E-Donate is an online service that enables concerned citizens and organizations to donate funds to support VA programs for our nation’s Veterans. Administered by VA, E-Donate accepts financial contributions for VA programs, services and activities that increase the comfort and welfare of Veteran patients, including homeless Veterans.
To donate online with a major credit card or debit directly from your checking or savings account, select a state and medical center that you would like to receive the funds, then click ‘Donate Online.’ From there, you will choose the VA program you would like to support (e.g. aid for homeless Veterans, Animal Assisted Therapy Program, etc.).
If you do not see your preferred program listed, you may select a general category from the drop-down list and type details in the “additional information” field about how you would like your donation to be used. Some contributors have, for example, earmarked funds to be used to help women Veterans or Veterans with school-age children.
Upon entering your payment information, an immediate confirmation of your donation will be generated with a receipt. A thank you letter will follow and your donations are completely tax deductible. Your entire donation will go directly to support Veterans in the way you choose.
“We understand that not everyone has the time to volunteer on the front lines in support of our Veterans,” said Sabrina Clark, director of voluntary service for the Veterans Health Administration. “With E-Donate, VA can easily accept financial donations to help Veterans in need, making it a win-win partnership for those looking for a fast and convenient way to support Veterans.”
To learn more about how you can help our homeless Veterans through E-Donate please visit the website of your local VA medical center and click on the E-Donate button, call E-Donate toll free at 877-353-9791 or email us at vafsccshd@va.gov.
Anthony Love is senior advisor and director of community engagement for the Veterans Health Administration Homeless Programs
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