The Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E) Service has a web-based tool and series of videos that are designed to increase understanding of the VR&E program and enhance the Veteran experience. The Veteran Orientation Express is intended for transitioning service members, Veterans and other partners interested in the VR&E program, and is hosted here: Veteran Readiness and Employment Orientation | Veteran Affairs (

Our goal is to provide individuals with clear, accurate information about the VR&E program before deciding to apply, including:

  • VR&E eligibility
  • Basic information about what VR&E offers
  • VR&E process
  • VR&E’s Five Tracks to Employment

How does the tool work?

The tool will initially prompt users with a few basic eligibility screening questions. If the service member or Veteran appears to be eligible, the tool continues with the orientation of the VR&E program by presenting detailed information and short videos explaining VR&E’s tracks. At the end of the orientation, the individual will have a better understanding of the services that VR&E provides and can decide if they want to apply to the program or learn about other VA benefits.

If the individual decides to apply, they will be directed to VR&E’s How to Apply webpage to access VR&E’s application. It should take the average user approximately fifteen minutes to complete the questions and orientation. The tool complements VA’s modernization efforts to improve the Veteran experience, like VR&E’s electronic Virtual Assistant (e-VA) and tele-counseling.

What specific information is included in the orientation?

During the orientation portion, service members, Veterans and interested partners will be able to view a series of short videos and learn more about VR&E’s basic benefit information and processes.

Most importantly, the orientation will cover an overview of the five VR&E tracks (or paths to employment). The five tracks will help Veterans discover their career path, present exciting employment opportunities, and succeed and grow in their chosen profession.

Here’s a breakdown of VR&E’s Five Tracks to Employment :

  • Reemployment track is for Veterans seeking to successfully return to a civilian job previously held before deployment.
  • Rapid Access to Employment track is to quickly secure employment with a Veteran’s existing skills and experience.
  • Self-Employment track is for Veterans planning to start a business or pursue entrepreneurial endeavors.
  • Employment through Long-Term Services track is to obtain training and/or education, college or certification programs, on the job training, non-paid work experience, apprenticeships, and/or internships.
  • Independent Living track is for a Veteran who can’t return to work right away and needs assistance with being as self-sufficient as possible.

We hope this tool will help to better explain VR&E to our next generation of program participants.

For more information about VR&E, visit

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  1. William Caldwell July 20, 2021 at 16:30

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