Returning to school can be stressful. If it’s the first time back in the classroom, even the most battle-tested Vet may feel nervous. Many will take their experiences from the military and pursue difficult degrees with challenging courses. Help is available.

Study Edge provides concise study guides, online explanation videos, and tutors for an array of subjects and classes. If you’re looking for great intel on that tough engineering or physics course or maybe a refresher of your course in actual English, not the stream of acronyms we might be used to, Study Edge could be just the resource you’re looking for.

Study Edge announces a Free Semester to all Veterans.

“All of us at StudyEdge are thrilled to give Veterans across the country a free semester as a token of our appreciation for their tremendous sacrifice for this country. We are forever grateful for the dedication of these brave men and women and want to do our part in recognizing their commitment. As the son of two Navy Veterans, I am very proud that we are able to offer these services completely free to the men and women who so bravely protected this great country,” said Ethan Fieldman, Founder and President.

Study Edge provides:

  • A supplemental online resource… for when you didn’t quite understand the lecture, even though you were definitely paying attention. Veterans may also download study guides specific to their course, watch online video explanations, and answer practice questions to check their understanding.
  • A tutoring service… for those that prefer a more individualized approach with the attention that comes from a private tutor–but without the high price of one to one in-person services. Veteran students have access to Concept Videos for their specific courses, facilitated by their Study Experts, that employ the most effective practices of instruction and that deliver content in a way that’s simple and easy for anyone to understand–no matter how many years removed from college.
  • A convenient, easy-to-access study tool… for Vets with busy lives and barely any time to spare. StudyEdge content is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Students can access StudyEdge resources on-the-go, wherever they are, and at any time of the day or night via their web and mobile app, making it possible to incorporate even a few minutes of study time into any busy schedule.

Anna Slack, the Acting Therapeutic Supported Employment Services (TSES) Program Manager at the Martinsburg VA Medical Center, says, “One of the many challenges for Veterans returning to school is often they have become accustomed to learning through hands-on methods. Veterans may struggle with coursework and assignments presented through text books and lectures. Study aids and tutoring might help Veterans absorb complex material, by providing structured and regimented techniques.”

“By using Study Edge, I was able to maintain the competitive GPA required for the admission into the University of Florida’s Mechanical Engineering Program. The thing that makes Study Edge so great is the way they have everything broken down and categorized. Their simplicity and strategic approach surpass any other program or tutoring service.” Colby Ross | Sergeant, 3rd Ranger Battalion US Army (Ret.)

For more information visit:

When you’re ready to get started, select the school and subject. To unlock the free semester, email to set up a membership.


Disclaimer: The sharing of any non-VA information does not constitute an endorsement of products or services on the part of the VA.


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  1. Siti Nur Amalia September 2, 2019 at 14:03

    I hope this policy, can make veteran more excited in study..

  2. Sabrina Thomas August 23, 2019 at 15:53

    More info on how and where to apply

  3. Kevin Talley August 22, 2019 at 14:37

    How do I sign up?

  4. William F Tisdale August 19, 2019 at 08:51

    What are the courses you can take and what is the list of schools.

  5. G.c. Saldana August 18, 2019 at 20:50

    Need more information.

  6. Delmy Pineda August 16, 2019 at 22:01

    Pineda (Army retiree):
    I came back to school after 37 years old and graduated with a bachelor in social work this May 2019. I will start graduate school in two weeks but I feel afraid because I am very slow with programs like Panapto or Zoom. My classes are online only and I have to present classes and videos. I really need a tutor who helps me to be digital. I am 63 years old and dream to finish my academics goals.

  7. Jeffrey Peterson August 16, 2019 at 19:25

    I am Vietnam Vet (30 percent) and wonder can I still use GI bill?

  8. Glenda Huggins August 16, 2019 at 11:29

    Hello, I’m a spouse and I have been looking for a way resources to pay for my completion of my masters degree; can you assist me with funds to complete my degree.

  9. Connie Blue Jerkins August 16, 2019 at 10:42

    I’d definitely benefit from this type of Study aid

  10. Theresa Halstead August 15, 2019 at 20:56

    Hi, I have a Master’s in Counseling Psychology, but could never find an internship. I would like to get into the VA hospital for Internship and then to treat veterans. I am retired Navy. I am married to a LCDR with 9 years left before he retires, so I am trying to find licensure that will move with me, and I heart the Federal Government will do that. Do you have a good point of contact that might be able to lead me in the right direction. Thank you so much. Theresa Halstead

    • Philip Melton August 16, 2019 at 10:37

      What happened to my comment from yesterday? Why was it not published?

  11. George Knox August 15, 2019 at 19:24

    I am an older vet who went to school Under the GI Bill. I have three degrees: AA. BA Economics, MBA. How can I help?

  12. Doward G. Douwsma August 15, 2019 at 16:38

    I would be willing to volunteer for the Edge program. I am a retired University professor with an earned PhD in organization and management. I have had “returning students over 30” , bright new students with no prior academic opportunity aged 30 and older, and typical students in their teens and twenties. I have taught “on ground” and “on line” students in the US and classes of on line students attending The University of Liverpool. I have taught Graduate and Undergraduate students.
    I can teach Economics (both macro and micro), Operations Management, Marketing, Finance, and Strategy. I developed strong personal connections with both men and women students, active and lazy. I am a Navy vet (1961 to 1965) posted to the Pacific Theater.
    I think this program might be a good way for me to help some of our returning, confused, “fearful” or antiquarian Vets.
    Doward G. Douwsma, PhD and LT. US Naval Reserve.

