• Fresh Focus #19: MOVE! with a Blueprint for Success

    MOVE! Weight management program is a lifestyle intervention for weight management. In this Fresh Focus episode, we are going to refer to it as our blueprint for success.

  • Fresh Focus #21: Staying hydrated

    Water – and staying hydrated – is a crucial tool in your MOVE! program's tool belt to preventing the negative effects of dehydration.

  • Fresh Focus #16: The Grocery Store

    What if we told you that smart shopping at the grocery store actually starts before you leave the house? And this year you may not even need to leave the house. On-line shopping is a great option for anyone who has small children, is pressed for time, or has health concerns.

  • Fresh Focus #14: Hosting for the Holidays

    Are you hosting a holiday meal or party this year? Don’t get overwhelmed! Our Marion VA Health Care System Diabetes Educators are able to assist in the meal planning if your guests include people with diabetes in episode 14 of the Fresh Focus Podcast.

  • Fresh Focus #17: Holiday meal prep with success

    You're back from the grocery store and your countertop is full! Now, what to do with all the food you just purchased? Episode 17 of the Fresh Focus Podcast dives into meal prepping and give tips on how to be successful with the process during the upcoming holidays.

  • Fresh Focus #18: Scaling back the holiday meal

    The holidays can be a whirlwind, even this year with just a small household group. After the dust settles and the dishes are washed, it can feel like a crash of adrenaline. You've spent hours cooking and you probably don’t want to cook for the rest of the week. Thankfully, when you open up the fridge all you see are leftovers. This Fresh Focus podcast covers how to scale back on that holiday meal.

  • Fresh Focus #15: Scaling back the holiday meal

    Whatever this year’s holiday season meals bring, you can certainly scale it down while still enjoying some of those traditional favorites in a smaller group.

  • Unprecedented hiring paves the way to more strategic VA recruitment

    After an unprecedented hiring surge, VA is now looking to promote more strategic opportunities throughout the country.

  • Fresh Focus #13: Taste of the Holidays: Meal Planning with Diabetes

    The holidays can be a magical time, but if you are a person with Diabetes, you might be worrying about controlling your blood sugar. This is a common thought, but the holidays don’t have to be a time for throwing in the towel on all the hard work you’ve done the rest of the year.

  • Veteran achieves liver health through nutrition

    A Veteran was interested in losing weight. Then his VA dietitian discovered he had non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Here’s what she did.

  • Fresh Focus #2: Healthy Plate Method – Fill Your Plate with Color

    In this episode of Fresh Focus, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Lauren Hocking encourages you to fill up your plate with colorful vegetables!

  • Fresh Focus #6: Healthy Plate Podcast – Action Steps

    In the final episode to season one of Fresh Focus, Lindsey Purcell, a PACT dietitian, shares her tips for success in putting the Healthy Plate Method into action. In short, the power of small changes can make a big impact over time.