Last week, VA implemented changes to community care under the VA MISSION Act. The changes included expanded eligibility for community care and a new urgent care benefit. As part of our outreach and engagement efforts, we collected the top questions received from Veterans and provided answers to each one below. Our goal is to make it easier to access the care you have earned.
General health care
- When can I receive community care? Eligibility for community care depends on your individual health care needs or circumstances. You should discuss community care eligibility with your VA care team to determine if you are eligible. This video provides a quick overview of Veteran community care.
- Can I get dental care through the MISSION Act? Eligibility for dental services has not changed under the MISSION Act. You should talk to your VA care team about eligibility for dental services. Click here for more information about dental care.
- How does a community provider know I am eligible to receive community care? If your VA care team has determined that you are eligible for community care and you chose a community provider, VA will send the provider a referral and authorization prior to you receiving care. You must receive approval from VA prior to obtaining care from a community provider in most circumstances.
- I was authorized for community care under the Choice program. What happens now? The Choice program expired on June 6, 2019, and specific Choice eligibility for community care is no longer being used. If you were eligible for community care under Choice, you should speak with your VA care team or a VA staff member at your local VA medical facility about updated eligibility for community care. This video also provides a quick primer regarding community care eligibility under the new Veteran community care program.
Urgent care
- How do I become eligible for the urgent care benefit? You must be enrolled in VA health care and have received care through VA from either a VA or community provider within the past 24 months to be eligible for the urgent care benefit.
- How can I find an urgent care provider? To find an urgent care location in VA’s contracted network, use the VA facility locator at Select the link entitled “Find VA approved urgent care locations and pharmacies near you”.
- What is the difference between urgent care and emergency care? Urgent care consists of medical services provided for minor illnesses or injuries that are not life-threatening such as strep throat, pink eye, or influenza. Emergency care consists of inpatient or outpatient hospital services that are necessary to prevent death or serious impairment of health such as severe chest pain, seizures or loss of awareness, heavy uncontrollable bleeding, or moderate to severe burns.
- Do I have to pay a copayment if I receive urgent care that relates to my service-connected condition? Copayments for urgent care are different from other VA medical copayments. Copayments for urgent care depend on your assigned priority group and the number of times you visit any urgent care provider in a calendar year. Visit the Urgent Care webpage for more information about copayments.
- How do I get prescription medication related to an urgent care visit? VA will pay for or fill prescriptions for urgent care. For urgent care prescription medication longer than a 14-day supply, the prescription must be submitted to VA to be filled. For urgent prescriptions written by an urgent care provider, you can fill a 14-day supply of medication at a contracted pharmacy within the VA network, in VA, or at a noncontracted pharmacy. If a noncontracted pharmacy is used, you must pay for the prescription and then file a claim for reimbursement with your local VA medical facility.
More Information
Click here for detailed information on community care and urgent care.
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it depends on what part of texas!
Does a broken bone constitute urgent ortho care? I’ve been broken 10 days, confirmed fractured at civilian urgent care 7 days ago. I have NOT been able to get an ortho consult to fix my fracture. Is this an acceptable and normal standard for care? I am 153 miles away from MSP, the closest VA hospital. I need help.
It’s great that you are getting ideas from this article as well as from our dialogue made here.
I am 100% disabled receiving SSI. Not eligible of course for any dental, missing two front teeth (lower) that I had to pull myself (not recommended) could not afford Dentist or denture treatment. It’s quite embarrassing walking around with missing teeth. I served my country proudly and honorably. I’m raising a teenage daughter alone whose Mother passed away when she w3as but 11 years old (my daughter). Her mother served in the military as well. Im a post VN Vet years 75-78 USNR AO3 served aboard USS Independence CV-62 and USS Kitty Hawk CV-63. Ready to answer the call at anytime. But because there was no conflict police action or declared war, I have to pay a $20 copay for every prescription, Primary visit, hospital visit. Were’nt we all ready to pay the price if called upon? we are all brothers and sisters sons and daughters. of this great nation.Why are we so neglected? in the time it has taken me to write/type this post ,somewhere in this country a homeless vet has just taken his life.We all hear “Thank you for your service” But they seemed to be just words. God bless all of you. and God bless The United States of America!!
Rick-The VA Pharmacy co pay is between 8-11 dollars per month, per prescription. If you are paying $20.00 per prescription, you need to talk with your VA clinic/hospital. The VA has programs that help the low income, such as looking at the cost of living in the area you are it. They will look at your income and expenses in deciding your copays. AS for dental, for years after I retired from the military, I spent thousands of dollars getting my teeth fixed-at a dental teaching school. And, I was retired military. There are programs that help low income people get dental work at a low or reduced, sometimes free cost. You need to start researching them. April 30, 1975 was when the war officially ended. Did you come in before or after that date? Go to the local/county VA office in your state and talk with them. They may information that can help you with your copays. Good Luck..
You can put lipstick on a pig and and call it Babe, but its still a pig. I needed to see a orthopedic specialist and knew one that would take VA patients. I began in February by seeing my primary care doctor at my local VA clinic, 45 miles away. She had me drive 99 miles to the nearest VA Hospital for an Xray. Then had me drive back to the VA Hospital for an MRI and then submitted a request to Community Care for them to schedule an appointment for me with a orthopedic doctor. I called the Community Care office and gave them the name of the orthopedic doctor 8 miles from my house that would take me. After a month of waiting I called Community Care to find out the status. The one and only person who handles ortho appointments was out and no one could give me any info. So I called my Patient Advocate to find out what was taking so long for Community Care to schedule my appointment. She found out there were 3000 requests ahead of me and I would just have to wait my turn. Finally after a three month wait I received my appointment.
If the new an improved VA doesn’t hire more staff or find a way to streamline the process how is it going to improve service?
Why don’t we just treat VA medical benefits for our Medicare eligible Veterans like we do Medicaid? If you have Medicare and full VA benefits you will have no out of pocket costs for Medicare covered items. That would help our Vets with Medicare use private doctors at no additional cost and VA would only be on the hook for 20% and free up space at the VA for Vets not on Medicare. Just a thought.
The reason that won’t work is because those on Medicare only get 80% of their care paid for and medicare is billed first. The VA does NOT pay the additional 20% like secondary insurance would normally. So what that means is you get 100% free va healthcare until you are eligible for medicare and after that age you start having to pay the 20% co-pay. Its the worst scenario for veterans because they will be older, in need of more services, more hospital visits as they age, and making less money because they are retired and on social security. The system is designed to deflect the cost BACK to the veteran.
Oh another point. President Trump is not a politician, he is a Businessman. He doesn’t mix his words, he texts so that the ‘Press’ doesn’t use paraphrases of his words. He is doing the best job any president could do with all of the ‘POLITICIANS’ and Democraps biting at his butt all of the time instead of doing their job: THE PEOPLES BUSINESS.
Amen Alleluia, funny how medicare and VA do not communicate and how your privately paid insurance follows medicare but the V A does not and you are left with paying the difference.
I guess I am blessed. I go to the VA Hospital in Loma Linda, CA and my to my Primary at the Murrieta, CA. I have NEVER had any problem getting appointments or the doctors mentioning the Choice option. I am extremely pleased with these two facilities. I am going to be moving to Texas and hope to receive the same care and service.
Thank you author. Keep it up.
i just wanna know one GD thing- is there a “pc3” [“patient centered care”] phone number that i can call to get a med appt? is it the same as the old choice program number? [ok, that’s one and a half things but who’s countin’?]
some of my VA Medical records. Of course your experiences may differ..
looks like you have to click on my name to see the photo of them….
Brain Damaged veteran rated by VARO Manila as 100% Totally and Permanently Disabled (not at Government expense) prejudiced at BVA and now his claims are before USCAVC (all on paper) and veteran on the Hamster Wheel without an attorney or VSO Officer albeit a request for 20 years sent VARO Manila… Veteran needs help and is able to communicate via email.
In short…. Laws continually broken and no one paying attention nor caring…
Where is the help for brain damaged veterans? VA wants brain damaged to call them. Duh…. etc.
Hey……….The Veterans Choice program worked. The VA said OH NO we can’t have that. Let’s do another program that DOES NOT WORK. We can’t ruin our LONG HARD FOUGHT FOR reputation of …FUBAR.(F F*CK IT UP BEYOND ALL RECOGNITION).\
Vets Choice pretty much worked OK. Don’t know why they did just extend that program or mirror the new program off Vets Choice.
Don’t get me wrong because there are plenty of people in the trenches that do an EXCELLENT JOB with what they have to work with…………..THEN THERE IS THE OTHER END OF THE SPECTRUM …people that can F*CK things up without even trying hard.
The issue at the VA is systemic & always will be until the get rid of those WHO CAN’T by those WHO CAN.
JUNK the Mission ACT Community Act & bring back VET’S CHOICE…………
DUHHHH ….. Homer Simpson style ………….
I Live outside the 30 minute guideline. Requested community care on June 7th, got a message June 21 that the provider will look at the request within “Several” weeks and give me a reply. In the meantime, a VA clinic appointment will be over 30 day s (if you are lucky to get one). Just Publicity, no action. Will write my congressman again (but did not get a reply last time). And 17+15 does equal 32 (even though VA does not accept that)
I’m a 100% disabled veteran that is having trouble with my VA Choice/community care. My primary care nurse tells me my community care has been reapproved, but they have yet to tell this to the provider (Advanced Pain Management). Because of this the provider is refusing me care. I’ve been out of medication since June 18th and the pain is pretty bad. My primary care doctor can’t prescribe me anything because I’m under contract with Advanced Pain Management, so I’ve had to go without since Tuesday morning. I’ve gone through all the appropriate channels and nothing is getting done. I’m contacting a senator this is unacceptable.
