When it comes to world-class patient care multidisciplinary teamwork, VA sets the bar higher every day. We always push ourselves to improve our facilities and expand our services, all while maintaining a vibrant, compassionate culture in which Veterans can heal.
Recruitment and retention of top talent is a priority at VA. With our mission to serve those who have served, we know our Veterans deserve nothing less than the best care we can provide.
Across our website, you will find testimonial videos highlighting our VA culture and how to join our team.
VA’s patient care model puts a special emphasis on preventive care, and providers are given the tools and support to focus on preventing disease.
Help VA continue to provide high-quality women’s health care to the nation’s female Veterans, the fastest growing demographic.
VA has opened two health care clinics in Jacksonville, North Carolina and Pottsville, Pennsylvania, to increase Veterans’ access to care.
Veterans in New Albany can now get their medical and [...]