On this National Vietnam War Veterans Day, VBA discusses the compensation and benefits available to Vietnam War Veterans.
VA defines backlog as the number of claims pending over 125 days. Two events have occurred that will, however, result in significant claims backlog increases in the near term.
During Caribbean-American Heritage Month, today’s #VeteranOfTheDay is Navy Veteran Jose Antonio Berrios, who served as a boatswain mate during Vietnam.
On Jan. 1, 2020, the Blue Water Navy (BWN) Vietnam Veterans Act went into law, supporting Veterans who may be eligible for benefits based on presumption of herbicide exposure. One year later, VA reflects on its progress.
A VA and National Archives and Records Administration collaboration is helping determine ship locations and digitizing deck logs for Blue Water Navy claims.
Blue Water Navy Veterans and survivors who filed compensation claims in January and February 2020 have so far received over $140 million in retroactive benefits.
Blue Water Navy Veterans’ disability compensation claims now being decided. Here is what Veterans need to know about the new Blue Water Navy Act and how it may affect them.
VA is preparing to process Agent Orange exposure claims for “Blue Water Navy” Veterans who served offshore of the Republic of Vietnam.