Ryan Gavin
I have gone through the exact same thing. Been told I was on the choice program because the VA couldn’t get me in to pain management for 4 months so got the referral to go down town, went down town and was told the VA had denied my referral because they could provide services in house. Go back to the VA and they say we can’t get you in for four months you are now on the veterans choice program, go back down town and told the VA denied my referral because they could provide services in house! It’s a damn revolving door that never stops and no one talks to each other and sure as hell doesn’t listen to the patient. After five tries I gave the hell up and now I just live with pain. The system is garbage!!!
This new program is worse than the old one. Oh sure I can get an appointment within 30 days but that doesn’t mean I’ll actually get care in that time. For the second time I laid on a gurney for more than 4 hours waiting for a surgical procedure only to go home without the surgery. I live less than 40 miles/30 minutes from the Dallas VA Medical Center. The Mission Act is totally useless for many veterans that rely on the VA for their health care.
My question is, “Will the process of getting a referral be the same as the ‘Choice’ program or has the process been made more efficient”?
How does a community provider know I am eligible to receive community care? If your VA care team has determined that you are eligible for community care and you chose a community provider, VA will send the provider a referral and authorization prior to you receiving care. You must receive approval from VA prior to obtaining care from a community provider in most circumstances.
Once eligible for Medicare will the VA pay the cost of the monthly premium?
it all good but the problems i see with the va is that they are not hold accountable. Back in 2010 my Harlingen Texas VA Clinic Refuse to Refill my service connected Meds. I file a Torn Claim against the VA but went as high as our President “O” and than he gave it to my state senator (Tx) and at the end he told me he can no long assist me. It went all the way to Washington DC just to get Denied. The other problem with the VA is that the VA Claim Process is to long and they never open our VA Records when we submit a VA Claim. They always ask us to submit medical records on our claims. So the VA Claims Process in not being used by them…Our Questions is Why does it take to long for a VA Claim to be look at and than on Top of that Denied….I have been seem by so many doctors and still have been able to get my VA Claims Approve. I service 20 years and 4 month Active Army and still my VA Claims are not put in a Docket Status and they tell me, They the VA don’t know how long that will take for them to look at it or make a decision on my Claims.
Victor M. Zavala
Retired, SFC
Struggles are real. On the phone for 1 1/2 hours after I was transferred. Then told the people who transferred me was who I was supposed to talk to. No clear cut way to get setup with local clinic. My wife has used choice for years now we are being told her VA doc which she doesn’t have is supposed to setup her community care? Really so now she has to reestablish with VA to get back to square one. Ridiculous!!!!
It’s no wonder so many VETS are committing suicide in the VA parking lot,, Google that,, Really
In the web talk “they” said that there would be a millage cal. -still have NOT seen it ???
I have been getting treated at the VA and am in need of some dental work but can not afford, will they help me in Gainesville, FL I go there quite often and will be going back mid July. Thanks
The VA will give you dental only if you have a 100% disability. I know that is sad. I know Veterans who need the dental service and can’t get is, because either they don’t have a disability or have lest then 100%.
I have been going to the VA Clinic in N Fort Myers, FL . I have been declared legally blind. I have macular degeneration. I cannot go to the VA clinic because their prepay charges are way too high. I cannot believe this a way to take care of their veterans.
The Mission Act is nothing new, it was called Choice five tears ago and they gave out white laminated cards which I still have . I tried it with an outside Dentist for a few visits and til the funds ran out. What I want to know is when are we disable Vet going to get a damn decent annual raise instead of the crumbs they throw us !!!
Also, if any outside medical facility take a vet, tell the to offer a discount for earlier reimbursements. VA is regulated to act on discounts.
My Community Provider has tried to file for payment and was told by Community Care Gainsville, Fl, that they were not sur about payments. Their words, “we are just as confused about the new Mission Act as you are.” So, what is a vet suppose to do? I paid out of pocket for the needed care. Can you provide an answer?
I was not qualified for the Choice Act, will I be qualified for this renaming of the Choice Act?
I had the say run around. My pharmacy,va dr, va registration in iowa city vfw rep.when I hear trump and others say how great it is I see another lie.
I am very grateful for the Sanders- McCain Veterans Bill, that was passed under president Obama in 2014. Senator McCain was our brother in arms and he never forgot us. Even when Senator McCain was fighting his cancer up to the very end he worked to refine the bill!
Looks like window dressing; if providers don’t get paid reasonably, most will refuse you.
Con Man Trump at it again. Liar and draft dodger.
I believe the Mission Act is one step closer to privatization of health care for Veterans!!
The VA cannot be trusted. Just another 3rd
class way of screwing our Nations Veterans
out of something that was so proudly earned.
Shouldn’t have to jump through so many hoops.
I’ve been screwed so many times by the VA
and tried the White House number and tried
talking to Senators and Congressmen but just
dog and pony show. All about saving money
and not about how to make it better for veterans.
100% serviced connected Vietnam Purple Heart
disabled veteran.
I just had two poor experiences w/new Mission Act. I went to an urgent care on June 18 listed on the VA locator site only to find they had not been approved when I got there. I had to pay for services out of pocket. Afterwards I went to a CVS for the prescriptions. The CVS was also listed on the site. When I arrived to pickup my meds I find out that they not approved either. Now I’m out $550 which should have cost me $0. How do I get reimbursed? Why do I have to even ask??
Sounds familiar. I don’t know about you but my primary care Doctor is hard to understand because her English is not that good.
Same here at the Community Clinic in Salem, OR. I can deal with the communication issue, but she has made it clear she doesn’t really like to provide medical care.
The Mission Act would be great if it were fully funded. $ for these ‘private care’ services come directly from the existing VA budget, thereby ‘taking’ needed dollars from VA to compensate a private entity (s). This was just one of many questions asked of Congress and the Administration by all Veterans Service Organizations before the implementation, who also unanimously demanded the Mission Act be delayed until such funding is secured and doesn’t threaten existing VA Health Care programs. This issue was regretfully ignored by TPTB (the powers that be), Congress, VA Secretary and the President.
I retired from the Army with 22 years AFS. I was told by the VA a few years ago that I was not eligible for VA benefits because I make too much income. My income is Medicare and my Army retirement. When did income become a factor in determining eligibility??
Is this the action from Capitol Hill that was supposed to address veterans being able to receive dental care or is that something separate from this? Thanks.
I for one would like to know how many doctors out there on the Mission Act have actually treated the many various ailments that wartime veterans may well have? The VA accepts almost all veterans, what’s to stop a Mission Act Provider from telling you that you are not wanted there, or told that they can not provide care for you or the many other excuses you normally do not find through the VA Healthcare System?
I need primary care doctor can’t afford to spend $60 round trip to go to hospital and not be reimbursed $ 19.00. Don’t understand how 30 day process takes 90 days and still no reimbursement for 3 trips to hospital. Can’t get transportation to get primary care doctor without referral from primary care doctor if I can’t get to hospital how do referral for transportation was never told primary care doctor I had left and why wasn’t my case turned over to doctor who replaced the one I had this whole process makes no sense
This program is a JOKE!! I was diagnosed with a Brain Aneurysm 1 month ago. My Wilmington VAMC Neurologist quit but before she left I was sent to Community Care to see an outside Neurology Surgeon. I still don’t have an appointment a month later!! You still can’t send Community Care a secure message because nobody set it up. After how many years?? The phone is a waste of time because nobody has the right extension to these people.
I was sent outside to an Ear Doctor last year because we don’t have one at Wilmington. It took my primary care Doctor 6 months to get the results because nobody scanned it into the system!!
Like I said…what a JOKE! Nobody on the outside is going to want to deal with this mess and I’m afraid us Vets will end up with the bill in the end. If we can’t afford to hire and fill the vacant positions at the VA…how are they going to afford to pay for this mess??
I have had 2 different VAs take care of me over the years and I have had no issues with either one. So I am sorry to hear about my fellow vets that are having issues. I for one, cannot blame Trump for any of this, it has been bad for awhile and noone is willing to take care of us veterans.
Mission Act don’t cover G4 implants for free because their is no Veteran Medical Centers and don’t have a contract with the Veteran Affairs Administration so email your Senators or Representative contract the Veteran Affairs Committee passed a new Benefit Law for Disabled Veterans who is Disabled Veterans is one hundred service connected get free G4 implants and Spread my belief and you don’t have to be Veteran to share my firm belief……Semper Fi Don’t Surrender.
Mission Act
So far this looks a lot like the Veterans Choice program. I got that card in 2014, and the two times I used it, one worked and the other was a disgrace. Hope this “new” thing has fixed some of the issues. I still think there should be some way for us to get dental care too. Hard to get old and stay healthy if your teeth don’t woek right.
I can relate. I used my veteran choice card for a dermatologist. But when I went to use it for my pain management doctor which he accept’s it. I was denied and have to drive 175 miles away to Gainesville. I was told that the VA pain management has to okay it. I’ve been waiting for 4 years now. And still have to pay out of pocket every month. I guess I upset the VA pain management doctor when he told me I needed to get my neck adjusted I promptly asked what college he went to. Because I have c-4 and c-5 fused also c-7 c-8 fused and you can’t adjust the neck once it’s been fused unless you want to be a wheelchair.
Hi, I have knee replacements and a fused lower back that bother me constantly. I can do stretching and other non-physical things.
I don’t understand why they’ll spend $ 20,000 to give you an operation but not $125 to get a tooth filled
My local VA in Newington and West Haven Ct are terrific. We were alerted that the Mission Act was coming and they anticipated it with documentation passed on explaining how this program would work and they started to educate the local staff who could now answer questions. Where there’s a will there’s a way..
DOn’t be passive push your local VA.
I typed in my zip code under the Mission Act program and there are no providers close by. I’m assuming because the private providers do not want to deal with the VA for various reasons.
I also found out recently, after breaking my leg at work, that the VA does not get involved in any way with workers comp. The mission act was not in place at that time.
Here I was at the VA hospital thinking I could get my care and workers comp paperwork filled out and seen by the VA…I was very wrong. They would take care of my medical needs but I had to pay even though this all took place at work.
Left in the middle of winter with a broken leg to struggle to find a doctor that handles workers comp.
