A continuous glucose monitor is a tiny sensor inserted under the skin. It sends data to the Veteran's patients’ smartphone or tablet.
Hear from Veterans who have survived multiple serious injuries and how VA is helping them in the Polytrauma program.
Navy Veteran Charles served in World War II. He came to VA after his eyesight began failing. The staff at the VISOR Center helped Charles continue living independently, despite his condition.
Early identification of Veterans at high risk of glaucoma allows more aggressive treatment before the damage occurs. Glaucoma damages your eye’s optic nerve. Make an appointment today.
Advanced Low Vision team creates individualized treatment plans for Veterans. A Marine Veteran: admits “It can be depressing…to be dependent on others.” But after his first clinic visit, “I felt hopeful for the first time in a long time.”
Over two million Americans have glaucoma, including many Veterans. Here’s a look at the disease and why you should schedule an eye exam…now
At the Center for Visual and Neurocognitive Rehabilitation, based at the Atlanta VA Medical Center, VA is pursuing a number of innovative projects aimed at finding solutions to Veterans’ vision problems.