Today, VA announced an update to the VA Schedule for [...]
Many Veterans may not be aware of life-changing benefits they’ve [...]
Veterans have applied for benefits at record rates over the past year. As a result of your applications, VA has been able to deliver more earned benefits to more Veterans than ever before, including $150 billion during 2023 alone.
Starting April 1st, transitioning service members applying for disability compensation through Benefits Delivery at Discharge or Integrated Disability Evaluation System will be required to complete and submit the Part A Self-Assessment of a new Separation Health Assessment.
If you’ve filed a disability claim with VA and are waiting for a decision letter, you can access it online once it’s ready. Veterans with a sign-in can use this online option to access their disability decisions right when they need them.
VA launched QuickSubmit to replace Direct Upload as the online tool to share documents with VA’s Evidence Intake Center.
In late 2017, VA began a multi-year effort to revise and update the VASRD, or VA Schedule for Rating Disabilities. The VASRD's 15 body systems had seen periodic updates, but this continuing effort reflects the first comprehensive review in 70+ years. Today, VA announced its next update: The musculoskeletal system and muscle injuries.
The VA appeals decision review quick start guide offers Veterans more clarity and control over the decision review process.
Blue Water Navy Veterans and survivors who filed compensation claims in January and February 2020 have so far received over $140 million in retroactive benefits.
Blue Water Navy Veterans’ disability compensation claims now being decided. Here is what Veterans need to know about the new Blue Water Navy Act and how it may affect them.
October disability compensation, dependency indemnity compensation (DIC) and pension payments are delayed by two days for more than 27,000 beneficiaries due to a software issue.
There are many VA resources for Veteran caregivers such as peer support mentoring, a monthly stipend and programs emphasizing the importance of self-care.