Army Veteran Dan Rose was paralyzed after an IED exploded under his vehicle in Afghanistan eight years ago. This past week, he used a wearable exoskeleton device, donated to the Phoenix Veterans Affairs Health Care System, to stand, walk and throw out the first pitch at an Arizona Diamondbacks game.
“I had given up on walking and thought of it as a pipe dream, so to be able to stand on my own two feet and walk across a room was a very emotional experience.The first time I stood up I realized I’d forgotten what it was like to be eye level with everyone. It was like standing on top of a mountain,” said Rose.
The Phoenix VA accepted the donation from SoldierStrong, a national nonprofit organization dedicated to providing advanced medical technologies to veterans. The device will be used in the rehabilitation of patients with spinal injuries, allowing wheelchair-bound Veterans to walk.
Dan Rose, a former @USArmy sergeant who was paralyzed by an 1,100-pound bomb in Afghanistan in 2011, delivered tonight’s ceremonial first pitch with the aid of an exoskeleton, which is being donated by @SoldierStrong to patients at the Carl T. Hayden VA Medical Center in Phoenix.
— D-backs Give Back (@DbacksGiveBack) May 1, 2019
About the Author: Cynthia Dorfner is the Public Affairs Officer at the Phoenix Veterans Affairs Health Care System
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i am a vietnam veteran i am 100% disabled can not walk because my feet hurts when i try to walk i have a power wheel chair i can only go around my home my feet stay swollen can you help me the va in long beach can not go any thing for my feet i am pstd veteran
What a great idea!