Women are the fastest growing demographic in the U.S. military and Veteran populations, and VA stands ready to provide resources.
There are currently more than 2 million women Veterans—and that number continues to rise, according to the National Center for Veterans Analysis and Statistics. In fact, women are expected to make up more than 16% of the U.S. Veteran population by 2043.
Women have served the country in many capacities throughout history, However, they did not receive VA benefits until Congress passed the Women’s Armed Services Integration Act in 1948. That act granted them permanent presence in the military, entitling them to VA benefits.
VA benefits are a vital part of economic stability. In fiscal year 2020, more than 4,900 women Veterans learned about benefits at nationwide woman-focused outreach events. More than 196,000 women Veterans used education benefits and more than 555,000 women Veterans received $10.7 billion in disability compensation. Hundreds of thousands also engaged VA with pension, home loans, insurance, employment and memorial benefits.
Support available
In FY 2020, more than 23,500 transitioning service women, including members of the Reserve component, learned about VA benefits as part of the VA Transition Assistance Program (TAP). The program’s VA Benefits and Services course, led by VA Benefits Advisors, helps transitioning service members navigate VA and its benefits. Transitioning service women have an array of gender-focused services.
In addition to TAP, both transitioning service women and women Veterans can take the online, self-paced Women’s Health Transition Training anytime, anywhere at TAPevents.org/courses. This course educates transitioning service women about VA women’s health care services, benefits, eligibility requirements and VA’s organization and culture. It also helps connect them with other women Veterans and networks. All women Veterans should use VA transition services and take the Women’s Health Transition Training to learn more about benefits.
Learn more about the training at https://www.va.gov/womenvet/whtt/.
Additional resources
Women Veteran Coordinators (WVCs) are located at every VA regional office. WVCs provide specific information and comprehensive assistance to women Veterans, their dependents and beneficiaries concerning both VA benefits and related non-VA benefits.
To learn more about the programs, resources and benefits available, visit https://www.va.gov/womenvet/index.asp.
Call or chat with the Women Veterans Call Center at 1-855-VA-WOMEN (1-855-829-6636).
Dr. Lawrencia Pierce, Acting Executive Director, Office of Transition & Economic Development
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At VA, we put women Veterans at the center of your care with a personalized Whole Health approach for your unique needs and goals.
Wow Tia! Check yourself before you wreck yourself! Color and national origin should not freakin matter! Get a damn grip on yourself! We are all family!
I recognized a couple of the Navy Veteran ladies pictured at the top from my Company in Boot Camp back in 1989 in Orlando, FL. The high-ranking, highly decorated lady standing tall and proud on white looks like Miss Brown who used to sing our Cadence so awesomely wonderful! Is there any listing of who all is in that photo? Thank you.
How do you know what she’s been through? How do you know whether someone has faith or not and what business is it of yours? There are plenty of good, decent, ethical people who do not bang on a Bible and there are plenty of horrible, unethical and savage people who go to church like clockwork and think it makes them better than someone else.
Not everyone who has been through what you have and worse goes around waving a flag and blaming the world. My life in and out of the Army was the stuff nightmares are made of but I have never and will never put the blame on an entire race of people. I do blame the generations of people of all colors, religions and sexual orientations who thought turning their heads was the best way to deal with a problem; particularly the one of sexual assault in the military.
I find throwing the race card around to be as much of a step aside as those who look the other way while people are suffering right in front of them.
Maybe someday when the chip falls of your shoulder, you will be able to let your hate and bigotry go. I hope so. As long as people carry hate around and turn a blind eye based on assumptions, nothing will ever be the way it should be in the military, the United States or the world.
Maybe if everyone could get past the color issues we could unite as one country again. All the racial comments and ‘feeling so left out because I’m black or hispanic behavior’ is whats tearing the US apart. Today you absolutely can Not turn in any direction without this being thrown in our faces and shoved down our throats. Its sickening. As a Veteran I can honestly say I served with everyone and bonded with everyone. Color was never looked at one way or the other. We all served together and were honored to do so. What’s happening to this world?
