The Independence Fund recently launched Independence@Home, a virtual emergency program to directly support catastrophically disabled Veterans, caregivers and their families.

Adapting to change

The organization is shifting its entire program funding to their new virtual program, Independence@Home. This will allow the non-profit to assist severely wounded Veterans with emergent costs like rent, utilities, childcare, transportation services, home WiFi services, household cleaning and upkeep, grocery and medical product delivery, and streaming services for work and learning.

These urgent and unexpected needs are especially felt in the catastrophically wounded Veteran community. The Independence Fund knows that many Veteran families live day-to-day on very thin margins. The pulling back of the support systems they’ve had in place only adds to the challenges these families conquer daily.

“This is an unprecedented time for Americans,” said The Independence Fund CEO Sarah Verardo. “We know how resilient the American people are and we know that this spirit fuels us in continuing valuable services to our Nation’s heroes that deserve so much. Independence@Home will allow us to continue serving Veterans with flexibility and a can-do spirit to help each other in this time of need.”

Supporting Veteran Families

If Veterans have been served by The Independence Fund in the past, or are currently involved in one of their programs and have emergent needs, they can apply for assistance at the link here.

In just a short time, Independence@Home is providing emergency assistance to a family whose caregiver recently lost her job, creating mounting bills for their family, including their special needs son. They are also providing relief for unexpected grocery costs for another Veteran caregiver recently unemployed due to current circumstances. The Independence Fund has been able to step in for a Veteran who lost his job and income at no fault of his own. It is important to provide immediate relief to support those that gave so much of themselves defending our Nation.

The Independence Fund also has a volunteer matching program to help with transportation, home cleaning/upkeep and food/medical delivery.

Established in 2007, The Independence Fund is a national Veterans Service Organization dedicated to meeting the unmet needs of catastrophically wounded Veterans, Caregivers, and their families through a variety of programs.

For more information on The Independence Fund, visit

Independence@Home is currently only available to current and former participants of The Independence Fund. If the program is expanded, an update will be on their website.

Sarah Reidy-Jones is the communications director at The Independence Fund.

The sharing of any non-VA information does not constitute an endorsement of products and services on part of the VA.

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  1. Minger Lamley April 22, 2020 at 22:32

    Ok but the expansion of the 2010 Caregiver stipend we’ve paid POST 9/11 with PTSD (90%);should be available this year to VIETNAM Vets Disabled by War. Keep an eye open for it and see what will heppen!

  2. John Frederick April 10, 2020 at 02:08

    Yes of course, The expansion of the 2010 Caregiver stipend we’ve paid POST 9/11 with PTSD (90%);should be available this year to VIETNAM Vets Disabled by War.

  3. James ben April 8, 2020 at 22:00

    How do I apply ?

  4. Ralph Purkhiser April 1, 2020 at 23:59

    I am an Independent Living coordinator with the Southern Indiana Center for Independent Living (SICIL). I was recently contacted by a veteran with a disability about getting a ramp built onto the mobile home where he lives. The home is owned by his mother and is on real estate owned by his uncle.

    Mr. Michael Hobson has a 70% DAV rating, but has now developed COPD and is on SSDI. He has applied to have his VA rating increased to 100%.

    Would you have a program to provide a ramp for Mr. Hobson?

  5. Donald E Attilio March 28, 2020 at 22:50

    I am not a combat related disabled veteran. However, due to a VA medical mistake, I am not able to do things around the house. I am in need of help with the household chores and cutting the grass, etc. Is there a program available that can be of assistance?

  6. James g kurtright March 27, 2020 at 15:10

    I am a 100% disabled Vietnam vet 1971. Categorized 4 designated. I did not see combat duties while in the country, but I saw first hand what war did to many of my brothers. I still to this very day suffer the memory of my brothers in body bags at de nang Air Force base. As I only handled the bodies to load them for their final destinations. Home,to there mommas and dads. Am I qualified for veterans assistance with putting a lift on my vehicle and for my wife receiving assistance pay as she bathes me as well as takes care of me in manny circumstances putting shoes on and such.

