On April 6, 1917, the United States declared war on Germany, entering what was known at the time as “The Great War.” More than 4 million American men from across the country entered military service, 2 million served overseas, about 320,000 experienced wounds or illness, and 116,516 died during the war.

WWI Veterans

More than 300,000 WWI Veterans have profiles on RollofHonor.org

What is the World War I Roll of Honor?

To commemorate the 100th anniversary of WWI, the Roll of Honor Foundation in partnership with the U.S. World War One Centennial Commission has created a special virtual memorial for the Doughboys of the “Forgotten War.” More than 350,000 WWI Veterans have profiles already created by the non-profit charity to be viewed. The profiles contain the rich histories, medals, units and era-accurate rank insignia.

“Roll of Honor has been a great partner in our World War I Stories of Service project,” said Chris Christopher, publisher of the web site of the U.S. World War I Centennial Commission. “As we prepare for the opening of the new National World War I Memorial in Washington, DC, we look forward to continuing the relationship with Roll of Honor, as we remember all those who served in our nation’s uniform in WWI.”

Connected with the new WWI National Memorial in Washington D.C., the WWI Roll of Honor commemorates the service of individual soldiers, sailors and Marines who responded to the call “Over There” in support of the war-weary Allies and helped achieve victory in the “War That Changed the World.” Online visitors can search for their ancestors’ profiles or submit whatever information they can to create a profile for an individual service person so their memory can be honored. This service is free.

To assist in building your Veteran’s profile and history, the U.S. World War One Centennial Commission offers great tips and tools to locate the documents and records of WWI Veterans.

All are welcome to use RollofHonor.org for free to learn more about family history, honor those who served in The Great War, and to add their own ancestors to the registry.


National WWI Memorial

WWI Veterans will be honored during First Colors, a 90-minute virtual, free broadcast 10 a.m. EST on April 16.

Actor Gary Sinise will host the inaugural flag raising at the memorial site and virtual program, held only online at https://firstcolors.worldwar1centennial.org/.

The program honors those who served in the trenches and on the home front. It also celebrates a nation forever changed by the sacrifices they made. The ceremony will feature remarks from present and past military officials and government leaders as well as entertainment celebrity appearances.

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  1. Clark SMITH April 18, 2021 at 19:17

    My grandfather, Hiram Smith, served in WW II, and was his family’s first born male following the death of his uncle in WW I. Thus, he was named after his uncle, PVT Samuel Hiram Smith, D Company, 324th Inf Rgt, 81st Division. PVT Smith was KIA in Verdun on November 9, 1918, and is buried in the Saint Mihiel American Cemetery in France. While serving in the Army in Europe, I was fortunate enough to visit his grave. May God bless our troops.

  2. Ann April 17, 2021 at 22:06

    Thank you everyone for sharing your family stories.
    I did not know about the Polar Bears so I looked up the history and posted a story to Facebook.

  3. Robert Olenczak Olin April 17, 2021 at 15:43

    My Uncle Ignatius (Patsy) Olejniczak was killed in July 1918 at the Second Battle of the Marne just a few months before the end of WW1.. He was awarded the Silver Star.

    I am a Korean War Vet. One brother was in the Air Force and a second in the Army serving in Vietnam. He is now on permanent disability. Many of my cousins were in the service and one was a [prisoner of war after being shot down over Germany. My brother in law greeted General MacArthur when her arrived back to the Philippines.

  4. Beverly Olney April 16, 2021 at 19:14

    My great uncle Michael Clarence Docteur was in World War 1, his family immigrated from France around 1850 to Clayton, NY area. He returned as a soldier to France to fight for his homeland during World War 1 and died on France soil. Another young man to give his life and left no one to carry on his dna. His namesake nephew Clarence Delaney Docteur also went to France during World War 11. Like his uncle before him ; he also gave his life on French soil, in the Battle of the Bulge and left no issue. Their remains were brought back to Northern New York. Thank God that no other family member was left behind, but returned home wounded but alive. From Korean War, Vietnam, Middle East conflicts.

  5. James Ladue April 16, 2021 at 14:58

    My maternal grandfather Gerald Whitney served during WW1 as a machine gunner with the Big Red 1. He earned a Purple Heart.

  6. Helen Kuyoth April 16, 2021 at 12:48

    My grandfather, Rev. B. Raymond Duncan, served in the army during WW1. I don’t know exactly what he did, but I think he was a medic.

