The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has released an updated Department of Defense (DOD) list of locations outside of Vietnam where tactical herbicides were used, tested or stored by the United States military.
“This update was necessary to improve accuracy and communication of information,” said VA Secretary Robert Wilkie. “VA depends on DOD to provide information regarding in-service environmental exposure for disability claims based on exposure to herbicides outside of Vietnam.”
Thorough review
DOD conducted a thorough review of research, reports and government publications in response to a November 2018 Government Accountability Office report.
“DOD will continue to be responsive to the needs of our interagency partners in all matters related to taking care of both current and former service members,” said Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper. “The updated list includes Agents Orange, Pink, Green, Purple, Blue and White, and other chemicals and will be updated as verifiable information becomes available.”
Veterans who were exposed to Agent Orange or other herbicides during service may be eligible for a variety of VA benefits, including an Agent Orange Registry health exam, health care and disability compensation for diseases associated with exposure. Their dependents and survivors also may be eligible for benefits.
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One strategy credited for the improvement is a focus on building trust and stronger patient-provider relationships.
Army and Marine Corps Veteran started making models after being hospitalized at Connecticut VA.
Veteran Hank Ebert is a bit of a superstar in the National Veterans Wheelchair Games. He has been attending since 1993.
Yes, I was on the USS Wallace
I’m not positive about this where you live, however in Augusta, Ga. Fort Gordon all you need is your Military ID and your LPN has to have a State Drivers liense .To get in at the Military base. VA can get you a fold up motorized chair. That is all I know for sure.
The adjunct (not sure ok of spelling) officer
office is where I got most of my information.
I hope this might help in some way.
It’s like nobody wants to help.
Especially if you are sick.
Try the adjudunt officer s office.
Also VA can furnish you with a foldable
I wish you the best.
Thank you, Clair. My husband flew F-16s out of the alert barn at Holloman from 1988-94. While waiting to fly, he biked all over the area. Your post makes us wonder just where these chemicals were stored.
We have a buddy who flew C141’s into Vietnam, gets the AO disability. No nexus needed. Is there any indication that anyone who served in stateside locations where AO was stored WHEN it was stored will / can file an automatic disability?
Also once during that time he was strapped in the plane preparing to go when there was a hydrazine leak and he was “more likely than not” exposed. Ground crew immediately evacuated but it took him time to unbuckle and unattach from the plane and leave. Quick trip to the hospital showed he looked ok. But now, in his 60s he has neuropathy and liver disease. According to the claim process both of these needed to have been identified and treated within a year of retirement. Also, his medical records have vanished.
If there is anyone who remembers this incident, or has had a similar experience please contribute. He does not have diabetes, just painful neuropathy that makes any walking very difficult. But, the argument has been made, that were he not taking metformin (Rx from Mayo for weight management for liver), he probably would be diabetic. VA has been a night mare while awake. He’s pretty sure they are waiting and hoping he dies soon.
On a funny note: VA acknowledges that his hearing loss in one ear is service connected, but denied the same for the other ear. Apparently they think he only took one with him on his flights.
Thank you.
Can anyone help me verify that agent orange was at WAFB MO. I helped to move leaky barrels around from C-123;s different weekends. It seems no records of this were ever written or saved from these events. Thank you.
Don’t know if this will help or not …
Researching for a friend. Looking for any information regarding AO and USS Constellation CV-64 1967-1968 timeframe. Thanks in advance.
Anyone know of article relating to agent orange and maintenance on B52s? Specifically during Vietnam war 1961-69 at Eaker Air Force bade (formerly Blytheville in Arkansas. Former Air Force vet losing hearing bc of working on engines and scrubbing down b52s returning from Vietnam thru Guam. Please reply ASAP. Thank you
I need someone to help me find out how I can get my medical records from Miami, FL Veterans Administration Hospital. I developed fluid on the brain and I have to wear a shunt in my head for the rest of my life. It also backed up once and had to be replaced. I didn’t develop fluid on the brain while in the army working in Artillery and fumes but I finally developed it after I got out. The Miami VA sent my test, labs, X-ray, MRI and everything, I was told, to California to see what caused it. This was is 1993 and I’ve waited all this time for the reason and cause but to date, I haven’t gotten any of my results back. Miami VA since then say they have lost my medical records and my Xrays. Can someone please help me to find my medical records and my results that was sent to California to find out what caused my fluid on the brain after I got out of the army. Whatever pericite, chemicals, or fumes that I was exposed to lingered in my system and caused this condition all of a sudden 9 years after I had gotten out of the army. I didn’t enter in the army with fluid on the brain but after being exposed to the chemicals, pericites, and fumes, it took its tole on me. The last I was told from Miami VA, that it was some type of fumes that I was exposed to and they sent my situation and labs to California to find out the cause of me developing fluid on the brain and I haven’t heard back from California. I feel like my medical records and the actual findings of my California test results of me developing fluid on the brain is being kept from me intentionally. Miami say they sent my Medical records to the Dublin, GA, VA Medical Center. Dublin, GA is saying they don’t have them. Can someone please help me to find my medical records and the results and reason for my condition.