No family to help and I certainly can’t impose on friends to drive me all over, they have lives and work.
It is disappointing as a veteran.
Most people who are not veterans think that we get our medical for free. When I explain that it is a system that goes by income, everyone of them stated that it’s not right that a veteran should have to pay for their care at a VA hospital after servicing your country whether during war-time or non-war-time.
So, if VA can’t provide necessary medical care within 30 days, an eligible veteran can expect a community provider to do so after approval. Cool so far. So, if the approval process takes 30+ days, what is the point?? Though the intent is admirable, the execution will not meet anyone’s expectations. Too bad.
It’s supposed to have been that way for specialty clinics for quite a while. Yet I’ve been waiting about 1.5 years for one to refer me to the community because they couldn’t get to me in 30 days. The clinics excuse, “We are very busy”, my reply, “That’s why the 30-day rule exists.” But I still didn’t get anywhere.
I’m 100% SC and can’t get decent care from my local VAMC in Marion IL.
I have other comments and have now copied and pasted THIS post so I can repeat it until I get through CAPTCHA.
In case the people at the V.A. and Captcha dont’ know it 16-9 does equal 7 AND 8 – 1 does equal 7. Interesting they continually say the answer is wrong and you lose your entire message.
Now I’m going to try 19-4 which is 15; lets see if my 6th try works!
Last summer I needed a new pain management doctor. Instead of that, I was put into the va’s pain management. What a joke. When I asked them when I would be getting my injections, they were like, you want injections? Took months to see that doctor and no injections. They sent me finally out under the new program. However, they micro manage the doctor. They tell him what he can and can’t do. What meds he can and can’t write. And I still have to see the va doctor! How is this better? A year and nothing is getting done. What a mess!
Could hear synthesized music very well. Too well. Could bearly understand what she was saying. Useless video for me. Total waste of VA money. Your website does not even list Missoula clinic jumping through all the hoops. If it does, then why can I NOT find it?? There is nothing I can find listed for zip 59801. I am not computer illiterate.
North TX V.A. is non-supportive of the Mission Act. I say this because of all the non-working phone numbers being given out by the Mission Act 800 number. Despite all the “up-in-the-air” statistics they keep cramming down my throat, my statistic is that the entire Mission Act is failing at 100%.
The people who are supposed to answer questions about the Mission Act have failed. Primarily all they do is read pre-scripted dialogue and if that doesn’t appease the caller, they give them phone numbers to call. Well, I played that game and made the numerous phone calls which were either non-active phone numbers or they route me to the Mental Crisis Line. After reporting all these bad phone numbers, I requested a call from the Mission Act Director. That was DAYS ago and I’ve heard nothing back. As a result of all the statistics being pointed out to me, I want you to know that I simply don’t give a damn. You are to provide a service and you are failing. In my book that is 100% failure on the part of the Mission Act Implementation and support people. QUOTE THOSE STATISTICS TO EVERYONE!
My questions are tough ones and I’m tired of being pushed off to another phone number with automated selections and I’m tired of making phone calls. NOW, it’s the director’s turn to call me. My name and phone number are on file at the V.A.
Deep State run V.A. system if you ask me. In the ’80s we Viet nam veterans gave them hell, we were in change.
I am Appalled at the way the vets are being treated at the VA the doctors and nurses do not care and they do not take good care I had an experience where I was in rehab went a week without a bass treated me like I was a dog I’m so tired of getting treated so bad when I go to the VA hospital
It’s open field blocking. Trying to see your primary care doc is almost impossible at a local Indianapolis clinic.
So much for what I had to say before, my comments didn’t save. I’ll keep it short this time.
Don’t blame our president for the corruption inside our VA care. He entrusted the VA leaders to do their job, they told him how great it would be, and ensured that the vets would be taken care of. Our president wants the best for the vets. He doesn’t run the VA program. He doesn’t hold hands with all the appointed leaders, telling them how to do their job.
Unfortunately, with the VA, there is no urgency in urgent care. There is no care in community care. What is the “Mission” in “Mission Act”? Look into the Medical Industrial Complex. The corruption is no accident.
I praise the Lord that there will be a new heaven and new earth, where corruption and sin do not exist.
About me, I am a 100% disabled vet. I’m in the same priority group as MOH recipients (I don’t believe that anyone should be in as high of a priority group). I’ve used all the VA programs since being discharged, and nothing has changed. I shouldn’t be alive, definitely shouldn’t be fully functional. I praise the Lord that He gave me a second chance in life. Amen. Without Christ, there is no hope.
You’re lucky your not in Arizona, people. Round trip of almost 200 miles to get to a dermatologist. They tried to say they don’t do cosmetics. I guess the non-healing bloody scabs finally got to them. I’m moving to Florida and making sure I’m in the middle of the state!
Trump is a serial draft dodger. He is no friend of veterans. Wake up!
The Mission Act was very good pitch to POTUS. He sincerely wants to help our Vets, but can’t do everything on his own. This is why there are appointed “leaders” for everything. Mr. Trump is the overseer, doesn’t have time to scrutinize every detail of every program. It’s very unfortunate that everyone on the political front is against our president, who has accomplished more than any other president in U.S. history, in such a short time. I’ll I’m saying is don’t blame our president for all the faults in the VA system, it’s always been corrupt. Big government was never a good idea.
I personally don’t have anything positive to say about the Mission Act. It just came into effect, and with any government program, deployed without consideration of details. I live in a military community. I’m 100% disabled, and I’m not “approved” to visit urgent care? Are you serious? I thought the Mission Act was supposed to fix this. Who has time to go through the “approval” process before visiting urgent care? There’s nothing urgent about that. Good luck finding the right person to talk to in the first place, may as well go to the emergency room. As of right now, there are no VA networked urgent care facilities in my county, including the urgent care clinic at our local navy hospital.
Community care? Why make a trip to Seattle when you can be seen in your local community (I was excited about this one when I first heard about it)? The VA has to determine if you truly need care… By the time they, once again “approve” (don’t forget they set up the appointment without regard to your preferences or schedule) you to be seen locally, you might have forgotten your request to be seen. Just deal with your problems, get used to the pain, no need for urgency. One day you will get a phone call from someone to tell you when and where you are to be seen.
Look into the Medical Industrial Complex, none of this lack of care is unintentional, it will never be fixed.
I praise the Lord that there will be a new heaven and a new earth, where corruption doesn’t exist. AMEN
You aren’t alone! Who thinks that it’s a good idea to make people strain to hear the words?
Even with good hearing, that much music is very distracting.
abolish the VA, Give all vets an insurance card and let them go wherever they want, Problem solved and would save billions.
When Donald Trump was campaigning for president, he promised that the veterans would be able to choose their care, in the community or at the VA, paid for by the VA. As usual, it never works out as promised. When I returned from South East Asia, I was able to seek care in my community for my service connected disabilities. That worked out very well. It worked so well that the VA decided to put a stop to community care. President Trump has kept most of his promises, but unfortunately has failed on the right of a disabled veteran to choose care in the community or at the VA. The VA still makes that choice, in their best interests. A promise not kept. It just sounded good during a campaign speech.
The President claims to love Veterans and I find his comments to insulting to those of us who have served. The current VA Administrator has not been approved for the position by the US Senate.
He is leading us to war in Iraq and he avoided services with bone spurs, I had bone spurs and after being in a boot for a week they disappeared. He has no idea what disabled Veterans have to deal with in the VA system.
I had 4 different Doctors in one year because they either quit or retired or opened their own practice. How can a Veteran count on the VA when doctors are leaving faster than water through a sift. I believe in the VA but the Choice program was a joke and they never paid the doctors I had to pay for my own bills because the Choice Program was rejected by my doctors.
The President has done everything he can to destroy the excellent work the VA has done over the years, have there been mistakes, yes but that can happen in any business they throughout the system because of some bad situations rather than repairing it.
This President has lied to the Veterans of United States and he continues to insult us every time he says he loves Veterans.
I went to Washington and demanded to meet with Senator Tilis and Burr and all I got was a meeting with some staffers who did not know anything. Our US Senators are as responsible as the President for the Service problem we face everyday by the VA department.
I worry that the MISSION act is just another way to starve the beast and put the VHA (one of the most cost efficient health care systems in the nation) as we know it out of business. I saw how CHOICE diverted money away from VA healthcare and into the pockets of private practice and am very concerned that the MISSION act is geared to put us down the road to privatization and the abandonment of Veterans in the long run. My interim concern, while awaiting the privatization of the VHA that this legislation seems geared toward, is healthcare and how it is going to be documented.
I have used the VA, exclusively, for all of my health care needs, ever since the hotshots at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN gave up on me 16 years ago. the VA didn’t give up, spared no expense, and used cutting edge medical practices, allowing me to thrive for 13 years past the expiration date that Mayo sentenced me to. I have been treated at VAMC’s in Wisconsin, Louisiana, Michigan, and Kentucky. The care at all of the facilities has been top notch. I appreciate the VA even more when sitting in a waiting room for hours with my spouse, waiting to be seen by private sector physicians or specialists for a scheduled appointment (which is seldom attainable within 30 days). I have yet to wait more than a few minutes at the VA to be seen for a scheduled appointment (that has always been available much more readily than the private sector), provided I arrived early enough to get labs and vitals taken care of before the appointment time. VA health care is a blessing that I will be sorry to see go away, if this misguided legislation is allowed to continue to its fruition.
