Getting the most out of your VA experience begins with understanding what VA can do for you.
Veterans, their families, caregivers and survivors can use the newly updated VA Welcome Kit to learn about VA benefits and services. The VA Welcome Kit is organized around major life milestones, such as separating from military service, retirement, or seeking care while aging. The 14 ‘quick-start guides’ included in the VA Welcome Kit provide additional information, such as:
- Applying for VA health care.
- Getting started with mental health services.
- Getting started with health services for women Veterans.
- Understanding community care.
- Accessing urgent care.
- Applying for disability compensation.
- Understanding the modernized decision review process.
- Applying for education benefits.
- Applying for burial in a VA national cemetery and for memorial products.
- Getting started with services for Veterans aged 65+.
- Getting started with Veteran state benefits and services.
- Getting started with Vet Center services.
- Getting started with caregiver benefits.
- Applying for survivor benefits.
Whether you are just separating from service or have been a civilian for years, the VA Welcome Kit is your guide to helping you get started at VA – and sustaining you throughout your VA journey. It offers information on how VA can help you at major life milestones, including planning for retirement and care into your golden years.
The VA Welcome Kit also has information on accessing resources for taking care of yourself, such as accessing mental health care, women Veterans services, caregiver support and getting care at community providers.
Navigate VA Benefits
Keep the VA Welcome Kit handy for reference and share it with anyone who may also need help navigating their VA benefits. Over 800,000 VA Welcome Kits have been downloaded and over 260,000 printed and distributed to more than 250 organizations and individuals so far. The VA Welcome Kit is regularly updated online when new information is available, so we encourage you to bookmark the link.
If you have suggestions for additional information to include in the VA Welcome Kit, please submit them to
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The sharing of any non-VA information does not constitute an [...]
I have had outstanding care from the VA Health Care System since signing up for coverage. I have been treated with respect, courtesy and professionally. Never received better service from the private sector.
The V A kit sounds like a great new idea. I would like one please. Can I receive one. Mail or e-mail, either.
This only exists on paper.
I hate the VA. You screw is over at every turn. Then you put out all these lies.
I feel like puking.
I pray every day you all just drop dead.
Liars and murderers every one.
I hate you and I will be glad to die to Ed ape the world that you exist in.
Go Fck yourself.
What is available. I served from 86-90 and was recalled for Desert Storm in 91.
I am 89 years old. I am a veteran of the Korean era USMC 1951-1954. I am in need of a caregiver to help help me apply medications for my back problems.
I need the VA benefits
Could we have a welcome kit sent to us in the mail?
VA is a joke
I never expected the VA to do anything for me I requested an increase in my disability it was turned down turn down turn down V A is a joke