Okinawa on roads to radar tactical sites. Documentation show used on the Island and there are photos. Why has DoD not acknowledged?
Dianne Nelson. My dad worked at the AFB at Kadena. He died from AO it was definitely there. We are in need of a buddy statement any info is appreciated
Call your congressman. I had an issue with my father,WWII veteran, and the only way it got handled was his California congressman. This was back in the1980’s. I hope this will help you.
I’m wondering if the Bluewater sailor issue has been resolved? I served on a destroyer off the coast of Vietnam in ’68. Please advise.
Does anyone have any information on Ft Riley, Ft Polk, and Ft Richardson.
What about ASCOM Depot, Korea? AO was stored there at least during my tour 1968-70
Is there anyone out there who knows anything about Ft Riley, Ft Polk, and Ft Richardson. Since this list is incomplete, it is incomplete for a reason which is money. It makes it even more difficult for veterans to prove disabilities with ineffective specialists who follow a book of federal regulations that were written by people who were unaware of the actions in the military.
If you ever witnessed the Aircraft landing and being serviced First people to come in contact were the refuelers. Always first on site we were often covered with AO that would Fly Off the aircraft when they opened up .As an NCO I made a Official Complaint that was bounced all the way to PACAF where the problem was supposedly Addressed THAT they can no Records of. Hmmmmmm
how do i find info on the new benefit for being able to shop in the commissary on bases. i’m currently 90 % disabled. do i just drive to the base or is there a web site i cant get this info. thank you
Why won’t the VA tell me, if agent Orange was sprayed on the fence line
In Guantanamo Bay Cuba.
I only found out last week that I can shop at the Exchanges.
I am not sure about shopping at the commissaries. I can only guess that it’s the same deal.
Korea 1974. Tango underground communications site. The entire hill top was sprayed while we were guarding the complex.
What about GUAM? I have read various articles about the different levels found there in the soil. Was stationed at Anderson and used to go “Boonie Stomping” to look for WWII artifacts and coconut crabs. Was diagnosed with Diabetes type 2 20 years after being stationed there. No one in my family, either side has it. Coincidence maybe?
Would have helped my Dad, but he died 6 years ago.
There were at at least 50 airfields in Thailand where AO was used and US personnel were stationed. I agree with above …. an incomplete list.
I need help! My dad is a Vietnam veteran. I have cared for him in my home for the past 5 years until I could no longer do it. I have a husband and 3 children and an in home business. We had to put him in a nursing home in August. He was on hospice and the VA paid for his care at first. Then they send a letter saying he will no longer get that benefit as of February 16, 2020. We have submitted a disability claim for agent orange exposure as he has Parkinson’s, can’t move his legs, can’t walk, is 100% incontinent, has a catheter and dementia. I can not get anyone to help me find out why our claim is not being looked at. So now I get a bill from the Bisesi gets home for 9k. I took care of him, without pay or help for 5 years and now I can’t get the help he deserves because of a disease he has after serving our country. I need help! I’m so sad for these veterans and their loved ones!
My father also has Parkinson’s from AO exposure in Vietnam. They denied his claim the first time he submitted it, and I had to resubmit a new one. He did not include his civilian medical records the first time, and it had been over a year since he filed the original claim. I also have been my father’s caregiver for 5 years. I had to quit my job, and move to CA to do so. Gather as much info as you possibly can. Service records, medical records, doctor notes, etc. Submit anything you think might be helpful. They have never denied a claim for having too much information. FIND OUT IF THERE ARE VSOs (Veteran Service Officers) WHERE YOU LIVE. They do not work for the VA. They work for the state, and can do amazing things if you get the right one. They will help you navigate the bureaucracy that is the VA healthcare system.
