VA is growing! The much-anticipated Asset and Infrastructure Review (AIR) report details plans for a great deal of growth and expansion as we look to modernize care for Veterans throughout the country.
Work on the report began in January with a nationwide review of facilities to determine how to better invest our resources for our Veterans. The goal was to determine which facilities are underused and outdated, as well as examine the demand of services and the needs of Veterans in each region.
In with the new
While the AIR report advised some closures around the country, these recommendations were supplemented by plans for completely new VA medical centers, as well as more than 100 multi-specialty, community-based outpatient clinics. These facilities will replace locations that have outlived their usefulness, some of which date back to the end of World War I.
“As someone who has been in many VA facilities across the country, I am not surprised to learn that some are beyond renovation and demand a fresh start,” said Darren Sherrard, associate director of recruitment marketing and workforce solutions at VA. “As the Veteran population migrates around the U.S., patient volume changes as well. By looking at the past military transitions and future needs, this quantified data assures Veterans that our services will be near and convenient to you.”
For example, since the Veteran population is projected to grow in northeast Florida, we know we need to anticipate that growth and the needs of those Veterans. One recommendation is to develop a new VA medical center in Jacksonville and a new outpatient clinic at the Lake City VA campus, as well as six outpatient clinics across the region.
Similarly, the plan to modernize health care facilities in Oregon and southwest Washington state would add services at some existing locations and create two new clinics. This investment was designed with Veterans in mind, shortening the time Veterans in rural areas spend commuting for services.
A focus on Veterans and employees
Though the recommendations will remain under review until next February, these proposals create an exciting time for VA employees.
As the country’s largest health care provider, we will continue to be one of America’s Best Large Employers. Meanwhile, opening new facilities means greater opportunities for VA employees nationwide. Communities with a growing Veteran population will have more available positions, which means more opportunities at locations close to home for many applicants.
“All across the board with these recommendations, we’re embracing the idea that health care has evolved, so VA evolves with it, and in fact leads the evolution,” VA Secretary Denis McDonough said. “That means building facilities designed with Veterans and VA employees in mind, because VA employees will always be our number one asset, and they should have the modern tools they need to provide the best care possible for Vets.”
VA has already embraced a changing workforce. As a leader in developing work-from-home positions and providing flexible scheduling, we understand the needs of our employees in a transforming market.
So, as these recommendations come to life, some of our staff will notice little change. But for those whose duties demand a physical presence to serve Veterans, you can count on the security of an employer that will continue to grow for years to come.
Work at VA
“I encourage everyone to share the good news that VA is growing,” said Sherrard. “If you are in a community projecting growth or one that will be adapting to the changing needs of our Veterans, there is an opportunity for you to find a new home, as well.”
- EXPLORE the recommendations in the AIR report.
- READ about our culture and commitment to Veterans.
- LEARN about the benefits we offer.
- SEARCH for your VA career.
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We offer some quick and easy steps to show you how to format a cover letter, and what information to include.
So the VHA has been lying about all the patient harmed FOR reporting the PMR clinic was not reachable for over 7 months by phone or message while 1/3rd of the MD patient load was just dropped and patient advocates were covering up the communication complaints by calling them threats and dumping them into the disruptive behavior committee to be abandoned or falsely charged with wrongdoing. No accountability and the VA OIG has no power or desire to help Michigan and Ohio veterans who have been illegally barred from the VA Ann Arbor system.
Being a snowbird here in Florida, I spend half my year in New York and half in Florida. But I can only have one primary care, why can’t I have one in each state ?
I am honestly puzzled by the many negative comments and general “VA bashing” . I’ve been in the VA system for many years receiving 100% of my health care needs through them exclusively. I can’t say enough about the care I have been fortunate enough to experience at the Minneapolis VA and its Ramsey VA clinic. Without exception, every doctor, nurse, technician, receptionist, admin, and volunteer I have met at these facilities have been outstanding. Also, without exception, every VA individual I have encountered has thanked me for my service in a meaningful and respectful manner. I feel fortunate that this healthcare is available to me.
No veterans should have to drive more than hour to get to VA HOSPITAL.
If they built new hospital in Springfield, MO no veterans in most of KS,AK,MO,and OK would have to drive more than 70 miles to VA hospitals!
I used to live there and moved because VA hospitals where over 120 miles away.
Finally maybe now they will quit cancelling my appointments and I’ll be able to get some f*cking help
Don’t count on it.
wow !! after reading the above reviews maybe vets could get free ins to go where ever they want. dental and any care they may need. if youg people see how vets get treated they may choose to go to college, and not enlist. james t. fisher jr. peace time navy electronics tech.
