When the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE) expires on May 11, 2023, some of VA’s pandemic-related authorities will expire as well. VA has been preparing for this moment for months, working to make this transition as seamless as possible for Veterans, their families, caregivers and survivors. VA is also working with our partners in the Administration and in Congress to extend or reinstate many of these authorities when possible.
As our nation enters this new moment, VA remains committed to delivering world-class care and benefits to all those we serve. If you are concerned about the expiration of any of these authorities, we encourage you to reach out to your local VA medical center, call 800-698-2411, or go to VA’s Contact Us webpage. We will make sure that you get the care and support that you have earned.
Here is an overview of how the end of the Public Health Emergency will impact VA care and services:
- Return to in-person visits for Veteran Family Caregivers. During the pandemic, VA relaxed requirements for in-person visits associated with VA’s Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers (PCAFC) and instead conducted most of those visits virtually. These visits included initial home-care assessments, home care reassessments and wellness contacts. This flexibility will end on May 11, 2023. In-person visits have already resumed for most Veterans and family caregivers applying for or participating in PCAFC who require in-home visits. VA is actively communicating with all participating Veterans and caregivers to help them through this transition.
- Expanded use of VA Video Connect for telehealth. Following expiration of the PHE, the Department of Health and Human Services will resume enforcement of HIPAA Rules regarding telehealth. VA will resume use of VA Video Connect as the primary video platform authorized for scheduled video telehealth visits. Webex will be authorized as an alternative platform for scheduled video telehealth visits under specified circumstances, such as when VA Video Connect is unavailable.
- During the public health emergency, VA clinicians have been able to prescribe controlled medicines to Veterans following a telehealth examination without first having an in-person examination. DEA and SAMHSA have announced a temporary rule that will extend the current PHE related flexibilities for prescribing controlled medications, so VA’s prescribing flexibility will not expire when the public health emergency ends. Additionally, DEA, in concert with HHS and in coordination with VA, has proposed rules for telemedicine flexibilities beyond the declared public health emergency.
- Impact on Veterans experiencing homelessness. During the PHE, Veterans experiencing homelessness and those participating in HUD-VASH could receive additional direct support from VA—including assistance needed for the safety and survival of the Veteran (such as food, shelter, clothing, blankets and hygiene items), transportation needed to support the stability and health of the Veteran (such as for appointments with service providers, conducting housing searches, and obtaining food and supplies), communications equipment and services needed to support the stability and health of the Veteran (such as tablets, smartphones, disposable phones and related service plans), and more. After May 11, 2023, Veterans will no longer be able to receive this type of direct support under this authority. Congress has proposed legislation that would authorize VA to continue providing the assistance described above after the end of the PHE, but for now, we are taking all possible steps to make this transition as smooth as possible for Veterans experiencing homelessness—including offering support through our Supportive Services for Veterans Families program, local Centers for Development and Civic Engagement (formerly Voluntary Service), and community partners. For more information, email HomelessVets@va.gov or visit VA’s webpage for homeless Veterans. Veterans can also still seek health care travel reimbursement if they’re traveling for care at a VA health facility or for VA-approved care at a non-VA health facility and are eligible for travel pay. To apply for those benefits, visit the travel pay website.
- Reinstatement of pre-pandemic deadlines for VA travel reimbursement. Under the PHE, VA extended the deadline for Veterans and caregivers to apply for travel reimbursement for mileage and other travel expenses to and from approved health care appointments, meaning that Veterans could apply for these benefits beyond the normal 30-day window. This flexibility will end on June 9, 2023. After that date, Veterans submitting a claim for travel reimbursement will have to submit it within 30 days of their VA medical appointment. Veterans will also be required to submit beneficiary travel appeals within 365 days. To learn more about travel reimbursement and eligibility, visit the Beneficiary Travel Self-Service website.
- Removal of VA’s legal authority to provide COVID-19 vaccinations to spouses, caregivers and Veterans not enrolled in VA health care. During the PHE, VA was authorized to provide COVID-19 vaccinations to spouses, caregivers and Veterans who are not enrolled in the VA health care system. Following the expiration of the PHE on May 11, 2023, VA will no longer have this legal authority. Spouses, caregivers and Veterans not eligible for VA health care are encouraged to remain up to date with recommended vaccines and access COVID-19 vaccination in the community: Vaccines.gov – Find COVID19 vaccine locations near you.
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The VA is a world class joke. It should be dissolved and everyone fired… then just send us to area doctors and specialists. They can receive payment from the government the same way everyone else gets paid by insurance. Problem solved.
C.C. Fultz
And why are you still requiring masks at the VA Facilities???
Great job!\
The mask mandates need to end already! There are no mandates anywhere else in the country except for VHA! This feels like it’s all about power and control at this time, and there has been an ample amount of evidence and science proving that MASKS DO NOT PREVENT THE SPREAD OF COVID! THE MASK MANDATES NEED TO BE ENDED WITH ALL OF THE OTHER COVID POLICIES BEING DISCONTINUED!
If you’re breaking the threshold of the Emergency Room or various ICU’s you should be thoughtful enough to wear a face mask during your stay, asking you to use the hand sanitizer or soap and water I know would send some of y’all into a tizzy.
The mask mandate needs to be removed at all VAMC and clinics
Any forced to wear a mask requirement is out of date and is not consistent of the evidence based practice that casual wearing of a mask will prevent Covid
The VA in amarillo is excellent, doctors are all excellent, except for the er nursing staff. I was treated inhumanity with prejudice twice, then was gi ven a behavioral flag because of the way I was treated, when I reacted by words. The care and compassion from the doctors and nurses are always prompt, appointments and medications are adequate and received on time. I use my mytelehealth and everything almost is right there that I need. Just wanted to praise the amarollo va Healthcare doctors and nurses and staff.