I do have a question that I don’t see addressed and it concerns health records. This was prompted by a clinical specialist that I saw at a VAMC yesterday when discussing challenges posed by the wide variety of Electronic Health Record systems (EHR) in use and how to access information from outside providers. The VHA uses CPRS, a GUI enabled system based on VistA. This has been a robust, easy to use EHR that is unrivaled by anything else out there. The problem is that even though VistA is open source it wasn’t utilized by other EHRs, including the DOD’s current CHCS. The beauty of CPRS is that VA providers have access to all of my records from VA providers nationwide (yes, a facility needs to remotely retrieve records from outside its VISN, but that is accomplished quickly when needed). The problems arise when I am forced to see providers outside the VA. Unless the provider is allowed remote access to CPRS, they can’t post progress notes directly, and labs and other tests are copied and pasted into notes, at best, or provided as paper copies that must be scanned into CPRS, Worse is when the outside provider doesn’t have remote access and can’t view problem lists, medication lists, imaging, and other pertinent history when treating a veteran, which could lead to serious medical error. Also, the Veteran must obtain a paper copy of the notes and tests from unconnected outside providers and bring them to the VAMC to have them scanned into CPRS. This creates the problem where pertinent information isn’t available in locations within CPRS where VA providers would expect to see it. This requires searching through progress notes for possible lab results, or scanned documents for documentation of outside care, a very time consuming process, if the VA provider knows to look for the information in scanned documents. Does the MISSION act require outside providers to utilize CPRS to post results and prescription information? In my opinion it should, to promote safety for out veterans, as well as preclude unnecessary tests, labs, imaging, etc…, not to mention medication errors. It wouldn’t be that difficult to provide outside providers with remote secure CPRS access and require its use, along with access to the VA’s Talent Management System (TMS) and its valuable required training assets, so that outside providers are on the same sheet of music as the dedicated VA providers.
If not requiring the use of a standardized EHR for all providers seeing veterans, I see a lot of potential problems developing and patient care being severely compromised.
I suspected I was not the only one with major issues.
My question to all making comments, have you contacted your Senator and Rep (my Rep is useless)? In the past my Senator (John Cornyn) had to contact the VA for me and explain their Choice 40 program to them.
The folks in DC that represent us need to know that just getting a law passed doesn’t cut it – a retooling of teh VA process should have taken place ages ago.
One more ‘make America great again’ trick by dump trumpy. Vote for him you fools! ‘make America great again’ is a dumb slogan. America has always been great! Think things out logically not emotionally please. The mission care is one more joke. Do you really believe that Trump really cares for us vets? The joke is on us! No more”tricky Dick’ now we have tricky Donny Ha! Ha!
My time with the Army was in the early 50s. Service connected problems have been taken care of by the VA for about 20 years. I have had nothing but great care. Thank You to all the people in the Orlando, and Viera, Florida areas.
Personally, I’ve had very good success with the Boston VA health care system and also the Bedford, MA I feel terrible for all my brothers who served our country and have had all of these bad experiences. They deserve much better! My hope is that President Trump can get these other facilities in line and make the Mission Act work well as intended. The page I clicked on was supposed to answer the most important questions, but all it did was raise complaints and more questions from Vet’s. As far as I can tell, no questions have been answered! Like the others, I’m still scratching my head over this. As one Vet put it “it’s like a coat of paint on an old house.” Pretty true at least for the moment anyway. Also looks like the house got smaller and with smaller doors!
I live in Nebraska and the Mission Act is working great for me. I live 2 hours from VA hospital. My Primary Care Provider is only 13 miles away. I set my appointment and the insurance portion of facility sets everything up through the Mission Act. I have never had to wait for more then a week for my appointment. With VA Choice I had to wait 6 weeks or more for an appointment and I had to constantly stay on top of them. I had to have outpatient surgery under Mission Act. A week after my primary appt. I had my surgery set up and done. Two weeks later they found out I had Cancer. It’s been a whirlwind of appts. In the past month have had 6 appts. all covered and set with Mission Act. Got letter from TriCare stating that now they will cover all my appts. through 2020. Mission Act works great so far here in Nebraska.
So you got all those apts done with the mission act before it was signed into law; how did you do that.
Bruce you are 100% correct. Mission Act only in effect 2 weeks today. I got a call from my VA Hospital Doctor who told me there was a 3 week wait for her to run a test on me so she turned it over to community care to get me appointment with local Doctor. The Doctor called me with his earliest appointment …..August 6th!
No emergency centers within 30 miles with the Mission Act in my area. Emergency Care is only thing I was hoping to improve with Mission Act. Total failure for me.
Reading all the negative replies got my curiosity going so, I 1) checked to see if I qualify for Urgent Care, 2) checked if there are available urgent care centers. I am qualified and found out very easily by calling the number referenced in the article and 2) there are plenty of care centers around.
I wonder why so many above my reply are having problems.
wait until you go to another clinic and get the bills!
Bottom line…Where is the accountability? Name a person who can answer questions and get something done.Answer is NO ONE. Why does the VA swamp continue to lie to Trump? This is not a joke. The joke is the failure of VA to work in favor of Veterans and not continue the horrible care ?
I have waited over two months to get my knee injection scheduled. You can never reach anyone at customer care. Their phone lines are all messed up. So far this program sucks! Veterans deserve better.
There is no accountability under the Choice Program rules !!! The reason is the VA made the rules not congress under the mission act and under choice . So if the VA violators their rules and your civil eights you are left only to go to your congressmen. I was denied for 9 months a primary care provider under choice since the VAMC refused to give me choice despite putting in writing to them if they could not give me a new primary care provider in 30 days as the law required they were to give me the choice program. Took me 9 months to do so and changing to another VAMC near me while the VA Insopector General did nothing never even got back to me nor VISN 4 investigated northing as all your complaints area all thrown back fown from your VISN to your local VAMC to investigate. Your patient advocate is not a patient advocate but works or your local VAMC Medical Director. Not one of them has ever been a VA whistleblower nor report anything to the IG , VISN or higher ups as they are puppets to placate vets hired by the VAMC Medical Director. How would the VA like it if I was advocate judge and jury !! Its why we need the VA Medicare Supplement ACT we propose
Allow vets a choice of care at far less cost in their own community. Give our medicare vets a full medicare insurance supplement costing the VA $2400 per year in lieu of Va Health Care or give our eligible vets a full medicare insurance policy and medicare supplement costing the VA $4500 per year !!
We wait at the VA Lebanon Satellite Office Wyomissing (readingberks county ,PA) months to see a psychiatrist or psychologist most not having expertise in certain areas of psychology !! We wait 30 to 120 days or more to see a psychiatrist or psychologist . Yet they refuse veterans the Choice Program which will continue under the Mission ACT because veterans rights to care mean nothing since Lebanon VAMC officials through its Medical Director veterans are not allowed to see do nothing !! No wonder veterans have high rates o suicide etc !!
Join us Veterans for Independence . Veterans still have no choices under mission Act since rules of eligibility are unen- forceable by local VAMC and localk VAMC officials and administrators have no accountability when they break their own Choice eligibility rules and regulations . Allow us vets the same choice they have to health care as federal employees meaning choosing primary doctors in our community , choosing and getting second opinions of specialists etc the VA wont allow !! The choice program is a farce . Many private doctors dont want any parts of Choice contracts as they are more complicated then medicare , pay only prevailing medicare reimbursement rates and community doctors wait months if not years to get paid while vets get bills.
Further here in Berks County Reading PA there is not one urologist as example under Choice taking veterans or under contract under VAMC Lebanon Pa One must go to Emmaus or Allentown Hospital to get urology care under Choice or to Penn State Hershey Medical Center to get urology care . That is many miles from veterans in Berks County Pennsylvania . The choice Program should be done away with as there is no accountability o VA officials and who make all decisions even i they break rules eligibility as no accountability is written into the rules against VA administrators at local VAMC and no one outside local VAMC investigates them period !!
Give veterans a choice of care by fiving vets on medicare a full medicare insurance supplement paid or by the VA -n $2400 per year versus costly VA and choice care or give eligible vets a full medicare policy and insurance supplement in ill costing less then $4500 per year and let them have private care instead of VA Care !!
The VA healthcare system was built to care for those who bore the battle. VA should not pay for non-VA treatment unless it treats a service connected condition or the veteran has a combined evaluation of 50% to 100%. Veterans not disabled by service, who are employed, with other healthcare should not have their treatment paid for by the VA. The priority care system that determines eligibility at a VA facility should govern who is eligible for community care. Just because a veteran spent a few years on active duty does not, and should not, entitle him/her to free medical care either at a VA facility or anywhere else. VA has given me various answers to my questions, none of which explained how the system is carried out.
In my area, central Texas, the Veterans Choice program was administered by TriWest. The system worked well except when I was required to interface with actual V.A. Then it was the same old hours on hold, you’re talking to the wrong person we’ll get back to you, and we all know how that goes. It seemed like the V.A. people were doing every thing they could to cause the Choice Program to fail! Understandable. If it worked well, and it would have, half of them would have been out of work.
Now we are under the management of the V.A. As has been mentioned…nothing like breaking a wheel that is working perfectly well then trying to sell me on the idea that it is for my benefit……really?
This is the second attempt to leave a comment…even this doesn’t work as it should!!
My father was a WWII veteran. I am a veteran. My son and grandson will never serve!! My father always told me; Deny, deny, deny until you DIE!!
Don, I am seeing the same thing in East Texas. I am fully eligible under both old (Choice 40) and new rules yet it took a month to get a erring test after my VA MD authorized it. Same for my chiropractor who I had been going to under Choice 40 for ages. First the coordination between the VA and TriWest is fromthe dark ages and second, TriWest can’t handle the load – in my chiropractic issue I told them all they needed to know and it still took for ever.
If the Director ot the VA would stop sending us emails and smiling and get to work it would help.
Every time we are told things are getting better no matter what the changes are we find out the VA still is in control in all the changes.If anyone is working for changes then why not change leaving the VA in charge,we know what is going on here.
I am thankful and grateful for anything I receive at little to no cost to me. I do not have private healthcare and cannot afford it right now. So when I drive 2.5 hours to see my VA doctor for free than I am glad it is an option or offered to me. If it was not for the VA and my VA doctor I would not be here today because of my sever depression. I served my country honorably and am thankful for what I am continuously given by the VA. One day this will disappear because it is unsustainable so I will thank god and be happy while it lasts. I have priced healthcare every year, and a small copay or long drive is 100% cheaper for me.