  7. Amelia Jane Carson April 15, 2021 at 22:33

    My Uncle Wilbur (Webb) Randal Cashion was in a group called the Wildcats during WW1. That is all I know about his service. He died in 1967. Did anyone know him?

  8. Dennis George Johnson April 15, 2021 at 22:00

    My maternal Grandfather, George M. Bankston was a USMC Private attached to the 2nd Indian Division. He was a Machine Gunner and fought in the Meuse-Argonne Campaign in 1918. I have his Helmet with the raised USMC medal and 2nd Indian Div. insignia. I also have his Medals and a wonderful Portrait in Uniform and seated. I also have a small booklet of the 2nd Indian Division detailing there Battles, etc. I served 3 years in the U.S.Army 1960-1963 and have always been proud of my Grandfather.

  9. Wally Powell April 15, 2021 at 19:58

    My Dad was with the army first engineering group from El Paso Tx went to France was gassed went home and then in 1942 joined the coast guard and open up station along the Gulf of Mexico He finely received full disability

  10. Norma H Haynes April 15, 2021 at 19:45

    Livingston E. Harrell, Pvt was killed in action in the Battle in the Argonne Forest on September 30, 1918 and is buried in the Veterans cemetery in Meuse, France. He was a member of the 371st Infantry unit. No military honors awarded to Pvt. Harrell until 1995l when his children finally found out where their father was buried. Please honor him on this day.

    Norma H. Haynes; Granddaughter

  11. Frederick Betz April 15, 2021 at 18:34

    It must be mentioned, to balance the subject. I am a veteran of the Vietnam War, over the years I have had excellent service from the VA. Also, I would suggest It is true if we do not remember history we will repeat it. Interesting having traveled the world I have realized that all countries throughout history.- All-, honor their fallen War Warriors. regardless of the season! Fred Betz ETR2, USS Sky-Watcher AGR3, and USS Enterprise CVA(N) 65.

  12. Charles Anthony Perkins April 15, 2021 at 17:41

    My Grandfather served in France during WW1, then Corporal Allen Sisco Brown. He enlisted in the 2nd Ga. Regiment of the Nat. Guard , Macon ,Ga. June 1917. He took basic at Camp Harris & Wheeler. He was assigned to the 31st Division of the US. Army to go overseas. In France he served and trained men in the 49th Infantry. On Jan. 24, 1919 my grandfather returned home on his 21th birthday. As a kid I spent a lot of time with my grandfather Allen Brown and he told me some real good old fashion War stories. He was a great man and truly loved his country. I am the old man now and truly miss him. He spent most of his life that I know of in Griffin, GA.

  13. Stan Smith April 15, 2021 at 15:54

    My Grandfather Matti Kandelin served Army WW1 in France. Came with family from Finland and became a US Citizen 1910.

  14. Ron Wrigle April 15, 2021 at 15:18

    My grandfather served as a Bugler in the 4th Illinois Artillery in France. His brother died from Influenza while in training at Fort Hood in 1918.

  15. John Murdock April 15, 2021 at 13:02

    My fathers Brother, PVT. David Edward Murdock served with 102 Infantry, Co. 9 ,Seicheprey, France! KIA , April 20,1918 his first day in Combat! 19 years old.

    • David Kilbey April 15, 2021 at 23:04

      My Grandfather, Harry Kilbey, born 1900
      Wisc National Guard at 16 years old. His company was absorbed into the Army. He was wounded twice once on July 1 and then on July 31 at chateau Thierry 2nd Battle of the Marne. He recovered from his wounds in Des Moines Iowa. He came home to Oshkosh Wisconsin. There was a parade held for as the First wounded soldier to return to his home town. He past in Dec 1981. He suffered from wounds and mustard gas his whole life and never complained. I didn’t find any of his Army history until after his death. I miss him

  16. Gary L Wensell April 15, 2021 at 12:49

    My grandfather Audra Lee Wensell, served in the trenches in France in WW1, he was exposed to mustard gas and suffered the rest of his 78 years. In 1970 he finally succumbed to his exposure.
    Incidentally, one month after he was laid to rest at the VA National Cemetery in Salisbury NC.
    I was on my way to Vietnam. I was exposed to Agent Orange. I suffer a litany of AO related illnesses.
    I receive 100% disability. My beloved grandfather received absolutely no relief from the government for all the horror he suffered.

  17. Bruce Miller April 15, 2021 at 11:47

    Looks like the last WWI vet in the US died 2011 at 110 years old.