I find it interesting that you feel people talking about “being left out” is responsible for “tearing the US apart”. Correct me if I’m wrong, what I took from your post is, there wasn’t a problem in the US prior to people speaking out about being treated differently. Therefore, in your opinion, it is not wrong for people to be treated differently, but it is wrong for people to talk about being treated differently??
It’s nice that you bonded with people regardless of the color of their skin. But that doesn’t mean that every person of color was treated equal. I don’t think it is bad to see color. When we are aware of how we are different from others, we can then learn about our differences, the consequences of our differences, thus we gain insight on others. This insight provides us with valuable information on how individuals and culture affects people that are different from us.
My intent is not to attack you, just to learn.
Your comment and thinking contributes to the problem. Everyone’s experience is NOT the same & your insensitivity & inability to empathize with others is intolerable as a human. You’re the problem! I’m glad I never served with you, because you would’ve been dismissive like my superiors when I reported rape & racism!
I am only remarking on this page to due to the lack of reasoning in which I read in our younger Vets. We as Veterans have had experiences that only we carry. Not all jobs leave us with a good feeling of accomplishment. Never the less, we drive on. That last comment may be telling. I was an Army Infantry Soldier. There are and have been many of us throughout history. However, my story is my story. Shared by a few men and women whom I still love today.When there are experiences in ones life where color fades and humans become one. It is in battlefield conditions. That is all I will say about race. Until we stop seeing that top coat. We will never see each other. We were all green. 40 years ago I even married an Army field medic. Yes, we are still married. It has been 40 years since my time ended with the military. However, I was left with permanent and worsening neurological damage. The VA. is here to help you. However
you must put forth the same positive attitude and drive that you afforded your counterparts when in service. if you are a female Veteran. Please seek out your local VA. Stay frosty. PEACE.
Sheri Yockey, you can’t empathize with me because you haven’t experienced what I have been through, physical assault. To this day, it affects my spine, racially harassments, et al…To date, I got no JUSTICE! So, I should get over what they did to me, forget it, and they are the victims? The below is a little of my experiences, and they stood by the people who have done everything humanly possible to protect them because they are WHITES and tried to destroy me for speaking up. Who is the victim or the aggressors? People who do not have a conscience, it doesn’t bother them at all because they do not have God inside of them and only pretend to be decent, honest, ethical, and believe in God.
This is my First time in the comment section. I enlisted in the navy 1975-2003. I loved every minute of my career, but I am so tired of everything being about race and color of ones skin….it is getting old. When I look at a picture or anything else, I don’t count how many of each color or sex is depicted there. That is just looking for something to complain about. There are other issues we could talk about but that is one that has worn out its welcome. When I joined the navy, all women were looked at with scorn and fear. The men were afraid of us and did not want us there. We had to prove to them we could do the job no matter how heavy the load was. I did not get an A school when I graduated boot camp, so I was assigned to the MAA force and worked for Admiral Kidd. The day I met him, he told me he did not think women should be in his navy. I was an E1 right out of boot camp and I was highly offended by that remark. I kept my mouth shut and a several months later he remarked I had done an excellent job for him and he was proud of my work. That is how I started my navy career. I made many friends….men and women and I learned something from each of them, it is the integrity of the person I look for, not the color of their skin.
The comments about color are timely, applicable, and relevant. Women veterans regardless of color should be honored and proud of their service; however, women of color should see themselves reflected in the honorifics, the advertisements, and everything else. It’s easy and entitled to dismiss the racism in the military and the disparities women and men of color have faced. That’s factual. So when you see a person raising an issue while you’re tired of hearing about it we’re tired of experiencing it.
I am proud of all my fellow servicemen and women and served honorably besides women and men of all races, colors, and religious beliefs and that outweighed the racism I experienced-even in uniform.
Also spouses are great supporters and they deserve all respect but they did not serve. Many have walked away while deployed or when they had the pcs after growing weary but Women Veteran’s are veterans. Not spouses or dependents.
Well said! Thank you for your comments. I feel the same as you. Not one person I served with was noticed by the color of her or his skin. We were family. They had my back and I had theirs.
I look for the day skin color is not an issue. Maybe all need to serve. Then all might be enlighten. Again well said!
What the hell is the subject line “do you qualify for 50% off Amazon Prime? Don’t see a damned thing about that topic in the email when opened.
