Have you experienced a time when you weren’t sure if you should go to urgent care or the emergency room? Picking the correct type of care can save you time and get you the care you need when you need it, without compromising your safety.
Refer to the different circumstances below to help you choose between urgent, emergency care and 911.
Urgent care
- Not life threatening.
- If your problem does not threaten your life or risk disabling you, but you cannot see your health care provider quickly enough, go to an urgent care clinic.
- VA or community urgent care providers can address non-life threatening care needs more efficiently than most emergency rooms.
Emergency room (ER) or 911
- Life threatening: Go to the ER or call 911 if you cannot wait.
- You need emergency care to prevent death, disability or permanent health effects.
- Go to the emergency room or call 911 for injuries and symptoms like sudden loss of awareness, sight, arm or leg weakness or numbness, severe chest pain, heavy uncontrollable bleeding, new severe abdominal pain or major trauma or burns.
Examples of health conditions that may need an urgent care visit:
- A sore or persistent cough
- Sprains, minor broken bones
- Deep cuts that are no longer bleeding
- Allergies
- Mild burns
- Mild nausea or vomiting
- Urinary tract infection symptoms
Examples of health conditions that may need a visit to the ER:
- Head injury
- Trouble breathing
- Cuts that won’t stop bleeding, and severe burns or wounds
- Stroke symptoms
- Chest pain or discomfort
- Seizures
Learn more about how to choose between urgent and emergency care based on your symptoms.
Find your nearest urgent or emergency care facility here.
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When you click on..Find an urgent care..It says nothing..Check it out
For more information on Urgent Care visits please go to https://www.va.gov/COMMUNITYCARE/programs/veterans/Urgent_Care.asp
Before you go to the Urgent care PLEASE use the VA “Find Locations” link found at https://www.va.gov/COMMUNITYCARE/programs/veterans/Urgent_Care.asp AND print off the VA Urgent care flyer found on this same page in the “Before you go” box in the center of the page OR scan the QR code. This will help you avoid an Urgent Care bill.
Thank you—-this worth posting on refrigerator doors, bathrooms & bedrooms until it can be recalled routinely
Before you go to an Urgent Care please go to https://www.va.gov/COMMUNITYCARE/programs/veterans/Urgent_Care.asp. Make sure the UC is in network AND print off the Billing info flyer or scan the QR code on the page.
Great News- – – – -You are all excellent!!!!!!!!!!!!!
VA told me to go to urgent care. Urgent care told me their contract had not been renewed in a timely manner so I would have to go to CVS urgent care. CVS urgent care required an appointment. It was 11 AM and I could only get an appt for the next day.
CVS urgent care was not staffed by anything resembling a MD or a PA.. just a glorified nurse who could barely speak English. I had already self diagnosed, she just had to write a prescription. When I asked a more detailed description about the ailment, the CVS shrugged and said she wasn’t a specialist.
No mention of mental health issues…again.
Here’s a link to information about mental health and VA programs. Hope this helps. https://www.va.gov/health-care/health-needs-conditions/mental-health/suicide-prevention/
Here is something to consider. I’m in VISN 22 VAMC W Los Angeles is our Regional and largest VAMC . In Bakersfield CA where I live we have a CBOC which I’ve been with since 1998 .
We NEVER get any of the programs/ events that a Med Ctr has . In fact we are getting less and less every year. I truly feel CBOC are going away to Community Care and Telecare. Our CBOC should have mirrored and hosted every event , new programs that our VAMC under direction of Sec of VA authorized . Instead it did less . So on paper . The data we are not a efficient healthcare option.
I fall under RHA also and not once has VAMC WLA or Bakersfield CBOC Introduced Rural nursing, education or benefits that apply to Rural Veterans. I have VAMC 100 miles South & 100 miles North . I have logged thousands of miles traveling.
I’m not certain what the answer is but I sure think a hybrid CBOC w/ emergency room staff . 4 CCU & 4 ICU beds would be appropriate. Redefine CBOC mission and get appropriate funds. Dept of Veterans Affairs has the biggest appropriated budget ever . Just thinking out loud.
I love all the great ideas but the one issue that needs to be addressed is the VA part.
I am a patient that must have a stent exchanged every three months according to doctor’s recommendations.
However, although my VA medical center knows about this for last eight years, I struggle every three months trying to get appointments with the VA or the Community Care authorization.
I understand emergency room are for critical care patients but for me I go only to try to save my kidney.
Yes, I am upset because the VA tell us all the information but sometimes the VA needs to review how their procedures impact the patient decision to use the ER. I look at all the money spent on just the care for my kidneys for 8 years. The VA accidentally damaged the kidney so this should not be an issue.
I listen to the doctors and my family and I still struggle to get my care in a timely manner. When I get the civil ER the first things I am-ask, why did I wait till the kidney swell. I try to wait on paperwork and an appointment. When I can not take the pain I go to the ER.
Some ER visit can be prevented and I could have a better quality of life if the doctors and I could just plan a head.
I stop reading what the VA put out because everyone has a part do in order for the system to work.
Rosie, you have to remember you are in this part as well. Make sure to get your authorization 2 months prior to the visit, or make your appointment before you leave for the day. If they can not accommodate then they will refer you to the Community.
I need to get rid of my catheter. I should not have to have a catheter changed every month for life..