I am not entitled or owed, I am not a participation ribbon millennial, I am thankful for what I have or have been given.
Thank you VA for all you do for me and caring about my life when I did not. I will be patient while you work out the kinks in the new system that was forced upon you with little notice.
It took me over 2 months to get into the community care program for Dermatology and now after a year I find out it has to be renewed after a year. Its been one month and still have not been able to get renewed.
What a big disappointment.
When enlisted in the VA I was 62. Was told never have to worry about treatment again. The VA will take care of you. When eligible for Medicare. I did not take out part B. The Medical team has told me to take me Medicare card and try to get treatment from outside a, and see what I get. If not an emergency, treatment is not good.
VA Mission Act is no help for me. No facilities listed in directory locator for my zip code. I had no problem with Choice. I am very disappointed with this change.
I find the VA Facility Locator to be a bad joke. I wasted hours trying to find providers in my area. They are here,
but none can be found by the system yet.
Will I be reimbursed if I have a medical emergency and go to the local hospital. I.E. chest pains, severe back pain, wounds, high fever, etc. Obviously, I wouldn’t have time to pre approval, and sometimes it’s on the weekend, with no one to even give the approval. I’m happy with my VA care; but this issue is of concern to me.
If you fear for your life, don’t worry about any kind of pre-approval. Get to the nearest emergency room via 911 or your vehicle if possible. Once you’re receiving treatment, you can provide the ER with all of your VA numbers and contacts. If you are admitted to a non-VA hospital, make sure the admission is “in-patient” and not “for observation,” to get it eligible for payment by the VA’s Non-VA payment office. Try to get all of the billing information sent to that office, including any transportation by ambulance. Even if you aren’t enrolled in Medicare Part B, you can be reimbursed for hospital costs – minus the standard deductible – if you have Part A. I had gall-bladder surgery using an ER and local hospital and found out much of this the hard way. It can be a real snake’s nest of billing problems, but the important thing is to save your life and health – worry about the billing system later.
My area for urgent care is set up with the CVS pharmacy. Is their a real doctor at CVS?
Judt moved to Atlanta. Thought VA HERE would be better than LA or Long Beach? , wrong on both
Atlanta is equally crappy.
I have had nothing but good care from the Atlanta VA. Triple heart bypass, right knee replaced and left hip replaced. Heart surgery was deemed “emergency” so I was admitted within about one week from when they discovered the problem (probably less??), knee and hip replacement were equally as fast after diagnosis.
I have nothing but good things to say about the Atlanta VA.
Just received new glasses approx. 2 weeks after eye exam. New prescription is much better than old one.
Requested hearing test about 2 years ago and was prescribed hearing aids which came in about 2 weeks along with an appointment to come in and have them fitted and adjusted.
I Don’t think I am any more important than any other Vet in Atlanta, but I do believe I have more patience than most when interacting with the powers to be.
I don’t understand all the negative comments about the Atlanta VA.
When I lived in Calif. and working full time I used to go to the Sepulveda VA and again no problems with the VA care there, but I was much healthier back then and also had medical coverage through my employer, but elected to use the VA because they understood veteran problems more.
How can we expect anything good from a department that can’t even update your personal information? I provided the EIC all of the requested Legal documentation plus extra. The New VA website doesn’t even have what little was updated on the VA Ebenefits site.
This is nothing more than a new coat of paint on a condemned building!
I was at VA San Diego, found out Oregon is much worse….
From what I just read — it sounds like the MISSION Act has a LOT!!! of problems??? Hope they get resolved early and quick.
This is just another huge mess. The VA thrives on madness. I live in Gig Harbor Washington and have been going to the American Lake facility. It is well over 30 minutes drive and the traffic is horrible. The care there is questionable at best. My recent blood test showed that my triglyceride level is 3380 and that my white blood cells were not normal. Really? According to the Mayo Clinic website those readings indicate pancreatic cancer. Also in June 1998, Terry Culton set a Guiness World Record, his triglyceride reading was 3165, you can google that. They sent me a letter. Didn’t call. The letter suggested that I reduce my carbohydrate intake. They also prescribed medication which came with the letter, which I took till my local Doc told me to stop. AND,, I have to pay for it!! This is unacceptable. I spent a week getting my affairs in order. Major stress for me and family and friends!! Then I managed to get an appointment with a local physician who did a double take when she looked at my test results and the letter. LETTER? She did a blood draw and CALLED me the next day to tell me that my triglycerides are 99 and that my white blood cells are minimally elevated because I had recently had a viral infection. During all this, the Mission Madness Act got passed and my Choice was cancelled. Transitional Madness again by the VA. No one answers the PHONE!!! No one seems to understand the new program. I was given a number to call that was no longer in use. It rings and then a phone maze and then hold for 30 minutes and then dropped off. Over and over. I would really like to get a local physician because I reported the mis diagnosis to someone who actually answered the phone and they managed to call my VA Doc and complain. I got a call from his assistant and she was indifferent, couldn’t be bothered, didn’t want to listen to my experience,, Yawn, well, there’s nothing I can help you with now. Bye. Click! During all this I was contacted by Chris to schedule a colonoscopy. There is no brain between the right hand and the left hand at the VA! Chris and his associate Al are outstanding people. They both listened to my story, asked which number I was calling and called me back saying it was no longer being used. Gave me a new number. Ive played numerous video games, eaten several meals and read books while on hold only to be dropped off. SNAFU!!!
The background “music” in your video is distracting to the hearing impaired. Makes it difficult to understand the message and of course is not needed even by those with good hearing.
The math problem is a little tough for the elderly??
21+13 should be sufficiently tough for the robots.
What will they do when the industry makes more Sofia Robots? Will the capcha problem be so long and complex that only a robot can figure out in only a fraction of the time of a human? Well, maybe only then will the V.A. system work. ……. for robots! After all we are headed into the Robot run age were humans will no longer matter. Except for those V.A. employees who thought working for the government meant drinking coffee all day, reading the news paper in their plush recliner with a sign that says “Don’t you dare ask me anything”!
I was given approval for cataract surgery by the VA and the Choice program back in April/May this year. My surgery is scheduled for the middle of July. Does that mean I won’t be covered. I received an authorization number and everything was all set. Can I still go forward with the surgery or is it all null and void???
You have probably learned by now, but I recommend you contact those responsible and re-plan your cataract surgery, since the 1st Choice plan expired on June 6 when the Mission Act took effect. Pain in the arse, yes, but that’s the govment for ya.
Why is it that I pay for Tricare prime care and can’t even pick my own community care provider. But yet I’m subject to see a doctor in a military facility. I find this to be totally infair. My wife put in for an appointment and was given an appointment one 1.5 months away, and this was cause she was coughing so much. 1.5 months THATS RIDICULOUS. Going to this Mission Act Care seems to be going in the wrong way.
does not work here in Georgia
total disaster in Atlanta
Dental care should be included for all VA Recipients. Here in Florida dental care is a mess, shoddy and full of scam artists…
I live 1 1/2 hours from the VA Hospital. I was told I didn’t qualify for the Choice program because I was within the required driving distance. I’m sure this new program won’t be any different. Another horse and pony show. Also when I try to look up an Urgent care facility, my local VA shows up for my only choice. They close at 4:30 pm. What if I require urgent care outside of their operating hours? Am I supposed to make the 1 1/2 Drive???
Almost all VA facilities have no urgent or emergent care options. Try calling your VA hopital and asking for the office that handles payment for emergency treatment in non-VA facilities. Try to get all the contact information you can from that office, including all of its requirements for submitting and paying bills from non-VA providers. Keep all of the office’s contact info on a card in your wallet so that you have it handy if you need to go to an emergency room for a life or health-threatening situation after normal operating hours.
The VA in Long Beach horrifically ruined my dads long awaited golden years , cuased my family to be forced into a 7 year nightmare of unbelievable mal practice case that has now continued to devistate my wife and myself as a permant result of our post dramatic stress and quality of trying to get back to a some what normal life now that my dad has gone to heaven after suffering the final 7 years of his tormented life as a brain damaged victom of such an unnecessary misstake at the hands of the medical staff that my dad so trustingly put his perfect mind , body and care in as they ignerantly cuased his permanent front lobe brain damage and early loss of life . Gone now for 3 years and we are still devistated with all the permanent damage cuased to our now unsettled life and hardship of trying to live a good and normal life ! Obama ignored our deserate attempts for help during this time of desaster at the hands of the VA and we were completely ignored and went through exstensive mental and finacial hardship that is now our never ending night mare of what was so traggically cuased by the ones we so trusted . May Trump
establish a hopeful VA system that is truly designed to STOP any furthur horror storys like ours ! So frustrating and forever more ! Fix the mess please , no more family trama please , my dad gave his life twice for our country once in korea and once in Long Beach at the hands of those he served .
You’re looking for Trump to FIX the VA HEALTHCARE SYSTEM!!!! Where have you been living. Do you see the mess our Government is already trying to deal with because of this Russian Operative Clown President and his Republican OLD BOY CLUB Friends? And FYI the MISSION ACT IS TRUMPS FIX FOR THE VA!!! LMFAO
Will the VA do dental work for Vets that are not 100% disable.
The dental question, tell me more! I see where it was mention but after not being a 100% disable will the VA do dental work now!
I am 100% due to AO exposure 45 min drive to get to the specialty clinic. Limited servicee Can I request community care? I already use it for Heart Dermatology and podiatrist. I would like to also like to use community care for CPAP Bioness 300 And physical therapist
President Trump, and VA secty. Wilkie really think they have done something for us vets with the Choice and Mission programs. these two programs are TOTALLY WORTHLESS to vets trying to receive medical care. I want to ask both of them. WHAT THE HELL GOOD ARE THE PROGRAMS IF NO DOCTOR OR MEDICAL CENTER / HOSPITAL WILL ACCEPT THEM? There are 4 hospitals in my area. approx. 18 – 40 miles away, a lot closer than the Dallas VA Medical Center, NONE OF THE FOUR, I REPEAT, NONE OF THE WILL ACCEPT THE VA CHOICE PROGRAM OR MISSION PROGRAM.. So the VA needs to stop promoting these worthless programs. The Secty. of the VA can not fox the vetrans health care sitting on his ass behind a desk in Washington. Just another failure for us Veterans,as usual.
