During Second Chance Month, VA examines the relationship between homelessness and incarceration, and explains how re-entry services help Veterans get a new lease on life.
VA’s 2023 goal will help prevent and end Veteran homelessness in America by focusing on permanent housing placements and preventing returns to homelessness.
Colleagues from VA’s HUD-VASH program and San Francisco VA discuss how VA homeless programs are changing to meet the needs of aging Veterans.
Homeless Coordinators and external stakeholders will learn what VA is doing to assist Veterans experiencing homelessness during the Virtual Homeless and Justice-Involved Veteran Outreach Symposium March 30, from noon to 3:30 p.m. EST.
VA permanently housed 40,401 homeless Veterans in 2022… exceeding the goal to house 38,000 Veterans by 6.3%.
When Navy Veteran William Peterson was diagnosed with cancer, he reached out to VA, where a collaboration proved to be a “Good Win.”
Houston VA social workers are helping to end Veteran homelessness and are changing the lives of Veterans. One Veteran amazed at how quickly VA staff jumped into action.
Shawn Liu discusses the Federal Strategic Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness with Jeff Olivet, executive director, United States Interagency Council on Homelessness.
VA permanently housed more than 40,000 homeless Veterans in 2022, providing them with the safe, stable homes that they deserve. A technology tool that is helping VA officials and partners on the front lines is VA‘s Status Query and Response Exchange System (SQUARES).
In just 12 months, VA exceeded its goal to find permanent housing for homeless Veterans by over 6%.
Former homeless Coast Guard Veteran Patrick Thrasher gets housing assistance and cleaning services through HUD-VASH.
Socks are the most requested clothing item at homeless shelters. Here’s how an annual partnership is filling that need.