On 8/8/23 I had severe upper abdomen pain.. wife not familiar with protocal or facilities of ER at VA Medical Center Sacramento which about 16 miles drive…She elected to drive me to our private Medial Center, Kaiser Permanente ER about 20 miles less traffic, where we have 100% familiarty. I was taken care of on the spot. Next week we will visit Mather Med center ER to get familiar..
How do I know what urgent care will the VA honor?
Go to https://www.va.gov/COMMUNITYCARE/programs/veterans/Urgent_Care.asp which has a link to the location site Kat mentioned but it also has a link to the billing flyer you need to show the UC provider or a QR code you can scan with same information. This will help prevent UC bills.
Thank you for this reference of examples. I hope I never need 911 and can sense an issue early enough to visit your urgent care for assistance.
link to urgent care is not working
Try https://www.va.gov/COMMUNITYCARE/programs/veterans/Urgent_Care.asp
Show of really included the number of urgent care visits are allowed in a year at a choice provider and also if we go to anon VAER, we can be liable for the cost.
Very good information that answers a lot of question. After 5:00 pm good luck seeing a doctor at the VA clinic where I live and no weekends either.
What is a minor broken bone and how would you know? Deep cuts urgent care cannot stitch up deep cuts. Very strange that they want you to decide how sick you are to determine what is life-threatening. Some things that appear minor are actually life threatening.
Great summary
It would be good to get some information about calling 911 and taking a ride to the nearest ER in an ambulance. If one does not have insurance coverage for the ambulance ride it can be quite an unsettling bill to deal with when it arrives! I recently read that the VA will cover the reasonably necessary cost for the ambulance ride under certain circumstances, and if the correct procedure is followed. I think it would be helpful to see an article that deals with this for veterans. Especially those of us who are enrolled in the VA Healthcare system.
Than y ou
Go visit the Bene Travel office at your local VAMC and find out if you qualify for benetravel benefits.
Okay I have to wonder if the authors have ever actually experienced their own advice? These types of pieces always, always need to include vital stats like location, facility availability, Insurances, transport by friends and families and the types of providers you expect to see.
Understand if you do choose 911 you will be taken to the closest ER hospital near your home or location. If they don;t take your insurance or even if you don’t have any, you can’t go anywhere else until the next day, at the earliest. If you are not admitted, that means a long and arduous wait in an overcrowded area where people can be stacked up three to a chair. Kids, noise, people screaming on cell phones, staff coming and going, and being processed along like a chicken nugget until you are either treated or you haul out in pain, exhaustion, and frustration. Don’t forget being angry. You will not be anyone’s great priority unless you aren’t breathing, are literally spewing blood everywhere, or have totally lost conciousness.
I wish so-called medical journalists would stop printing and shoving down people’s throats stupid stuff like this. There’s so much here that just isn’t true.
How do I know?
I’m a retired trauma nurse. And recently, I was dumped at a VA ER, because it was closest. It was not a good fit.
If I am service connected 60% do I have to pay if I go to a urgent care facility?
Call 833-4VETNOW (833-483-8669) to confirm Veteran’s eligibility for urgent care services.
Please call your local VA office of Eligibility or First Party billing (866)400-1238 for copay related questions.
Thanks for your PTSD program it helps me a lot .
If I want to see a doctor at a VA facility, I have learned that if I go to a CBOC, that I will see a general practitioner and be charged a $15 copay. If, however, I go to the main hospital, I will first be seen by the triage nurse at the ER, who will then walk me down the hall to where I will see a general practitioner. The difference, however, is that the visit will be billed $50, as an ER visit.
It’s not 50 anymore i work for blue Cross blue shield
I had fallen in the middle of the night, had following shortness of breath unable to breathe without pain.
911 called, rushed to local hospital. Cat scan, X-rays showed had 5 broken ribs and punctured lung on right side. They transferred me back ambulance to another hospital having trama center for treatment. 7 days in trama center reinflated lung and administered medications. All bill other than one ambulance paid by VA who only received
Payment except $250. I get continuous bills for the $250 even when told the the VA should cover all charges. Threat to place lean on my tax returns if I don’t pay. This is a second time they pulled this when I had to use them. It seems unfair they want to lean on me for amount without filing for amt of difference to the VA. I am retired and money is on budget.
$250.00 that it! VA paid for everything else. I’d say, thank God for the VA. You could have owed $25,000. Perspective here.
You need to call the VA National Community Care Call Center at 877-881-7618 between 6am to 7pm MST with bills in hand so we can assist you.
If I need to see a doctor and go to my CBOC, the VA charges me a $15 copay. If, however, I go to the hospital (Jesse Brown VAMC), I must report to the ER, where the Triage Nurse will take me to see a general practitioner, but since I was seen by that nurse, it’s consider an ER visit, for which the VA will charge me $50.
The VA clinic is 30 miles from my home. I have an ER and a Prompt Care 1 mile from my home. If I go to the ER or Prompt Care will the VA pick up my bill. I do have Medicare.
Is the ER visit service-connected? The VA will take care of service-connected ER visits, period. If the care is not service-connected then Medicare is the primary payer and VA MAY be secondary for ER visits.
Please call your local VA Office of Eligibility or the National VA Community Care call Center at ph: 877-881-7618 between 6am to 7pm MST for assistance with this.
Glad to finally get information about urgent Care cause the VA clinic keep you in a medical box