It can take several months to get a ruling on his claim. A few months ago it was 102 day average for new claims. I’m not sure what it is now. He should also get back paid to when his claim was first filed if approved. Hopefully this will help you some. R.R.
Holloman sillair forse base in new mexico had agent orange stored. Dont remember where they were found. Several containers were found in the 90’s and transported to the hazardous waste storage facility for years as no dosposal facilities were willing to take it. The containers had to be repackaged several times as they were deteriorating. The chemical agent was finally disposed of in the late 90’s or early 2000’s. There will be a manifest for this as AF policies is to maintain these documents for 50 years after the facility closes. Many R&D operations occurred at this facility over the decades. Mustard gas containers found eroding out of an old land fill. Laboratory equipment and strange vials eroding out od the sides of ditches. And much more.
Dear Claire
Thank you so much for this reporting. I was stationed at Holloman AFB for two years in fuel supply and the flight line.
I have Leukemia now in the early stage. When you get more info please keep it coming.
Could a veteran veteran contract any of these “agents” if he didn’t actually set foot in Vietnam? I’m asking for my father. He worked on the planes that came back from Vietnam.
As He’s getting older, we’re getting more concerned.
I have an LPN as a caregiver. How to I get her an ID to get me on base and into BX and commissary to assist with my shopping? I am TDUI and do not drive anymore use a cane and roller to ambulate. Plus a stroke has weakened my left side. My spouse doesn’t provide any assistance.
I did not see Naval Radio Station Jim Creek, Oso, WA. AO used to clear vegetation beneath antennae. About 1970 to 1974+
Ft mcCullins in Alabama agent orange was stored and tested there. Plus the whole town next to fort got settlement in 90’s for company that manufactured it. Not on list
As far as I know, my husband was not sprayed with Agent Orange . But he did get Prostate Cancer, Melanoma and Multiple Myeloma, And Lymphoma the last 15 years of his life. He did not have the Cancer Gene.
I’m not positive about this where you live, however in Augusta, Ga. Fort Gordon all you need is your Military ID and your LPN has to have a State Drivers liense .To get in at the Military base. VA can get you a fold up motorized chair. That is all I know for sure.
The adjunct (not sure ok of spelling) officer
office is where I got most of my information.
I hope this might help in some way.
It’s like nobody wants to help.
Especially if you are sick.
Camps Rice and Stanton, ROK. 1972-73. Korean personel sprayed Orange on the fenceline around the compounds and the airfield. Inside and out. They wore hazmat style suits and prorective masks.
Not on the list.
Why no Ft McClellan? the proof is documented.
Bullsht list. Hawaii is not on the list. The entire center of the island of Kauai was bombarded by all the Agents including Pink and Purple which are both exponentially more toxec than AO. 1964-1969 are the dates I find although some time lines are extended. All the Fort Detrick personel and all the local boys on the ground died horrible deaths. There was absolutely no control and all the different dioxins were mixed with each other and other chemicals which are now illegal and dumped from fixed wing aircraft. This was after the no fly order was given in Vietnam if winds exceeded 10mph. Average wind speed of tradewinds is 19mph. I was a teenager. I have been desparately ill with life threatening health problems all my life. My good friend from grade school died 2 years ago from stomach cancer. P.S. Agent Blue is arsenic. It is the only “agent” still in use. It is dumped on cotton crops to wilt the foliage and make the cotton easier to harvest. If you live near ag areas or wear cotton that is not organically grown, you are still being exposed to Agent Blue.
Between 1970 and 1974 I had two hundred-forty-nine, (249) Combat Missions on AC119K and AC130 A,E &H Model Gunships over S. Viet Nam, Laos, Cambodia and one flight into China. Many of these flights were in area that were being sprayed with Agent Orange. I have had Prostate Cancer, Prostate removed after many biopsies and digital exams with only my mentioning that I had been exposed to Agent Orange during these Combat Missions. It was a not until recently that I was granted a ten percent, (10%) disability for Agent Orange Exposure and Prostate Cancer.
I currently have an accumulated VA Disability of one-hundred percent (100%), I am not lookin for a recalculation of my VA Disability, I only wish to bring the VA’s attention to other Flight Personnel’s claims for Agent Orange disability consideration and acknowledgement by the VA Medical and C&P Staff.
This is very unfair. Go to your congressman and start a congressional asap. Blessings. And thank you so much for your service AND SACRIFICES.
These updates are very very helpful. Thank you.