The nation rallied that day, and in the years since, with a special sense of purpose and duty to protect our fellow Americans from further attacks.
Dr. David Shulkin talks about his connection to the Veteran community and what motivates him to serve them, his goals and vision for the agency and how he plans to address the challenges that face the VA.
For more than a month we have been working with [...]
One of the most important ways we deliver health care [...]
The topic of suicide is a difficult conversation to have, but preventing Veteran suicide is a conversation that our experts at the Department of Veterans Affairs have every day. Our work is constant and our commitment to our Veterans in crisis is 24-hours-a-day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
You know what they say about the importance of first [...]
When I took the helm of VHA one year ago, [...]
Friday, May 6, begins National Nurses Week, a great opportunity [...]
I’d like to thank my fellow VA physicians, nearly 25,000 [...]
On Saturday, Feb. 27, VA conducted its second “National Access [...]
On Saturday, Feb. 27, VA will hold its second National [...]
As a national leader in suicide prevention, VA understands that [...]