As 100% veteran there’s so many th7nhs wrong with the system. But, tge first thing I’m seeing I. this article that should scare the crap out of anyone in the VA system is “work from home”!!!
Seriously! Let’s allow incompetent people in a broken system, to take pertinent information home with them! Does no one else see a problem with this!?!?!
I agree with you, this is a huge problem.
VA healthcare system should be closed and veterans should be able to choose where they receive healthcare from. I have to go to a VA clinic that has doctors one day a week and nurses all the other days. I can’t get an appointment for 60 days. My wife has Tricare and she gets to pick her doctor! Why can’t I get Tricare! I’m the 100 percent disabled vet and my healthcare is crap. All I get is doctors trying to get their greencsrd. I average a new doctor every 18 months, they don’t care because they are not going to be around long enough to care. The system is broken.
That’s good to know. First get rid of the idiots playing doctors and nurses. Half of them shouldn’t even have their licenses. All they care about is the money they get. The don’t give a sht about the veterans. Have any questions contact me and I’ll give you an ear full.
I wish there was SOME dental care? Yes 100% should get 100% dental. I think there is some dental insurance on va website. As a volunteer at VA many veterans have a hard time getting to appointments when they’re at VA. CSP care is good.
WHY IS IT THAT THERE IS NOT A VA HOSPITAL IN THE STATE OF NH ????? We have to travel by bus to Boston, Jamaica Plain, or Brockton MA. Is that the best that the VA can do for NH veterans?
My sister-in-law works at a VA in NH, I think.
Isn’t the VA facility at Manchester a hospital?
It’s disgusting to be refused services because of service connected issues…
These mask mandates are a violation, direct discrimination, and should be looked at as atrocious.
Come on man, your giving Jared’s a bad name! I’ll bet you thought your service was for your country too!
You probably were allowed to skip the shot line when you were in, right? I mean you with your extensive medical credentials! Or did you listen to Nixon’s propaganda channel.Fox with Doctor’s Tucker Carlson & DOMESTIC Hannity, Dr Mario BartalaBIMBO? I guess it doesn’t take long to fill up a small mind with BS!
Let me tell you this pal on your rights. You, DO NOT have the right to infect me because of your ignorance!
Agreed, Their $277 billion dollar budget would cover more Healthcare than Veterans could use! The unbelievable number of 6 figure salaries could all go away. I am 100% service connected disabled and have been trying to get my teeth fixed for 4 years with no success. I have been sent to radiology for a transvaginal ultrasound “I’m a grown man” the level of apathy is out of control! They go to extreme measures to defend the VA from Veterans seeking benefits, it should be criminal, but the VA makes their own laws.
It’s said to see Vets have to travel to New Jersey, they should provide much much better facilities for them.
Do ypu call DC & btch? If you don’t then you have no reason to complain! Whining here WILL NOT SOLVE the puss poor care the VA gives! Only the COWARDS in DC can do that. So start calling instead of whining!
Total bulls. The VA is a total scam. It should be shut down & veterans should be able to get free care elsewhere. The VA doesn’t give a sht that I’m 100% service connected & I’m homeless. The VA doesn’t give a sht I need teeth even though I’m suppose to get dental inplants..22 veterans commit suicide every day, the VA doesn’t give a sht. They hate veterans
Free care elsewhere. Like where? Not where i live. There is one hospital that has bought up the other hospitals and sold them or using others to monopolize the area with their doctors and their backwards backwoods care. Just left there was there not long ago with the same problem both times they took a ct no contrast. Saw nothing out of the ordinary. I have had excruciating pain in my appendix area for a number of days. But they say nothing is wrong say I’m faking it. That’s our local hospital for ya the VA is an hour away. Oh pain meds Tylenol!!!!!
They are all right
Right on the money brother! But we all make good guinea pigs for experimentation & trying for these 2 d & 3rd rate doctors who can’t make it in the REAL WORLD!
KEEP UP THE FIGJT BROTHER! Keep rattling g the cages of the COWARDS IN DC & THAT’S ALL OF THEM! Good lucky friend!
I agree. Why can’t we choose to go elsewhere?
I agree after receiving substandard dental care a while serving on active duty including Vietnam I am now faced with dental bills in excess of $100,000!!! VA will not do anything; That’s really no surprise to me as I have tried many times to get care from VA other than Dental and have been turned away by uncaring doctors. VA should be shut down and veterans with disabilities should be given funds for their care, rather than paying a bunch of Half witted (VA) Doctors to provide care that they don’t want to Give.
If you are homeless how are you able to post comments? Just saying…
Even homeless people have cell phones
The VA plans to shutter the Brooklyn VA Hospital and Manhattan VA Hospital and have Vets travel to New Jersey.