I’ve heard that COVID-19 vaccines have been authorized under EUA. What is an EUA, exactly? Learn answers to this and other questions in the latest You Asked, We Answered blog.
Nurse executive La Tara Miller volunteered more than 300 hours providing COVID-19 relief in her community. “I felt like I had to do something. Nurse practitioner or nurse executive, I’m always a nurse.”
VA Puget Sound brings COVID-19 vaccines to Veterans experiencing homelessness or housing instability
In late 2020, Seattle’s VA Puget Sound Health Care System contacted community partners, such as homeless shelters, transitional housing programs and permanent housing programs to help get the COVID-19 vaccine directly to Veterans in need, such as those experiencing homelessness or those experiencing housing instability.
Make no mistake, the end of this pandemic is not guaranteed without each of us continuing to take action. We haven’t crossed the finish line yet and we must not get complacent.
Your COVID-19 questions answered. VA is listening to your questions about the COVID-19 vaccine and hosting a blog series providing answers.
Veterans eligible for the VA Foreign Medical Program can receive a COVID-19 vaccine in the country they reside and be reimbursed by VA. Here are the instructions, forms and information.
Can I get COVID-19 from the vaccination? Does the COVID-19 vaccine affect my DNA? Find the answer to these and other questions in the latest edition of You Asked, We Answered.
Is it safe to stand in line to get my COVID-19 vaccination? Could I be allergic to the vaccine? Find the answers to these questions and others.
Residents of VA’s 134 nursing homes who are older and may have complex health conditions remain a priority for COVID-19 vaccination. VA’s goal is to vaccinate every Veteran who wants one.
You Asked, We Answered: VA is listening to your questions about the COVID-19 vaccine and hosting a blog series with answers for Veterans.
Texas VA Home and Community Based Care team visited three Vietnam Veterans to provide them with their second dose of vaccine and their official 50th Commemoration of the Vietnam War lapel pin.
Your COVID-19 questions answered. VA is listening to your questions about the COVID-19 vaccine and hosting a blog series on questions from Veterans. Tell us what you think.