  13. Daniel Barker August 15, 2019 at 12:49

    When do education benefits expire.

  14. James Wilson Pooser August 15, 2019 at 11:00

    I am a US Army Aviator, Viet Nam veteran with Purple Heart and other awards; starting late in life, I have two sons, one attending University of Georgia, the other attending Georgia Inst Tech. The UGA attendee will graduate in computer science in December 2019 and return for his Masters’ in January 2020. The other is a rising Junior at GA Tech majoring in computer engineering.
    The reason for my comment is to find some way my sons can help veterans who need to improve their computer skills. Because of my service and my constant reinforcement of pride in being an American, they were exploring ways they could give back to US Military veterans.
    Thanks in advance for helping my boys help our servicemen.

  15. Philip Melton August 15, 2019 at 10:48


    Study Edge is not free. It costs $14.95 per month for a service that every school offers for free. Every single link on this page is click bait to additional paid services! (Go board dot com / Algebra Nation dot com / I civics dot com / )

    Note: Mr. Clipp, SU has an awesome and free veteran assistance tutoring program, you should have utilized it while you were there.

    VETERANS READ THIS FOR ACTUAL ASSISTANCE- This advertisement is simply “click bait” preying on veterans who sincerely desire assistance with online college work. I can see this from the replies above from genuine people seeking advice and help from the VA. The advice you really need is that every college course / institution you enroll in online offers the exact same service for veterans for free, tailored to your current course, without the need for this Study Edge / “for profit” scheme.

    Here is how the ad would actually read if it was not covertly masked as genuine assistance for us:

    1. After the first bit of help, if available, you will pay for the rest. While Mr. Clipp, Miss Slack and Mr. Ross sold out for money and willingly sought to deceive you and should be deeply ashamed of themselves, we need to pay them for their endorsements, thus the fees placed on the backs of our veterans.

    2. Veterans, we don’t actually “DO” anything to help you, we simply allow you to click the links on our site for other services, and pay for them if you can afford it. Examples: Go board dot com / Algebra Nation dot com / I civics dot com

    3. If you actually read the final line, you don’t “get help” until you send an email for a membership with Study Edge.

    4. You still must enroll / get accepted / begin the online course on your own, without assistance from Study Edge.

    5. Nowhere in any of the links will you encounter a “Free for Vets” ad or link. We will send you a code for some free, one time only tutoring, but you will be a member of Study Edge first.

    Truly shameful. Folks, we get at least 10 of these false advertisements targeting vets per day in our inboxes, and simply delete them. It is a shame that this one was masked as genuine help from the VA.

  16. Marilyn Devokaitis August 15, 2019 at 09:41

    Are retired veterans family allowed to use the program? My husband retired in 2002. I wanted to return to University, but couldn’t afford it without help and could use GI Bill because I wasn’t the active duty member. I was with my husband his entire career and I can’t get an education, doesn’t seem fair.


  17. Rafael Marte August 15, 2019 at 09:26

    I have no more time left for my GI bill. Would I qualify for a free semester? Pls advise any information would be help. Thanks

  18. vickie s..jones August 15, 2019 at 08:34

    retiring from civilian govt in dec 2019 and would like to continue studying in real estate as a paralegal.. any courses to help promote this area of study.

  19. Cecilia M García August 15, 2019 at 00:55

    Need información.

  20. Martin Gross August 15, 2019 at 00:14

    Eligibility expired.

    • Melanie McIntyre August 26, 2019 at 14:34

      Like several other veterans who had the Montgomery GI Bill my benefits were never used and have expired. I appreciate all of our service men and women, but find it terribly unfair that the post 9/11 GI Bill gives soooo much and now it doesn’t expire! It’s not fair that those of us who served before 9/11 have lost our benefits and are treated like throw sways. Our service counts both before and after 9/11. We are just as worthy of our benefits even if we served before 9/11. Our service matters no matter when we served. I feel that pre 9/11 vets have been discriminated against. Our service matters. We deserve our benefits like everyone else who served our nation honorably.

  21. Martin Gross August 15, 2019 at 00:13

    No longer eligible. Benefits ended in ’76.

  22. roger Dale Macy August 14, 2019 at 22:34

    need to get upgrade on my military disability. any help ??

  23. roger Dale Macy August 14, 2019 at 22:33

    need to get upgrade on my disability and help

  24. Anthony Vincent August 14, 2019 at 21:50

    I sop nothing in the offerings of project management. Please advise.

  25. LESTER A. MEADE August 14, 2019 at 20:56

    I,m just an OLD DOG, but I still like to learn. I,m not interested in getting any credits, just would like to learn more to keep my mind busy. TV is boring and I still use a flip phone. Are there any none credit courses I can take at my liesure. HM-1 / SSGT L.A. MEADE 6019.

    • Paticio amenabar August 15, 2019 at 12:27

      Same here, if an answer to your question please share. Thanks

    • Ron Vincent August 16, 2019 at 17:02

      Me 2

  26. Bill A. Rodriguez August 14, 2019 at 20:34

    I need a hard copy of the most recent study guide for the LSAT mailed to me.
    Bill Rodriguez. Thank you.

Comments are closed.

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