    My grandpa, Donald E. Miller, served in France, but I don’t know what Army unit. He was born 1898 and would be a youthful 123 were he with us today.

    A don’t think most young people consumed by wokeness would care about this event. But thank you Gary for hosting this. You’re a true patriot!

  18. Milton A. Patrick April 15, 2021 at 11:29

    My Father:Sgt. Blaine A. Patrick served during WW1 and was stationed in France
    He was a Medic

  19. Daniel Jordan April 15, 2021 at 11:19

    My grandfather was on the baseball team at the inter-allied games pershing stadium in France July 1919 bet Canada 1-0

  20. Daniel C Baker Sr April 15, 2021 at 10:26

    My grandfathers served in the army in World War 1 Peter Koelbl ND Otto D Baker.

  21. David Alajko April 15, 2021 at 09:52

    My Grandfather, Joseph Switkowski was wounded in France while serving in the US Army Co. A , 302 Engineers. during the great war. My father Joseph and his brother Edmund were both in the U S Army during WW II. My mothers brother Leonard served in the U S Army and then the U S Navy during the Korean war. My brother Joe was in the U S Army in Vietnam, and I am a Vietnam Era Army Vet . 3 cousins and 2 brothers in law cover the Army, Navy, Air Force, and USMC. Wow, I never realized I come from such a military family.

  22. Jacquelyn Marie Schacht April 15, 2021 at 08:37

    My grandmother, Hannah Evenna Illstrup was a WW1 veteran. She was an Army nurse at Ft. Snelling in Minneapolis, Minnesota. She was injured when she tried to lift a dying serviceman. She later married Walter Fuchs (pronounced Fox) and was the oldest living WW1 veteran in Goodhue County Minnesota until her death at 104 years old.

    • Milton A. Patrick April 15, 2021 at 09:27

      My Father: Sgt. Blaine A. Patrick served in WW1 he was stationed in France and was a Medic.

  23. Roger Enslin April 15, 2021 at 07:49

    My dad served as a ships cook during ww I.

  24. E. Ray Austin, MSG, USA, Retired April 15, 2021 at 06:49

    I come from a long line of Military Veterans. My father was in WWl, four of his kids, including myself, have served. One brother served with the US Army in the Korean War, another brother served 20 years in the USAF with two of those years served in Vietnam, another brother served four years in the US Army, and I served twenty-six years in the US Army with two of those years served in Vietnam. Two of my three kids have served. My daughter served four years in the USAF, my son served twenty years in the US Army with numerous tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, and an unknown number of cousins, nieces, and nephews in our family have all served honorably.

    I have one picture of my father in his WWl Uniform as well as the “original” Service Record which one side has his Enlistment information, and the other side has his Honorable Discharge information.

    I would be honored to share a copy of his Picture, and his Service Record, if you would need them.

    E. Ray Austin, MSG, USA, Retired

  25. Ginger Petrie April 15, 2021 at 06:07

    I would like to honor my grandpa George W. Yeagar. He was a Major in the Army. I dont know that much about him, but he served in both. World Wars.

  26. JOHN SHRADER April 14, 2021 at 23:31

    My paternal grandfather Paul Leslie Shrader was a Quartermaster in the army during the first world war. Not sure how much action he saw while in..

  27. Teresa Steinke April 14, 2021 at 23:00

    I think it is wonderful that you are honoring the veterans of World War I like this. However, please correct your article–this portion in particular: …. created a special virtual memorial for the Doughboys of the “Forgotten War.” …World War I was known as “The Great War” or “The war to end all wars”, it was NOT known as “The Forgotten War” The Korean Conflict was termed the “Forgotten War”. Thank you.

  28. Chris Byrd April 14, 2021 at 22:48

    I tried clicking on the rollofhoner.org/ww1 and was not able to bring anything up so I could honor my Uncle Joesph Oliver Byrd a vetern of ww1 . He was presented with a plaque from the French government for his participation in WW1

  29. A.O April 14, 2021 at 21:22

    Perhaps the VA should spend more time caring for the WWII veterans – Korean Veterans – especially the Vietnam veterans than spending time and money on those that have long passed.

  30. Robert B Nixon April 14, 2021 at 21:09

    I’m 96 years old. I was in the Army during World War II. I would like to be included on the wall of our honor.

  31. Woodrow Turnquist April 14, 2021 at 20:51

    My late grandfather(Glover Smith 1896-1960) of Phenix City, Alabama served in the Army during WWI has no info to share with me. I’ve requested twice. He later moved to Columbus, Georgia. He was in the Medical field(ambulance driver). He died July 4th 1960 at the VA Hospital in Tuskegee, Alabama.