I’m in the same boat here in Fayetteville NC. No one will accept the rates that they pay. Triwest is a bigger joke th than anything else and if you have a problem with them there is no published procedure to address grievances. I’m still waiting for that call from their non existent escalation team.
Reason is no private care doctors and hospitals take Choice is they only get reimbursed at Medicare rates for each and every visit (procedure) or not reimbursed ( up to the VA) . With medicare they get medicare plus 20% from the patient or his medicare supplemental insurance plus a $155 deductible per year paid by the patient or his medicare insurance .
Thus there is no financial incentive what so ever to take VA Choice
Further doctors and hospitals wait months if not years to get paid under Choice. Many have declared bankruptcy or they bill vets resulting in bad credit and bankruptcy for vets billed illegally by Choice Hospitals or Doctors . Also Doctors and hospitals dont get paid for visits and many bills under Choice versus Medicare . The VA doesn’t pay their bills in any timely manner . Its one big reason why the VA was rejected and could not qualify to bill medicare under the VA medicare subjugation experiment Act of 1998-1999 . Besides the VA illegally and criminally use many interns and residents at VAMC facilities and illegally bill via veterans private insurance such unsupervised medical care to private insurance companies .
Lastly, the contract and procedure -requirments that doctors and hospitals must provide is much more complicated then medicare and even medicaid contracts/requirements so many doctors-hospitals refuse such
Give us medicare and a full medicare insurance supplement and let us go to true private care with true choices at a cost fair less then VA Choice and VA Healthcare !! The VA Medicare Supplemental Insurance Act by Veterans for Independence here in Pennsylvania
Very very confusing! VA makes everything so impossible!
Gone because of some 21/3= is a mathematical equation that needs to be answered correctly to ensure your comments are not AI generated. It is supposed to ensure your are a “Real Human”…..
If you think your situations are bad with the Mission Act, try being a Veteran in Germany (or other foreign country) and all of these complaints are a mute argument. None of those “benefits” are available here.
Just for the record, I have an appeal in that is currently active and it is dated from 27 January 2007, and what is todays date????
I am beginning to believe VA is hoping I will die so my case can be disposed of without action, I mean 12 1/2 years as it is seems to be somewhat “long”….
Since your appeal has gone on that long, why don’t you contact an attorney who specializes in Veterans? Most, if not all, will give you a free consultation over the phone. Nothing to lose.
That’s the way the VA works, stall until you die and it saves them money.
Same here, Jerry. Can’t use evets because I don’t have a domestic U.S. address. I live in Scotland, and when I call the VA, I’m charged at international rates, to be stuck in a loop because the VA staff aren’t trained to assist vets who live oconus. So, you get passed from one member of staf to the next. I spent 4 hours on the phone trying to resolve an issue, to get my disability through direct deposit instead of paper check. It’s a joke.
I forgot to mention that I need to see a chiropractor. I can’t see one without the SAR bring sent from my provider to the VA. One was sent last November. I have to make an appointment at the VA hospital 4 hours away.
I also need an MRI for my lower extremities. The VA never returned the SAR answer to the specialty care provider. What do I do now?
The VA care in the community never answers the phone when you call and you get a phone call 3-5 days later. Total BS.
What do the VA employees actually do?
What about prescription meds by care in the community? I live 4 hours from the nearest VA hospital. My local clinic doesn’t have a pharmacy. I’m now without meds….
Roberto, try Express Scripts. I get all my meds through them, and delivered to my home!
Top questions answered ???
All they say is : You should talk to your VA care team
The real problem with all aspects of complaints, issues, delays, any problems within the VA healthcare system is due to the poor work ethic, lazy workers who don’t want to be inconvenienced to do a better job, or do the right job. No other organization or industry in North America has as lazy of workers with the poorest work ethics and who don’t care except about collecting a pay check, than VA employees. Go figure…
Oh my goodness another bandaid to fix a continuous problem. First I live two hours away from my VA hospital. This is very import for allot reasons related to this story. Second I want to know what insurance do VA employees have compared to Veterans. Is this like Congress person being able to go to the best naval hospital on the East coast while all America live on Obuma care?
I currently live two hours away from my VA.So I called and asked to speak with my doctor and was told that he would only talk to me on my appointment time I was told by his PA that he wanted to talk to me. I asked if I could just talk to him on the phone and was told by his assistant that he wanted to have a face to face visit so he could tell me some information. I asked numerous times to speak with him on the phone and told just to come on my appointment day. Being a good prior soldier I followed my orders and showed up. Two hours up and waiting in rush traffic I finally arrived.I then check in and waited another 30 minute and was escort to a examination where I waited again. A PA showed up and spoke to me for 15 minutes and told me what the doctor said and the appointment was over. Four hour drive for fifteen minutes of appointment this isn’t the first time.
Another of the stories to show how upset with the VA I am and no matter what they do I feel they should turn over all the hospitals to civilians and shut them down only keeping the clinics, x-ray department and pharmacies open. My first story is about 4.5 years a go I had a pinched nerve in my neck so sever that it cut of the blood to my left arm. Easy fix right get a CT scan and fix it either by civilian or VA right?. Nope for the VA they dragged their feet so the problem only got worse creating other issues i.e nerve damage in the left arm and loss of muscle.. So after five years of waiting they finally decide to fix it. The reason, they though I was suicidal because of the emence pain and suffering I was having to live with.
Here are some other issues the VA will not help me with Plague, Pinched nerve in my spine, and Pancreatitis the last one I cure myself because the VA wouldn’t do anything about it and neither will they do anything about the rest.
I was looking forward to the Mission Act as I was told by numerous VA officials that treatment through the civil side would be easy, but nope still got to go through the VA hospital first and tell me to go to another VA hospital for a second opinion this is even funnier as my local VA is two hours away so the next one is probably 3 hours. WOW, just putting a bandaid on a snake bite thats about it.
I have multiple Kidney Stones in both kidneys. I’m in the ER at least 4 times a year. Most are smooth Uric Acid stones that pass easily. The others send me to the local civilian ER. The local VA had no problems with it. By the way, it took me almost twenty years to even get an appointment with the VA. I had to take a job in another VA District and in this one they were good at first, they sent me to get them blasted every week, but the last five years or so they just do nothing but medicate. I have a Letter from the VA now that gives me permission to see Civilian Doctors and Specialist. This only happened after I called President Trump’s VA Hotline and filed a complaint. Things got much better for a few years but have now slipped back to the old pattern. Now I’ve cut back to one meal a day so I can afford to pay for treatments.
If you thought the VA was bad before now it is terrible. Once again us vets get screwed.
Can I get dental care under this mission act?
Do I need supplemental insurance if I am 72 and 85% VA disabled?
Mike depending on the area you live in. There may be plans that cost you nothing per month that will give you additional benefits. As long as you have Medicare A&B.
I had cataract surgery 3 weeks ago in Indianapolis, In. I am now vacationing in Waynesville, NC. My eye, the last couple of days has been scratchy and feeling like a foreign object is there and sensitive to light and watering. I called Indianapolis wanting to see what to do. I was told to find a VA medical center near my location. That is at Asheville, NC. I called them and was told they could not access my records. That they could not connect to anything about Indiana veterans. And they did not even have all of the NC vets in there system. I could not have my eye checked at the Asheville, NC. until I registered there. How can it be that their computer systems are so antiquated and unable to access a veterans records? What if my situation was more urgent. A vet registered at any VA facility in America should be able to get care at any other facility in America without reregistering.
I tried to comment on this page and was told I had written a duplicate comment, which I had not. My point: DO NOT give credit to the orange headed idiot for Mission. It is the same as Choice, has similar problems, and already existed. Nothing new. Nothing “greatest” about it.
You seem anti-president and don’t understand how things work in this country. Pray for the president and those in authority over us.
For heaven’s sake, do not give the current administration credit for some miracle VA cure. It’s b.s. This is no better than Choice and just as problematic. Nothing new here. Same old crap.
Choice, Mission, Medicare SAME B.S. I think VETS should MARCH on Capitol HILL!
Another horror show on the horizon. Va is clown school. I predict very bad is going to occur at many vamc.
I have a primary care team at the Rishmond VA hospital. I also have a civilian PC provider who is closer that I see on a regular basis. I have used the VA primarily for PTSD treatment. My medical costs are covered by my Anthem insurace & Medicare for VA and my “community” provider. How is somebody like me affected by the Mission Act? What benefit is there for me?
A little secret, if you chiropractor upon billing the VA provides a discount say 10% or so if paid in five days of billing, VA regulations must act on the discount and pay in five days.
What about pain patents that the VA will no longer treat? As usual, we’re screwed again!
I have asked for assistance with medications. I have been told that I make too much money when you include my spouse’s social security, My spouse has terminal cancer and out medical bills are severe. How can I get assistance. I am a Viet Nam era veteran.
Is dental care or insurance provided with the Mission Act?
I have been getting Acupuncture for yrs I can’t function without it. I only get a certain amount of appointments so I use them wisely, I haven’t had them in two months I haven’t left my apartment in 3weeks can’t work, couldn’t even be with my family for father’s day. I call and and call no answer. I’m at my wits end.
I am already authorized to use community care. What good is it though if the Albuquerque VA hospital will not release my medical records to me or my new community health provider. My doctor can’t treat me without them and the VA will not authorize my community care doctor to order any treatment such as a consult to see a behavior health person.
Mission act is in another long line of lies spewed by trump. Let someone with common sense fix this problem.
Mr. Dew, why don’t you find another forum to spew your hate in? Nobody is impressed with you or your hate towards the POTUS.