  7. Calvin Dean Griffith March 26, 2020 at 17:35

    I am 100% totally and completely disabled Vietnam veteran, service connected, who cannot walk. I have heard from my Vietnam veteran friends that there is a ride called “Zoom.” Is it possible I would be eligible for one of these? Thank you!

    • Paula Minger March 28, 2020 at 21:56

      Hopefully soon you’ll be eligible for the home Caregiver stipend we’ve provided POST 9/11 vets since 2010. It will be a tremendous help to all 100% wounded VIETNAM Vetetans

  8. Deborah H Perry March 26, 2020 at 09:32

    My Husband is a 80% disabled Vietnam Veteran and receives 100% unemployable disability. He has mobility issues. We have purchased a chairlift to install. Would the VA be able to install it for him?

  9. Cynthia Rosado March 26, 2020 at 04:19

    Vantage Point acontributor,
    I sent a reply, actually request a couple of weeks ago in reference to my Central A.C. unit, and have not heard back. how will I receive a reply to my request? Email?
    Thank you for your generousity,
    SSG Cynthia Rosado (RET)

  10. raymond espinosa March 26, 2020 at 01:15

    my question is:how and where do one apply for assistance ///what do you mean by “””your website

  11. Dennis Phipps March 25, 2020 at 23:49

    I was in Vietnam two times and in 1965 to 1968. I had a Honorable Medical Discharged.
    I drove over an land mine and blown up my truck and I was missing for about a week in the rice paddies and a little Vietnamese Lady found me. I landed on my back and in water.
    She saved my life. I am now Disabled of 60% and should be 80% and more. That is my story.

  12. Dennis Phipps March 25, 2020 at 23:38

    I am an Disabled Vietnam Veteran Seabee and I am 60% disabled and could be 80% more. I am living myself and I am wondering if I can get some assistance with house cleaning and groceries delivered here and help me with getting to my doctor for I don’t have a car now. It is broken down and I cannot afford to get it fixed. I am ordered to stay home now. Can I get some assistance please please. I have a very very bad back and hips and I use a roller walker to get around.

    • Paula Minger March 28, 2020 at 22:00

      The expansion of the 2010 Caregiver stipend we’ve paid POST 9/11 with PTSD (90%);should be available this year to VIETNAM Vets Disabled by War. Keep an eye open for it!

  13. Cheryl Lemley March 25, 2020 at 22:54

    My son is a 100% disabled veteran. I am his caretaker. I have recently retired from my salary job and have zero income as I am having difficulty applying for my retirement. The lose of my income has made finmuc9al hardship and when I found email from you I was compelled to write to see if you could assist immediate needs such as rent and deposit for a more suitable dwelling. If we don’t fit your criteria could you suggest sources that might. Thanks.

    • Rhonda RN March 26, 2020 at 14:31

      A 100% service connected disabled veteran would qualify you as your son’s caregiver and for being paid for by your son’s “aide and attendance benifit” from VA. You can look it u on the VA web site and make a check list of the exact actions that you need to take. I would recommend asking for a Case Manager to be assigned to your son to see that his “Caregiver” needs are taken care of. Family has been approved by the VA to receive payment for the “aide and attendance benifit” that they provide to their disabled veteran family member. As with everything that involves the VA, it takes time, so as you look to non profit agencies to help in the mean time, I recommend that you quickly get all the actions taken to get you and your son his “aide and attendance benifit”, go often to the office at the VA to check if it has been approved after completion of requirements for “aide and attendance”. Keep a paper copy or digital copy of ALL communication with anyone regarding benefits as it is so easy to get VA saying paperwork is lost even when you send it certified mail! So keep a binder or folder with all proof of your actions.
      It is worth all this effort because “aide and attendance benifit” pays a decent needed amount for all the work and care that you give your disabled son.
      You both deserve it and sometimes it doesn’t take that long. May you be Blessed with quick actions for you and your son’s need.

  14. Jerry March 25, 2020 at 20:59

    I’m interested, how do I make a donation

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