  32. Joseph Cain April 14, 2021 at 20:26

    My grandmothers Uncle served in world war I. His name is Clarence Bradberry from the 23rd of May 1918 to the 8th day of February 1919. and I have his discharge document framed hanging on my wall he was in the army and I was just wondering how I could submit this photo to your website.

  33. Charles S Baldwin April 14, 2021 at 20:19

    The link mentioned adding names of WWI veterans. When I came here I was unable to do so.

  34. Paul R. Davis April 14, 2021 at 20:17

    Roll of honor link does not work.

  35. Stephen H Siemsen April 14, 2021 at 20:01

    “The World War” (before we started numbering them) was more unpopular than the Vietnam War. Drafted and forced to serve against his will, My grandfather was sent to Texas to learn English and absorbed into a regiment to meet it strength quota to be shipped overseas. Exposed to mustard gas fired by American artillery in November 1918 when the wind shifted, he coughed up blood until he died. Since “poisonous gas” (like Vietnam’s “agent orange” and Iraq’s “burn pits”) was not an “officially recognized” consequence of wartime service, he died shortly after the war of lung disease with no support from the VA for him, his widow and children. Shortly before he died he told my father, “Uncle Sam asked for one year of my life and he stole the whole God-damned thing!” My father went on to serve as a combat veteran in the now numbered wars under General Patton (Normandy, St. Lo, Bulge, Rhineland, Liberation of Ohrdruf KZ, Liberation of Czech Republic; later given to the Communist Red Army). My father witnessed the execution of ethnic Germans by the Soviets in Czechoslovakia. “We went to sleep with the rattle of Soviet machine guns in the forests above Marienbad.” My father and other soldiers hid many Germans under the coal in the trains the U.S. was removing from Czechoslovakia before turning it over to the Soviets. I will HONOR my Grandfather’s service by NOT glorifying a war he ABHORRED and believed was UNNECESSARY. CW3 Stephen Siemsen, U.S. Army (Retired)

  36. Lou grego April 14, 2021 at 19:38

    Remember the WWl polar bears that faught in Russia during that revolution.

  37. James M Mustian April 14, 2021 at 19:13

    Can’t get any of the WWI links to work

  38. Nancy Neiman Baranet447 April 14, 2021 at 19:02

    My father, Allen Neiman, born in PA, moved to Detroit, became a POLAR BEAR with the 339th Infantry and served in Russia to protect American interests. I have his Russian helmet, whistle, jacket and photo of the 339th group, and discharge paper. I also have Dorothea York’s book the ROMANCE OF COMPANY “A”.

  39. Tommy Tyler April 14, 2021 at 18:59

    Can I add my grandfather’s name “Melvin Hillard” from Homer, IL 61849. He was honorably discharged from the Army in 1919

  40. Renee Chevalier April 14, 2021 at 17:51

    This web page works as well as the VA does. NOT AT ALL..Links do not work, the page loads slow and Nothing works on it.

  41. Nancy Ssk Young April 14, 2021 at 17:44

    I am a USN veteran of the Korean War myself, but I was trying to locate my uncle Arthur Davis, son of P.J. Dabis and wife Clara E Farmer Davis who served in the USN in WWI. I believe he was a career USN veteran but he died of TB inn the late 40’s when I was still a teenage, so I didn’t know him well. He had been married to a woman named Dorothy with whom he had a daughter, Betty Lou, who was in the SPARS in WW!! ( to my knowledge). I just wanted to be sure he was inclded. I have difficulty with some of these sites as I am now 89 and legally blind. I aso have a cousin in Te Wall from being kiilled in Viet am in 1968 (Chester A, Myers – Panel 16E Line 54) but of the paternal side of the family. Arthur Davis was n my maternal side. If he is not listed, I would like to be able to add his nae and what little I know of hi. hank you,

  42. Michael F. Murray April 14, 2021 at 17:44

    Frank W. Buckles was the last remaining WWI veteran; he died in 2011 or 2012. He also was a Japanese POW in WWII for 3 1/2 years. I ask that you honor him at the 16 April ceremony.

  43. Arthur O. Van Eck April 14, 2021 at 17:15

    How do I get on the Honor Roll. I am a WWII Vet, July 1, 1943-July 5, 1946, active Naval Aviation Cadet training; US Marine Corps Reserves for the next six years as an Aviator.
    Arthur O. Van Eck

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