Smart people are!
I have no hate for Trump, he is the President. The Mission Act is a joke and right now I’m thinking more harm than good. I’m a 100% disabled Vet.
I live in the DFW Texas area. The “urgent care” facilities under this “plan” are “One Minute Clinic” and a couple of Walgreen’s. So I’m supposed to go to Walgreen’s and get who, exactly, to set a broken bone or write a prescription? Or go to the “clinic” and wait three hours (if you’re lucky) to be seen by a nurse (no Doctors)? I’m sure the Congressmen and Senators are under this same health care plan, right? I mean, that’s their choices for their urgent care, right? And even though it’s long proven that Dental health is causation / prevention of heart health and other diseases, they still don’t offer basic Dental care? This is nothing but another paper tiger act to take a bow for the upcoming elections.
Great fill out cmt and it gets deleted; make it short, let someone with common sense fix this problem; not trump and his dummies.
Why do you blame our President for this? He is not a micro manager. He places trust in his people that they will perform as required.
Just like all previous outside medical service, “you need VA approval first”. Really just another Trump gimmick to get votes. Best way to fix VA problem is to allow all P & T vets to use the medicare system with no co payments required if they so desire; this would free up many appointment times.Don’t ask an idiot or an officer to fix something; if you want it fixed right use the sgts (not 9s) to get the job done.
Agree 100% ….. give the P&T the Medicare go anywhere W/O Co payment . EOS Done easy extremely Easy….Not Trump it is The Swamp….hasn’t changed much in my 50 years…..just more vets getting frustrated …. I am well entrenched in the system and I get totally frustrate at times too….
Many of the new processes are broken and the employees are overwhelmed. The VA is too regimented if it does not fit in the box forget it. At the VA North Texas, you cannot get any assistance, they do not return phone calls and the Patient Advocate Office (manager) and Executive Offices (Director) are unwilling to help. You can implement all the new processes you want but if they are not executed and managed they will not make a difference. When they are not making a difference no one is listening. I would just like to share my experiences with anyone that can make a difference, is there anyone? North Texas VA is a disaster and they are aware of the issues but ignore it, they do not have the resources to make it better and therefore accept it.
Looked up non VA on mission map for Colorado Springs and all I get is the VA Clinic. Problem is you have to wait basically until your annual appointment to get seen. Once seen then maybe if there is some thing close by that they can refer you out to it then takes no less then three weeks and have had up to two and a half months wait. As to any type of ER for VA that is in Denver or over one hundred miles for me so I can go up and be treated like a no class citizen. If using the ER that is civilian and have a referral then you can try to call the clinic and they pass you along to who ever so they can say they can get you an appointment in one and a half month up to three months. Spend two billion on the Denver VA so it looks pretty in your eyes but it is so broken up there. Should have made a functional building and gotten more doctors to help with the back log. The VA clinic in Colorado Springs is a joke as limited for doctors as well and cant keep up.
Have to laugh at the T mobile spot showing you can contact your doctor at the VA as that doesnt exist in Colorado.
Many of the new processes are broken and the employees are overwhelmed. The VA is too regimented if it does not fit in the box forget it. At the VA North Texas, you cannot get any assistance, they do not return phone calls and the Patient Advocate Office (manager) and Executive Offices (Director) are unwilling to help. You can implement all the new processes you want but if they are not executed and managed they will not make a difference. When they are not making a difference no one is listening. I would just like to share my experiences with anyone that can make a difference, is there anyone? North Texas VA is a disaster and they are aware of the issues but ignore it, they do not have the resources to make it better and therefore accept it.
That music playing was irritating while trying to listen to what the young Lady was saying, it was like ya blowing a bugle in competition while she was talking. I wanted to listen to her not a competition. Jerry
As usual the VHA has rolled out a program has not been properly researched. What is needed in the VHA is more direct care providers, not knee jerk untested and programs the look good to the legislators to apease them.
As a female veteran, I have used the VHA health care system since 1985 when I was medically retired for a SCI. I worked in the VHA system as well. I worked in the VHA system first in billing in the 1980’s then as a direct care provider until 1998 when my service connected MS forced me into early retirement
I have seen many programs come and go and almost all have failed. In the mid 1990’s, the VHA went to a HMO model with veteran being assigned a PCP. The program they tried seemed to work well as they hired more doctors and other direct care providers. It proved successful. During that time the VISN concept was also hatched. That appeared to be a good idea, but history has shown that is not a good concept. The only result was in a GLUT of middle management positions. Due to this increase in middle management with so many looking at ways to improve the system, the direct care providers were neglected. Many doctors left due to the constantly changing policies which were many times in conflict with VHA Directives. Middle management began increase in numbers and less funds were avaiable to hire doctors and direct care providers.
If the BEAN COUNTERS cared to consult veterans who utilize the VHA healthcare system especially ones who work (or worked) in the VHA and also use the VHA for their care, just imagine what actual USEFUL solutions they could come up with to improve care for thiose who have EARNED this care through their honorable service to our country.
VHA healthcare is not an ENTITLEMENT, this healthcare is an EARNED BENEFIT for those of us who wrote that blank check for nothing short of their life and ended up with healthcare needs that are unique to those who have served proudly.
Many of the new processes are broken and the employees are overwhelmed. In the North Texas VA you cannot get phone calls returned or anyone in the executive offices to assist. They are very unwilling to help. The manager over Patient Advocate is difficult to get in touch with and no one is listening. Where do you go for help? I would just like to be heard by someone that can make a difference, is there anyone? Secretary Wilkie should allow feedback to funnel up to him so that he knows the reality of what the Veterans go through. You can make all the enhancements you want if they are not being implemented and managed then nothing will change.
I’ve been to V.A.’s all over the country. None that I’ve been to are worth a damn. I usually know more about my condition than the doctor trying to treat me. That is scarey!
I’m an old concrete finisher with an 8th grade education!
Eugene Kutsch here in Oregon. We must be lucky if we use the Port;land Oregon VA. I have 5 specialist from varies medical departments(CARDIO, ONCOLOGY, PODIATRIST, OPTICAL, GP), all in private practice nearby looking after my health. Yes, it took about 4 months to switch from VA treatment to VETERANS CHOICE (NOW MISSION ACT), but now are all authorized to treat me and i do not have to travel 150 miles round trip every time I have an appointment.
My advice, unless you ARE IN URGENT CARE, is to use the VA auxillary staff. There are many ORGANIZATIONS standing by on the sideline, in your area waiting for you to call and ask for help if things are moving too slow.
Bottom line, I have nothing but CUDOS FOR THE VA. IN OREGON.
This is a major degradation in service. Smoke and mirrors. Less care. Harder to get and more expensive. That’s how the government helps us. They screw us. Very dishonorable behavior by the government. The SESs, the house, the senate and the President screwed us. I’ll vote every one of you our of office. We’ll never have decent care again. Thanks for lying to us and trying to spin this as good.
So I was diagnosed with a lesion on my brain or a tumor on my brain and took probably 10 different tests at the VA hospital which was very good but now I’ve been waiting for weeks because they want to outsource me to a normal logical doctor and the company tri-state or somethings they don’t know what they’re doing it in between the VA and the front of the doctors in the private sector so that’s not working good at all
I’m under Doctors care because of an accident on March 24, 2019 will this care still be covered
This was a bunch of double talk saying nothing.
Why don’t we just treat VA medical benefits for our Medicare eligible Veterans like we do Medicaid? If you have Medicare and full VA benefits you will have no out of pocket costs for Medicare covered items. That would help our Vets with Medicare use private doctors at no additional cost and VA would only be on the hook for 20% and free up space at the VA for Vets not on Medicare. Just a thought. I know there’s a lot more to it. But let’s run with it.
you know you’re not alone with that thought plan. It sounds so SIMPLE and DO-ABLE. And that is the number one reason the MORONS in WASHINGTON DC our voted in GOVERNMENT LEADERS. (try saying that and keep a straight face) WILL NOT IMPLEMENT SUCH A HEALTH PLAN FOR VETERANS! See the VA problem could be fixed if the IDIOTS trying to fix it actually stopped for a moment, looked at the current system and then at the tried and tested, historically functional Medical plans provided in the private sector and then decided to seriously want to fix this problem for the veteran. But those Idiots would have to stop thinking in THE SELF-CENTERED FINANCIAL manner they have always thought in. AND I CERTAINLY DO NOT SEE THAT HAPPENING ANYTIME SOON!!!
Mike depending on the area you live in. There may be plans that cost you nothing per month that will give you additional benefits. As long as you have Medicare A&B.
Aileen, I appreciate the feedback. When will we have someone in place who truly cares for Vets. I believe in our current President, and if we just stopped the constant nonsense and put term limits people would make the changes needed.
Worse care. Worse access. High out of pocket. There is nothing better about this. SESs house senate and Pres screwed us on this one. We never go back to decent care. Ever
I have had problems in the past with VA doctor here in Tyler Texas thank God he is gone but the past 2 years have been excellent no problems. Keep up the good work! I love my Doctor now .
This is a major degradation in service. Smoke and mirrors. Less care. Harder to get and more expensive. That’s how the government helps us. They screw us. Very dishonorable behavior by the government. The SESs, the house, the senate and the President screwed us. I’ll vote every one of you our of office. We’ll never have decent care again. Thanks for lying to us and trying to spin this as good.
Am a category 1 with the VA. Had an appointment 2 weeks ago, wanted a referral for my Cardiologist and one for a oncologist. I got neither from my LPN at the VA. She said I would see a Urologist in downtown Phoenix instead. And, she told me that under the Mission program we would be paying a copay regardless of what your category was
Under Title 38 § 1729(i)(1)(B), CONGRESS EXCLUDED MEDICARE AND MEDICAID AS “HEALTH CARE CONTRACTS.” As a Veteran and Senior Citizen, this ‘EXCLUSION’ prevents me {AND MANY MANY OTHERS} from receiving ENTITLED MEDICARE (or MEDICAID) benefits for any medical services performed by Federally funded medical facilities; i.e., the VA. In fact, this EXCLUSION by Congress effectively DEPRIVES eligible Senior Veterans and qualified family members from receiving entitled benefits earned and paid for over their work lives.