Durring the pandemic I belive non-vaccinated veterans could not recieve healh care services. Is this recended?
I go to the Lebanon VA and use My Healthy Vet. The care that I have received there is World Class. No matter what the issue, from Primary visits to Orthopedic care, to Audiology, to PT. I can not be more pleased and appreciative of the treatment I have received. The staff are nothing but professional, caring, respectful and courteous. I am so thankful for my being able to utilize the services they offer.
Typical VA anytime there is a program that actually helps it disappears. Just when I start to feel better about myself, have to stop going to my MH appointments. 4 hour trip on public transportation and walking a mile is just not doable. I feel very hopeless and let down.
use the telehealth VA video connect system so you can keep you MH treatment going and not have to drive.
Thank you for this information. May I ask about the mask requirements at VASNHCS?
VA providing world class healthcare?? What are they smoking? Ever since I’ve been going to the VA I’ve gotten world class crap from DFW area VA healthcare!!
Recently I have been getting great care. Just can no longer get there, so I will go without care and end up a statistic only.
I have a hard time believing that the doctors and nurses who believe wearing a mask is anything but detrimental to the physical and mental health of a person is a competent medical practitioner for me to trust with my health care.
I hoped that the mask mandate would be lifted why are we still required to wear masks when visiting the VA? So all other places have no mask mandate so when you go into the VA what’s the difference if you have something I was a mask going to stop it didn’t stop it before thank you but truly would love an answer
I have been living a nightmare of excruciating pain and my doctors here in Toledo and Ann Arbor MI tell me every visit they aren’t allowed to give veterans back their pain medications . They took me off mine with no warnings or anything so I’m left to suffer. Because God forbid they give someone that actually needs the medicine the medication!!
And I hope they don’t take away the video appointments for therapy I find it easier
Do we still have to wear masks when visiting the VA Hospital?
do we still have to wear masks when visiting va facilities
Just FYI, I PREFERRED Telehealth for the majority of my visits. The majority of my visits do not require me to be in the presence of a physician. It is a waste of time and gas to drive to my VA facility which is 35-45 minutes away depending on traffic. Unless I am being physically examined, I do not need to be in the presence of a doctor. Please do NOT do away with Telehealth. I can easily talk with them on the phone or Video Connect.
I too prefer Telehealth. This is so much more convenient. When trying to get community care referrals I’m told a facility in Boston is only 45 minutes away. Yeah, maybe at midnight. It’s a solid two hours in (non peak) rush hour. Please keep Telehealth as an option!
So why do we still have to wear masks at the VA grand junction hospital if the pandemic is over?
To whom this may concern,
I have been going to the VA hospital in Baltimore MD. Trying to make an appointment or contacting the primary care doctor is like pulling teeth, the way the appointment and communication system works here is BAD. I have complained, made calls and left messages to the hospital and VA administration to come to the conclusion that it does not work. It is really BAD and will never get better!
Why? no one cares. Everyone talks, talks and talks…but nothing is done.
When I need to see the primary care doctor, it takes at least 45 days.
Now I have discovered that the way to be seen and be treated is to go to the “EMERGENCY ROOM”.!
Va created the so-called “MY Healthevet”.
I have not now or have I ever met a vet using this!!!
I tried signing for this program, however, it is like all government programs… are headache, confusing and very painful.
I am not sure who is working or creating all these so-called programs or services… If you know who they are, let them know that it is a mess.
Thank you
I have been using Myhealthevet for years and find it extremely easy to use and convenient. It also leaves a paper trail, which I prefer. For proof. Have someone show you how to use it. You can also contact your Patient Advocate. I have found that THEY get things done.
Ask someone to help you with Myhealthevet if you’re running into trouble with it. It isn’t complicated but as with all things unfamiliar, you can feel like you’re navigating a maze, in the dark, without a flashlight. Take notes as you’re working it out. If I can do it, you can do it, too!
Will the mask requirement to enter VA facilities be lifted?
The computer check-in is gone and with it the ability to apply for travel pay. I’ve been unable to apply for two years. How is it done now?
You can apply for your travel pay utilizing this site within 30 days of your visit: https://www.va.gov/health-care/get-reimbursed-for-travel-pay/
Then you made the Toxic choice of removing Walkin medical care.
I found out the hard way when I contracted pneumonia and tried to walk into the Waco VAMC. They flat refused me, and then escorted me out of the building to my vehicle. They didn’t want any liability of my being there.
Drive to Baylor ER and spent much of the day there trying to sort out what was wrong with me. They discharged me at 3:10 pm and I had to chose between getting my meds at Waco pharmacy or getting my daughter from school. This was Friday. Too late to go back and they are closed in the weekends.
Saturday I had to drive to the Temple VAMC ER to get my meds. On the way there I ended up getting a ticket in McGregor for running a stop sign. Made it to Temple and got my Amoxicillin finally. Day was a horror.
All of this was a very confusing expensive disaster, with lots of unnecessary hardship. Of which I passed onto the White house about it.
Now something goes wrong, I’m dealing with strangers guessing about my condition and will this be in my records like the labs.
Reinstate Walkins, they serve a purpose for real personal care. What you’ve done is make our medical care worse. Cost me hundreds of dollars extra and hours of excessive road time.
At least since the covid plandemic the VA acts with more concern for their employees than for the Veterans they are paid to care for. PATHETIC!
so according to this statement why has my primary care provided failed to renew our va and my agreement for hydrocodone for pain relief Again the VA lies to us veterans
Lies, what do you expect from an organization handcuffed by worthless politicians that lying is all they know.
FREE SPEECH… everything in moderation.
Nothing about masks…
Will covid test still be required for dental appointments?
No. This has been lifted.