“Editor’s note: This blog was updated Feb. 13 to reflect changes in the Electronic Health Records Modernization deployment schedule.”
Veterans are at the heart of VA’s effort to modernize the department’s electronic health record (EHR).
A new video features three Veterans and a caregiver who offer their perspectives on why VA’s Electronic Health Record Modernization (EHRM) is important for former service members. The video, titled “Veteran Voices for Electronic Health Record Modernization,” was released Jan. 22 and is the latest in a series of videos produced by VA’s Office of Electronic Health Record Modernization (OEHRM).
Established in June 2018, OEHRM manages the planning, implementation and maintenance efforts of the new EHR system across the nation.
“In the VA, it feels like home,” said Amber Capella Jones, a retired U.S. Air Force Veteran in the video. “It’s a place you can go where you have people just like you.”
Jones’ “home” will undergo a significant transformation in the next several years as VA begins deploying its new EHR at Mann-Grandstaff VA Medical Center in Spokane, Wash.
Scheduled to deploy to all VA facilities over a 10-year period, the new EHR will provide a complete picture of a Veteran’s medical history in one system, seamlessly sharing records between VA, the Department of Defense and community care providers.
EHRM will improve delivery of care and simplify the patient experience. It will eliminate the need for Veterans to manage cumbersome printed health records, endure repeated tests, or relay basic information–such as drug allergies–to different providers.
In addition, clinicians will now be able to make smarter connections between military service and health outcomes for their patients. Innovative EHRM data analytics tools will revolutionize preventive care. This allows VA providers to identify health trends affecting Veterans who served in a particular time and place.
VA will continue to maintain and support its current EHR systems until all facilities have the new EHR solution. This makes current patient records accessible, with no interruption in the delivery of quality care to Veterans.
Submitted by VA’s Office of Electronic Health Record Modernization
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I have been treated very very well, I am thankful for my medical benefits through the VA, dont know what I would do without my Dr.s taking good care of me, thank you Mr. President most of all for the MISSION act, I use to have to drive across Dallas, TX to go to the Dr. and if I had the flu or something that was really hard to do, now I can go up the street to Primacare and be seen by a civilian Dr and get meds at Walgreens, thank you Jesus!!! It just keeps getting better and better!
I live in the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas. And yes, I am a veteran- US Army
I am happy to know that our VA Director is taking all positive steps to best improve and provide the bast care for ALL veterans. Services here can be best improved in so many ways. Safe to say, it’s under served at present.
I have no chronic conditions, no rare blood type, no anything.
I do not want my VA health records shared with ANYONE.
How do I stop this?
Form 10-10164 says they won’t share except in an emergency. But they still access our outside records.
The money that the Pentagon spends rebuilding countries that it destroyed and paying corrupt heads of state who eventually use those funds against us, could provide first rate health care for every needy veteran, without the co pay.
I’ve been retired for 20+ years and though I had enough smarts t get myself a DVA card, it was unused for over 20 years. I just recently started going to the VA on the insistence of my wife. The last time I went to a doctor was just before I retired from the military. I had many opinions about the DVA and its hospital systems throughout the country, and add to that all the news about the VA and its hospital, all of which did NOT help me in my opinion about going active into the VA system. I finally went – for the very first time – last month and I must say, my experiences have been very positive and eye-opening. My only complaint was that I was told I’d be sent some lotions to use, and didn’t mention anything about a co-pay. Other than that, after being registered almost two active months ago finally, having had over three appts including pre-op appts for a cataract procedure, audiogram and eye clinic appts, I am VERY happy about my appts, in general of how I was/am treated, and the professionalism of everyone who tended to my needs. I am only writing this comment to convince others, who were like me in my pre-VA days: unknowingly, too aware of all the news and stories of the VA hospitals, etc etc. I am currently at almost one week after cataract surgery and so happy I can see out of my worst (left) eye, and now would like to have my appt for the pre-scheduled surgery on my right eye to be moved up if possible, from three weeks from today to perhaps as early if possible, to next week! If you are having medical issues and haven’t been to the VA yet, then moving! It’s your health and your life, and the VA is just as good as any other hospital system, if not better. You will never know unless you enroll, and get active on improving your health, or just getting everything up to date for your personal health!