Would it be possible to have Congress revisit this issue and recind their decision to exclude Medicare and Medicaid as HEALTH CARE CONTRACTS under the provisions of Title 38 § 1729(i)(1)(B).
Does this Congressional Exclusion violate Federal Law? {Title 18 § 241: Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law}
I welcome you reply. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Been assigned new primary care doc, have had too many to count in last 6 years. Saw him once. Cut me off morphine which I had been on for about 2 years with NO warning as to what to expect or how to cope with what was in store for me which was withdrawal! Ended up in ER, got pain shot and nausea meds. Doc had referred me to outside ‘pain mgmt’. They prescribe hydrocodone..ok. I provided urine spec to them. During withdrawal, I was desperate and bought ‘cbd’ oil. For sale and hyped everywhere. IT DID NOTWORK! That was strike one with ‘pain mgmt’! Then they advised me they had left a msg on my ans machine for me to come in for another urine spec. I did not get that msg! Later my wife and I found that the machine was OFF! That was strike two with them and I was ‘fired’ from their care! I was advised my ‘primary doc’ finally reviewed my MRI taken a couple of weeks ago and is trying to set an appt with a neouro-surgeon for surgery. Does he now realize what pain I must be in?! My L-1 thru L-5 are disintegrating. I walk bent over. With the morphine I functioned normally. I could mow the grass, etc. Now, I wear a back brace and use a walker! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!!!
All of you people need to call the White House hot line and voice your concerns.
It will make a big difference
I have done so numerous times and have had good results.
The hospitals don’t lie cause it brings done their ratings so jump on it
I made a call today about using the Mission Act for community care. The guy on the phone acted like he had never heard of it. Then he mentioned the closest VA clinic, according to my zip code, was half the distance it really is. After pressing him on why there was such a variation, he found a community care clinic in my area and told me just to make an appointment to see them. I asked if I needed an authorization number or if my request would be logged and he said no to both. I have a feeling if I use the community care facility, I’ll just get stuck with the bill. Less than impressed with the customer care.
Total joke for urgent care. None of the local hospital ER’s listed. Nearest walk in care more than 30 miles away. I’m a 100% disabled combat Vet and the VA usually fights any emergency room visits even after I do every thing they say to do. Over the past 5 years I have paid for 2 of 4 visits to the ER.
I was told by the urgent care facility that they called the VA and that I needed pre-authorization to use urgent care.
This does not sense at all because the CBOC does not have such care. Besides, ALL veterans should be able to go to the urgent care in their community without any kind of pre-authorization or having to be referred by the VA.
Veterans do not have prior knowledge when they will get sick or injured.
Yuma CBOC isn’t all that great to begin with and I should be able to see any participating medical person in the community rather than drive all the way to Tucson for care.
I’m not a veteran, but reading these comments is heartbreaking and maddening. I’m shaking my head wondering why on earth these heroes must wait or be treated as if they’re non-existent nobodies. Everything the government touches seems to be a total clusterf**k.
I was wondering about care for veterans that have dentures! Can we have our dentures redone or fixed (repaired)?
I found out that sometimes after going through long stints in physical therapy that sometimes a problem can be solved or lessens the pain by going to chiropractor for adjustments and then a massage afterwards. Deep tissue massage in the area affected.
Outpatients have medical concerns and since they are outpatients it is often difficult to understand whether a veteran can be seen for non-service injuries at Veteran facilities or do they have to go to an emergency care clinic?
Since I am in the wellness program things have been great but often I need to be seen for other issues and since the issues concerns my overall wellness can I be seen for those issues?
nothing has changed, the system is still screwed up:
It’s considerably more complicated now and any urgent care facilities are 42 miles from me and a 1/2 mile from my pcp.
And this is supposed to be better?
I live well over 40 miles from a VA provider and also well over an average 30 minute drive. I have been on Veterans choice for months and now according to the VA Mission Act I am also qualified for that program. I looked on line to see where the nearest local urgent care provider is. It is well over an hour away and in the middle of a city. Why is this? It makes absolutely no sense to qualify urgent care providers in the middle of a big city and not first qualify those in real outlying area’s like the one I live in. That is what this program is for. To help those vets who are in outlying area’s. Come on VA, this is a no brainer, Approve those urgent care providers in rural and distant area’s before you even approve them in big cities. You have it backwards and it irritates me to read all the hype and see something as poorly planned as this occur.
Please do not publish further pictures of the blowhard lying draft dodger who happens now to be corrupting the White House.
Thank you.
Peter Zander
You mean the commander in chief that is trying to get things fixed. Provide him with good congress people and maybe things can get better . The house would rather provide free health care and housing to illegal invaders then Vets!!!
Just got this in my email a few minutes ago. Thought the VA was going to answer the question about Dental Care under the Mission Act. How stupid of me to think they were finally going to answer that question. The only answer that keeps coming out of their mouths-is talk with your community or primary care provider. My PCP does not do dental work. So, I’m back to the basic question again. I’m 100% P&T. And, no one in the VA system will answer that damm question.
If you are 100% SC you do qualify for dental care. In fact everyone who is 100% SC qualified. The old rules for dental care are still enforced. There is a standalone legislative bill that basically gives all veterans the right to use dental care. However it’s not been passed and is buried in some committee. The only other group of veterans eligible to get dental care are those who are in a VRE approved training or education program.
Why after bing authorized care did it take a month for TriWest to try and get me an appointment?
Same goes for reaurhorized Chyropratic care
Why are all the Urgent Care Centers located near the VA Medical Facilities? I live about 45 miles away from my local VA Clinic which takes me approximately an hour to drive depending on traffic. There is nothing listed in my area for Urgent Care.
Denver VA is a total disaster with the new health care plan it was ok with the Choice plan.
Trying to get my Dental work done with my local dentist was no problem when it was with the Choice plan. Hell, now with the new plan can’t seem to get the Denver VA dental office to respond half the time and when they do they think I should go to them for a second opinion, my Dentist if far superior to their dental practice. Oh well it’s only been over a year since I started to get my dental work done and the Denver VA dental office is still dragging their feet. I have a 100% rating. When I lived in Spokane, WA they ok’ed everything with my first call and helped me set up everything without asking me what services I wanted near to me. And, I only lived 30 miles away, set me up with Doctor, Optometrist, Dentist, Chiropractor that was within 15min. of my house. Of course you have to realize they do have a top rated VA Health Care rating unlike the Denver, VA.
I searched VA authorized urgent medical care providers in my immediate area, just out of curiosity. Several individuals, doctors I assume, showed up. However, none of the established local ER clinics, those belonging to local hospitals, showed up on the list. ???
Some of the identified providers ranged in distant from 45 to 50 miles from me. I don’t want to drive 50 miles for emergency care! I live in Michigan. But some of the providers are in Indiana! I don’t want to drive to Indiana in case of a medical emergency!
Also, every listing carried the notation “If you don’t have a referral, contact your local VA medical center.” Really? I need a referral before I can go to an urgent care facility? Really?
Obviously the MISSION Act program needs some work – maybe a lot of work as ER care is just one small part of it. Who knows what glitches exist in the rest of the program? I don’t understand these problems. It’s not rocket science. I don’t believe that it’s all that complicated. I’m very disappointed in what I see so far.
I agree there aren’t VA certified hospitals any where near me for Urgent or Emergency care. I was told by the VA ‘on call’ nurse to go to the local hospital’s emergency department but coverage was later denied by the VA because it wasn’t a pre-existing military injury. Of course the local hospital isn’t a certified approved hospital by the VA. My bill was paid for by Medicare and my own pocket.
How can you get primary care in the community once approved if the va does not have currently any primary care doctors in the network?
I have only been waiting 8 months for my chiropractor referral to go through, after my last chiropractor stopped participating in VA because the payments were too slow. I have been assigned to two chiropractors that are no longer practicing in the area, and each time I have to be referred to a new one, it seems I get shoved to the back of the line again. I hope the new system speeds up referrals and pays the participants in a timely manner.
Why can I not have a portable 02 generated Because I can not go to SFVA Hospital with 02 tanks It would take 6 tanks for the trip and 12 tanks to stay overnight Plus the rooms were u stay don,t allow them in the building With the generated it would be easier for me to shop ect ect I live alone
What department within either the local or regional VA do I contact to switch health care to a local community provider? I live more then 60 miles and drive over an hour to my appointments.
According to the call I made today they can authorize it over the phone to the VA MISSION Act number. I’m skeptical of this, but that’s what the operator told me.
Wrote a long comment. Gone because of some 21/3=. Didn’t know what that ment. In short. Mission Act is a cure. Reinventing the wheel only means disaster.
2 week for appointment with Choice 2 months with Mission Act community care. I was told via email to wait my turn as they have 95000 veterans in the system. Can’t talk to a live person like we could with TriWest. STVAMC.
The 21/3 is 21 divided by 3, which the answer is 7. They do a poor job explaining that. It is a security feature to help prevent hackers.
/ is divide
* is multiply
– is subtract
+ is add
The guy at the Anaheim VA Clinic that talked to me yesterday and swore he would call me today isn’t there today! So he lied to me again! So I called the VA Patient Advocates Office. No one answers the phone! Same old story with the VA; NO SERVICE FOR VETERANS!
My PCP refuses to renew my Hydrocodone because it’s not due for another 9 days but I’m out now! I had a total knee replacement done 31 days ago; this isn’t going to disappear or go away because she just wants to make a point or be hard nosed or be mean to Veterans. I am in severe pain and Dr. Mojgan Amirkhan doesn’t care about my well-being. She also refuses to give me an alternative pain medication or even talk to me in person or on the phone!
I am a 100% disabled Veteran, 69 years old and deserve better than this!
Larry Crawford