 2017 at 09:46

    It seems every 90% of vets these days do 1-2 years, see combat once or 1 deployment, claim PTSD, depression. ect, rated 100%, good for life. Those are the 30 day claims. Those in Vietnam never had that luxury and still waiting.

  10. Mark Adam Jeter December 15, 2017 at 20:57

    I’m in month 79 still waiting on a date from the board haven’t worked in over 8 years my appeal is a hardship waiting this long and never was sent anything about this ramp program
    Also called the Whitehouse number for veteran concerns they asked questions said they would call within 15 days and I’m still waiting

  11. robert s berry December 15, 2017 at 18:17

    I have a question I have been in an appeal with the VA since june 2011. I got a decision letter about a month ago with a decision from judge..He approved an increase for my crohns disease from 40% to 60%. But remanded my mental health ..I called the 1800 number and asked about my claim, I was told that before im awarded my increase for my crohns disease all the issues with the remand must be settled is this true??? I thought if one is awarded and another remanded they go ahead and pay you for the issue that was approved,and then the remand..Please help!!!!!thanks in advance

  12. PAUL December 15, 2017 at 12:28

    The VA will screw over the real Combat Veteran who is need.But the faking lying POG ,will find everyway to claiming a fake injury and claiming PTSD,even though the POG never spent a day in COMBAT.And quess what,,the POG gets 100! rating,while the Marine Combat Vet gets screwed.

  13. Earl Beard December 15, 2017 at 11:44

    Tried with a VSO, says never filed, but got turned down years ago… Now getting ready for brain surgery, implant, and no problem…? Unable to reapply ? 40 pills a day since service for uncontrolled seizures, but 0%.
    How to apply if records put in before and now no records except 30 years of hospital.

  14. Joseph Rutland December 15, 2017 at 11:17

    What if the dod has lost your service medical records? Who can help with that.

  15. Robert C GOTHARD December 15, 2017 at 10:54

    I had one knee replacement at Detroit Dingell VAMC IN July 2012, I had the second knee done in Oct. of 2013. Everything went wrong because of a contract Anesthesiologist showing off to a 1st DAY on the job resident Good looking Italian YOUNG LADY. She went through the femoral nerve numerous times and then attempted the spinal block numerous times. They then falsified my medical records.(one attempt no difficulties) I almost died with a spinal leak and lack of care. They lied about numerous things in order to get me to SAGINAW VAMC. Three days later I ate my 1st meal that I was able to keep down. My physical therapists at Saginaw VAMC said they never saw anything like it.
    Over 4 years later my health has deteriorated extremely. I fall on a weekly basis at least because of the spasms in my lower back, leg, buttock, etc. I am bedridden approximately 12 days a month because of the pain and spasms.
    I have tryed to get my records changed etc. The system keeps ignoring the 1151 and decline it. I have been to 2 C & Pc’s in Saginaw for my conditions. The lies they put in my exam records are outrageous. My wife has sat in on both C&Pc’s and she can’t believe it.
    I truly believe they are waiting and hoping that I’ll blow my head off or something.
    This whole system is a total mess!

  16. Michael Manlove December 15, 2017 at 10:54

    That would be nice I’ve been waiting seven years and have many Brothers and Sisters who have waited longer. Its just hurry up and DIE!

  17. Frank Church December 15, 2017 at 10:52

    what about if you need surgery and will be out of work do they give you compensation for the service connected knee? And can you set it up to be paid as you get out of the hospital.

  18. Robert C GOTHARD December 15, 2017 at 10:28

    Why is Veteran’s Choice not paying Doctor’s bills. My pain clinic has cut me off because VA owes them over their threshold

  19. Cornell Hudson December 13, 2017 at 11:02

    Would a VSO speed up a Claims appeal?

    • James December 14, 2017 at 08:14

      yes they would

      • Ray December 15, 2017 at 19:11

        My NOD is a ear old. I am told it will be at least another year and a half

  20. Carlos December 13, 2017 at 10:23

    I’m at 60% I receive social security I put in for iu .my % are 40% for my back 20 for my hand 30 for my leg and 10 for my thia

  21. Owens Earl Jr December 12, 2017 at 19:20

    I file a claim over 6 years ago I have been turn down 2 times they keep telling me I don’t have enuf evidence to support my claim I need the help of a lawyer can anyone help me

    • William R Pomeroy December 15, 2017 at 14:55

      Call Brett Buchanon with Allsup – 888-822-3312. Very experienced with claims and appeals. Tell them Bill Pomeroy referred you.

  22. michael sprague December 12, 2017 at 15:31

    I think they should handle the back log before they take on new claims

    • Phillip Angel Angeles December 18, 2017 at 02:48

      Your right they should but they will not I’ve been waiting for 6yrs for mind & I’m not the only one who has been waiting

    • Denise Cecile McDivitt December 21, 2017 at 13:50

      I am on year 20, with the Appeal game. The system is bad, just so really rotten.

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