Have you recently graduated from nursing school? Want to learn [...]
A job search is like a marathon. And just like [...]
One of our favorite VA career benefits is the opportunity [...]
With the arrival of the fall season, VA recruiters are [...]
Information is critical to diagnosing an illness. While advancements in [...]
Seeing Veterans and health providers reap the benefits of well-executed engineering projects is a reward that’s unique to VA engineers.
Throughout VA, engineers are hard at work ensuring that our [...]
Want to help Veterans receive reliable medical care in a [...]
Our intermediate care technicians (ICTs) were all once heroes on the battlefield. They helped care for fellow service members while serving as military corpsmen, combat medics and medical technicians. Through VA’s ICT program, they’ve become heroes in our hospitals and medical centers as well, using their military training to provide the highest quality of care to America’s Veterans.
Innovation is essential to delivering modern, high-quality health care. Embracing new technologies and exploring groundbreaking techniques is not only encouraged at VA — it’s celebrated. Take a look at 3D printing, a relatively new technology with a myriad of applications to health care.
Learn about the history of VA's medical centers, where 9 million Veterans from across the nation receive their health care.
There’s no doubt about it — 2020 was a record-setting [...]