I just found it. You have to scroll all the way down to the bottom. God bless!
Its under SNAP-EBT CARD GETS 50% off
the discount for amazon prime is under the “SNAP” headline. basically amazon is working with govt so vets on food stamps can buy groceries on amazon. In addition, they offer 50% off the amazon prime.
I’m a Marine veteran 1980-98 I’m glad I served and race was brought up in bootcamp by my bunk mate (top) who tried to kill herself after 6 weeks because she hadn’t been around so many blacks. I was a little naive to the conversation because my first sleep over was with my white friend Heather Waters. In TN. Through out my tenure I didn’t have a problem. I like the picture and everyone seems represented to me. You don’t know if there was a row of one particular race and they chose the photo that represented everyone.
What has cought my attention is the amount of AF personnel that attended the January insurrection at the Capital. I ask myself what’s going on in the AF? Why do those people call themselves Patriots again?
A lot of these comments are about the color of skin – pretty foolish as I don’t think that had much to do for enlistment. It was about the pride of helping protect and strengthening our Country. I served in the 80’s and at my first duty station I was the only white female on our floor. I guess I paid the price for the others past regarding racism. Didn’t bother me, I wasn’t there to make others feel warm and fuzzy about themselves. I was there to do the best job I could. After 3 months of daily latrine duty, we got a new floor SGT, and the latrine duty came to an end. The new floor SGT saw what was going on, and no she wasn’t white – she put a stop to it. She knew how to enable the entire floor to work as a team without favoring one color or another.
Be proud of the service you provided to the US military – it was an honor to serve, period. Todays society is dividing itself with racism and that’s sad – I refuse to play into it.
Just a proud Veteran.
WTG, Melissa! Doing the job to the best of our ability is the name of the game.
I served on active duty from 1978-1987, AF, then went into AF Reserves until 2004. I do not qualify for any care at the VA, spouse makes too much money. Do I qualify for any women’s programs at the VA?
Perfectly said Melissa and handled with grace. Thank you.
We all served as one unit for one purpose regardless of branch of service, color, race, or gender! Our families are also a part of us who have served, so I say they also deserve a “thank you” for your service and support for the military service member.
I served in the Navy from 1969-1972 in San Diego and Seoul Korea. Also served in the Army Reserves from 1973-2007 in a Basic Training Battalion/Brigade. Always worked well with female soldiers. we were one team. Hooah!!
What does VA do to support for the women behind the their spouses? While these spouses have not carried a gun to portect their country They supported their spouses.
VA services are only for veterans, I believe.
Thank you cheryl Fournier for your comment and Amen. I am a proud to be a woman veteran married to my Husband wich is a retired veteran. Thank you to all veterans that have served.
They could went about corv19 vaccine much better moreover, veterans no all to well about getting vaccines we received enough of them. Not to hate on civilians yet, they is slow in getting things done quickly and fairly. I’ve miss the military cause we do more by 9 than civilians do all day. Meanwhile, get very frustrated in civilian life people are not getting it and so bored and many are hater & no show of love and broke. Beside, think everyone if can, should went in service especially ones who have a weapon go use it on rifle range. I see why so many suicide soldiers you get out breath with giving love and no love back. When i was in military i had so much love i didn’t have enough time for all of it. All i do now is cry & pray to the Lord for. peace & love..
Hoorah! We do work harder in the military….. and with respect to get the job done as planned AND ON TIME!!! Something our CONGRESS NEEDS TO DO. Do unselfish work. Work for the job (mission) not yourselves….
OMG one observed these same behaviors at the DC VHA compared to SC VHA. Because of the COVID-19, I had to travel to SC by Feb 28, to attend my Uncle’s funeral. Thus, this Homecoming gave me opportunity to reunite with my nephew. Thus, long story short I got my Vaccine and I’m scheduled for my Cataract Eye surgery by next week. So I can drive back home to D.C. Since the civilians are posted in the front Altrium to turn us Veterans around to get an appointment for our severe health care issues. So beware there is a difference on how us female Veterans are cared for in the civilian community. We still got a long way to go; to break the stigma against us in SC’s civilian community as well as DC VHA. Carolyn Feisal, U.S. Army Veteran
I’m an old school guy. I served in the Army from 1964 to 1979 and separated shortly after women were accepted into the regular Army. I was an Army recruiter for four years (73-77). Recruiters (male or female) had monthly objectives (aka quotas), usually 3-4 enlistees. Men had to achieve an AFQT of 32 or better. Women had to score 50 or better. Each man counted one and females didn’t count. In my experience, females generally had no problem qualifying. Bottom line, I would have NO issue serving in the military with any of our fine female servicemembers, then or now. I sincerely hope men in the services have fully adjusted their presence and contributions. Color them PATRIOTS.
