Suicide prevention coordinators work with community organizations to improve knowledge of suicide prevention and resource accessibility
VA and DoD are hosting a Suicide Prevention Conference dedicated to addressing military and Veteran suicide prevention.
Although we officially recognize Suicide Prevention Month in September, suicide prevention goes deeper than just a month.
MVP researchers are studying conditions that matter to Veterans, like suicide prevention.
LGBTQ+ Health Program and the Office of Suicide Prevention provide resources for Veterans.
Conference meets to help close the gap between intimate partner violence and suicide prevention.
Psych Hub is dedicated to educating individuals and their families about mental health and suicide prevention.
Caregivers can play a crucial role in suicide prevention, offering support to Veterans in your care.
PsychArmor offers free suicide prevention courses designed specifically for military and Veteran communities.
VA’s Mission Daybreak provides culturally informed suicide prevention resources for native Veterans.
VA and OnStar partnership enhances suicide prevention by improving access to preventative and emergency services for Veterans in a crisis.
VA's suicide prevention grant program awarded $52.5 million to 80 organizations that provide or coordinate suicide prevention services for Veterans and their families.