After an encounter with a Black Veteran at VA, Dr. Preston Igwe sent a popular Tweet that showcased the needs for more diversity in the medical profession.
Every year Senior enlisted leaders, representing all services – active, reserve, and retired gather from all parts of the United States to attend the largest gathering of senior non-commissioned officers in America, the Great Sergeants Major Reunion. This year it was held in Houston, Texas and more than 400 SGMs were there.
VA is a leader in spinal cord injury care, providing […]
Spinal cord injury (SCI) nursing at VA is a challenging […]
Currently five mobile medical units are operating in Beaumont and staff are seeing more than 100 patients a day.
Texas has the highest population of women Veterans in the […]
“Operation Stand Down Rebound" is providing homeless Veterans and those at risk of becoming homeless, with the opportunity to access a broad range of services in one convenient location.
VA's Office of Connected Care’ quickly implemented telehealth capabilities to assist Veterans at two mega-shelters and four community based outpatient clinics following Hurricane Harvey.
VA is working in the community in Houston to reach out to those affected by Hurricane Harvey. Here are some of their stories.
Houston is home to our amazing Michael E. DeBakey VA […]