A New video—“VA Privacy Officers: Your Data Protection Partners”—introduces VA’s Privacy Officers, Veterans’ key data protection partners.
You can now watch step-by-step instructions for using the most popular features of VA’s Health and Benefits mobile app! Learn how other Veterans are using the mobile app to help them manage their VA health care and benefits— anywhere, anytime!
Users are increasingly enabling multi-factor authentication, but the number of Veterans unprotected will blow you away.
Remaining vigilant when interacting with emails is critical to avoid phishing scams.
Online scams can take a variety of forms, with scammers constantly devising new ways to trick people into giving them sensitive information to steal money and identities. Payment Redirection Fraud is a key example of this crime, which involves criminals impersonating others and using or diverting payments to bank accounts under their own control.
Software updates are essential for Veterans as they offer a range of benefits that contribute to better security, digital user experience, and well-being.
We met with Veterans nationwide to hear about their personal experiences. See how VA technology is changing their lives.
VA now offers accessibility to blind Veterans so they can independently read decision letters online.
If you have questions, the VA Privacy Service's new “Protecting Veteran Privacy” website has answers.
Using multi-factor authentication is the first step to protecting your sensitive information.
Thousands of Veterans have created Login.gov accounts using the online verification process. If you are unable to successfully upload your ID online, Login.gov now offers in-person verification.
Over 25,000 attendees tuned into last month’s DigitalVA Expo to learn what progress VA is making with digital innovations to enhance Veteran lives.