@Tim L Couiter, Thank you for your candor and honesty Tim for exposing the harsh realities. It is true that we have come a long way since back in the days when we served, but we still have a long way to go. Turning a blind eye to someone else’s experience just allows ignorance and prejudice to grow. It is only with empathy, compassion, and understanding that we all become better. It is fine to say that YOU did not experience the same pain and ignorance that someone else did, but that was YOUR experience, not theirs. Seek to understand before trying to be understood is what has always allowed me to learn and grow as a Human being.
wondering if women are getting vaccine readily…I have emailed Bay Pines several times & all I get is a form email saying they don’t know when I will get an appt…not helpful @ all. I am 72 retired & widow of Navy retiree also.
I’m a female U.S.A.F. Gulf War Veteran (86-91) in Massachusetts and they are giving covid 19 vaccines at the VA HOSPITALS in Boston. I had my first already.
Thank you for your early-on and continued support of female servicemembers and veterans. USAF, Retired, 1980-2000.
I understand and agree with the need to speak up for diversity & inclusion. In this particular photo, I think they have done a great job representing the ethnic percentages in women of our country. The 2019 percentages are: white – 60%, hispanic/latina – 18%, Black – 12.9%, asian – 5%, american indian/alaska native – 0.7%, native hawaiian/pacific islander – 0.2%. Only from the judgement of looking at this photo (and not actually confirming), the numbers are close to these percentages and in some cases fall more in favor of those populations in the percentage minorities – (all ethnicities assumed here out of 10 of the people pictured) – white – 40%, hispanic – 20%, black – 30%, asian – 10%. I am assuming hispanic women are the one in the back row and one 7th down the line who is possibly puerto rican. Of course, these are all assumptions as knowing is not possible for anyone replying here.
While I agree we need to speak up when appropriate to do so, I do not think the accusation of disparaging treatment is warranted. It is my belief that speaking up (which comes across as accusations) when it isn’t warranted only provides discredit to the fight.
Thank you to ALL women veterans and know you are supported for any unsupportive comments you endure during the time of your service.
You nailed it, Sharon.
You know that spouses are also veterans too?!
No they are not! It is a blessing to support your spouse as you should but many spouses think think in error. Word of doctors, lawyers and police officers do not automatically make their spouses the same. This thought process is what weakens the power of being a service member. When you live on that ship or go to combat, you do so alone while your spouses, if not service members, remain at home. It’s not the same! Thank you for the comment because many have this thought.
Amen, Kaye.
Thank you for the information on female veterans. I am proud to be among them. However, even in the picture posted on this site, I do not see Hispanic Female Veterans represented. Very sad. I too am a woman of color and we should be included.
again, disparagement of treatment.
Can you actually tell from the small photo who is and is not Hispanic. I give you a hint: there is one in the photo easily seen.
Maybe get any chips off your shoulder?
Offended much? How about being judged on your performance, character, and wearing the uniform VS skin color? Ever hear MLK speak of that? We all bleed blue in the USAF and I’m proud of my service, my faith, my family, my accomplishments, and much more – before listing skin color/race. Celebrate what brings us together and NOT what divides us. just my 2-cents worth.
It’s comments like that that are testing this country apart. We are all veterans, no skin color involved…
I hear you, Tia. I support you and how you feel. Lean in to those that support you and ignore those who tell you how to feel. The VA does need better representation. The women who served long before us started demanding representation. The people of color that served before us did the same. The fight continues until we see ourselves in someone else. Veterans tearing down other veterans for having the courage to express themselves is the exact opposite of living a life of service.