Hines VA nurse Forres Barnes has provided cared for Veterans in their homes for years through VA's Home-Based Primary Care (HBPC) program. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed his role.
Texas VA Home and Community Based Care team visited three Vietnam Veterans to provide them with their second dose of vaccine and their official 50th Commemoration of the Vietnam War lapel pin.
Months of planning and support of Arizona Western College staff let Tucson VA bring the COVID-19 vaccine to Yuma. Over 400 Veterans were spared the four-hour drive to the medical center.
“Our mental health department was ahead of the curve…we increased access to mental health care, medication management and counseling for patients who may not have otherwise had it.”
Your COVID-19 questions answered. VA is listening to your questions about the COVID-19 vaccine and hosting a blog series on questions from Veterans. Tell us what you think.
Virtual group therapy sessions help Veterans improve their mental health and well-being. Created by the VA CONNECT team, the program helps Veterans cope with the unique pandemic stressors.
The freezers, which are much larger than a standard household refrigerator, can each store about 40,000 vials. Every vial contains up to six doses of the vaccine. About 70,000 doses have been administered thus far.
The Caregiver Support Program celebrates VA’s social workers who are essential to program’s success. “They allow us to provide resources in a manner that caters to the real caregiver experience.”
The SAVE LIVES Act gives VA the job of delivering vaccine to all Veterans in America, whether they're enrolled in VA health care or not, as well as their spouses and their caregivers.
Your COVID-19 questions answered. VA is listening to your questions about the COVID-19 vaccine and hosting a blog series on questions from Veterans. Tell us what you think.
Those who come to give blood or platelets April 1-15 through the American Red Cross will automatically be entered to win a VIP trip for four to the 2022 Indianapolis 500®.
Veterans are scheduling COVID-19 vaccination appointment through VEText, an interactive digital solution from VA that automatically reminds Veterans of upcoming appointments via text messaging.